Jamie Lynn Spears Essays

  • Teens and Premarital Sex

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    on the verge of collapse and peer pressure, many teens turn to sex as an escape. Hardly sixteen, Jamie Lynn Spears is an excellent example of how family problems can pressure someone to do things they know they shouldn’t. Jamie Lynn’s sister, Brittany Spears, is undergoing extensive criticism from the media about her recent mental breakdown, this pressure from the paparazzi has taken its toll on Jamie Lynn’s life and she made a bad choice, as so many young people today do. With the baby, that so often

  • Famous Parents: Miranda Kerr & Kanye West

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    These kids are born with a silver spoon on their mouths because of their rich and famous parents. From the extravagant cars to multi-million dollar mansions. They literally can have it all. But did these kids inherit their parents’ fashion style? FLYNN BLOOM Famous Parents: Miranda Kerr & Orlando Bloom When you have a charming looking dad and a supermodel of a mom, people would totally expect you to look good at all times. And this little cutie totally exceeded the public eye’s expectation. Whenever

  • Analysis of Article on Teen Pregnancy

    1703 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Teen pregnancy is up partly because there is less of a stigma associated with teen pregnancy since there is more of a "cultural permission" to be a younger mother. The rise is also partly due to the portrayal of celebrity teens such as Jamie Lynn Spears in the media and other cultural shifts, giving teens the idea that "having a baby is the new handbag". 2. The reason the authors use allusion in the first paragraph is to show the readers that teen pregnancy is becoming a trend amongst celebrities

  • Cultural Differences Between Men And Women

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    Think about the men and women in everyday life and compare their actual successes to their aptitudes, drives, and intelligences that would theoretically enable them to achieve success. Excluding factors such as differing social backgrounds and upbringings, it does not seem that an ‘aptly prepared’, ‘decently intelligent’, or ‘hard-working’ sort of woman will always achieve in the real world. No, many females are deterred from scholastic and professional achievement by social expectations, many of

  • Class Consciousness in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

    1163 Words  | 3 Pages

    Class Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice Originally written in the late 1700s, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice satirically depicts the universal ideals in Regency England, primarily regarding social class. Austen follows the development of an outspoken, middle-class British woman, Elizabeth Bennet, as she encounters and overcomes the many social barriers that separate her from her aristocratic neighbors. Throughout the novel, Lizzie must confront society’s class-consciousness, particularly

  • Teenage Pregnancy and the Media

    1515 Words  | 4 Pages

    There is a great debate on whether or not mass media has an influence on teenage pregnancy. A study done by the RAND Corporation shows that teens are twice as likely to have sex or engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media. Many objects in the media that involve sex target teens. Reality TV shows and teen dramas often portray the "cool kids" as the ones who are having sex (Chandra).Today’s teens are highly influenced by what they see in the media and this can change their

  • The Social Issue Of Teen Pregnancy

    1506 Words  | 4 Pages

    The media is one contributor to teen pregnancy. The star of Zoey 101, Jamie Lynn Spears, became pregnant when she was only 16. Parents were shocked to find out that the girl they once thought was a good role model for their young teens was actually not (Teen Pregnancy). Singers like Rihanna, and rappers like Lil Wayne and Nicki

  • Purity Myth Essay

    1891 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Jessica Valenti wrote a book titled The Purity Myth (2010) and it talks very deeply about how the virginity of a woman is seen as a moral panic in America. In this book, she also states that this generation of women is not damaged by girls who are having sex, but rather it is damaged by the myth of sexual purity (Valenti, 2010). There is a stigma in the United States about teenagers and sexuality. In the book Sexual Teens, Sexual Media: Investigating Media's Influence on Adolescent Sexuality

  • The Causes For The Rise Of Teen Pregnancy And The Media

    2140 Words  | 5 Pages

    Most believe teen pregnancy is caused by lack of education or poor choices made by young adults. Others believe it can be caused by parents that are not strict enough or too strict to their child. However, could one of the causes for teen pregnancy be the media? Could popular television shows such as Teen Mom, Sixteen and Pregnant, and The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and movies such as Juno be one of the causes for the rise of teen pregnancy in 2015? Since 2014, the number of infants born