Industrial espionage Essays

  • Industrial Espionage Summary

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    counter espionage measures in place to prevent industrial espionage. There are simple, inexpensive yet effective measures organizations can integrate to counter industrial from occurring. Organizations need to continue to discourage their competitors from attempting to steal their trade secrets. This paper studied previous industrial espionage cases and the counter measures taken to prevent them from occurring. The majority of published articles depicting the details of industrial espionage cases are

  • Industrial Espionage Research Paper

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    raw innovations each year due to industrial espionage. These raw innovations include research and development, trade secrets and the products that enable U.S. companies their competitive edge. Industrial espionage typically capitalizes on simple and very avoidable vulnerabilities that produce incredible results. The counter espionage market is relatively small and businesses often do not employ a counter espionage program. Businesses can incorporate a counter espionage program, which could significantly

  • Different Types of Espionage

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    Espionage is defined as the act or practice of spying.1 The term ‘industrial espionage’ , also known as ‘corporate espionage’ or ‘cyber espionage’, is the act of stealing trade secrets through the removal, duplicating or recording of highly confidential or valuable information in order to gain a competitive advantage. It is defined as the use of illicit means by more aggressive competitors to disrupt their rival’s operations or gain access to their sensitive information for a better competitive edge

  • Espionage

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    Espionage: to spy, the gathering of information Espionage is the secret gathering of information on rival countries for military purposes. Espionage can be used in business, military, economic or political decisions however; it is commonly employed government for defensive tactics. Espionage or spying is illegal in many nations however, it gains profits from agencies to protect the secrecy of information that is desired. Espionage is an old ancient craft; it has been used through out history. The

  • A Life of Lies: The Facts and Fiction of Espionage

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    Espionage has always been a subject that has captured the thoughts and imaginations of many people. The idea of the glamorous life of espionage agents and spies with grand parties, high tech gadgets, and world destroying villains have led to the belief that spies live a life of adventure and almost science fiction. Real agents live far from that life in reality. Many live in constant fear of imprisonment or execution. The facts and fiction of espionage have become distorted overtime. Espionage has

  • Essay On Cyber Espionage

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    Cyber Espionage Spying is as old as human history, but cyber espionage presents a far less expensive way for both state and non-state actors, including private companies, to construct detailed informational mosaics on competitors and adversaries. Cyber spies can use stolen information for any number of purposes, including intimidation,extortion, or efforts to anticipate or disruptthe manoeuvring of political opponents. It has now got to a level where better enhanced security is now the only option

  • Economic Espionage

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    Economic Espionage act (1996) states that “Whoever, intending or knowing that the offense will benefit any foreign government, foreign instrumentality, or foreign agent, knowingly without authorization copies, duplicates, sketches, draws, photographs, downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, photocopies, replicates, transmits, delivers, sends, mails, communicates, or conveys a trade secret shall, except as provided in subsection (b), be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than 15 years

  • Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

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    The organization I have chosen for this essay is CSIS ( Canadian Security Intelligence Service ). CSIS closely resembles The Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) or British Security Intelligence Service. I have chosen this organization because I have great interest in becoming an employee of CSIS in the future. This essay will provide brief history of CSIS, the responsibilities of CSIS for Canada, and the application process for an entry – level position. These will be further discussed in greater

  • Biography Of Belle Boyd

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    Belle Boyd was actually named Isabella Marie Boyd. People started calling her “La Belle Rebelle” which led to the nickname Belle. She was born on May 9, 1844 and was the first of eight children. Her father and mother were Benjamin Reed and Mary Rebecca Boyd. Belle Boyd and her family moved to Martinsburg State when she was ten. They had six slaves and one was named Eliza Corsey. She was Belle Boyd’s good friend and Belle taught Eliza how to read and write even though it was against the law. Boyd

  • Allen Pinkerton

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    Allan Pinkerton , born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1819, emigrated to Chicago. He was America’s first “private eye.” A man of many contradictions, he was a conservative who strongly opposed slavery, a very cautious man who risked his life capturing criminals, a militant labor organizer who suppressed the labor movement, and fought for women’s rights to be detectives. During his twenty-eight year career as a private detective, Allan Pinkerton and his agency investigated over a thousand crimes. Pinkerton

  • Behind The Lines: Spies In The Civil War

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    Behind the Lines: Spies in the Civil War The Civil War was the bloodiest, most devestating war that has ever been fought on American soil. It began on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 in the morning. The main reason that the war was fought was because Southern states believed that they should have the right to use African-Americans as slaves, and the Northern States opposed that belief. Millions of American men and women fought against each other in this war, and more than half a million died. Yes, that

  • Essay On Spies In The Civil War

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    Espionage in the Civil War When the Civil War first started espionage was almost completely unheard of in these times. In the beginning, spies had many successful missions because people did not expect anyone was watching them. If the espionage was discovered, the person caught faced many risks such as hanging, or being taken as a prisoner of war. However most people didn't seem to be afraid of getting caught. The spies of the Civil War make up some of the most courageous, and important people

  • Eight Women War Spies

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    “In The Line Of Fire, Eight Women War Spies” by George Sullivan Whom might one expect to take on the dangerous life as spy? Most people would not suspect the typical housewife or woman to fulfill such a duty. Contrary to popular belief, in the book “In The Line of Fire, Eight Women War Spies” George Sullivan utilizes the non-fictional tales of eight different women who played dominant roles in wars throughout history. These memorable women portrayed themselves as average housewives, but behind closed

  • Citizenship In The Film 'Bridge Of Spies'

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    Throughout the movie “Bridge of Spies”, every character shows or does not show citizenship in various ways. Citizenship is an aspect of NBHS’s CIRCLE expectations, which are six traits that come together to create a better person. Citizenship is being an informed, responsible, and caring member of your community. Three characters that showed citizenship were Gary Powers, Ivan Schischkin, and Judge Byers. First, Gary Powers was a U.S pilot who was selected to fly the U-2 stealth plane over the U.S

  • Margarete Gertrude Zelle

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    offered a blindfold but rejected it. None of the former lovers was willing to pay for the burial and the body ended up in the dissecting room of a Paris municipal hospital. (Mikolchak 292) Mata Hari has become synonymous with the ideologies of espionage, double agents, courtesans, and erotic dance. She was brave, adventurous, mysterious, beautiful, seductive, and above all – innocent. Bentley suggests that Mata Hari, due to her lust for attention, would be pleased by her long standing legacy. Almost

  • Delmar The Spy That Got Away

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    lessons learned based on George Koval’s activities with the Manhattan Project and not repeat the same Counterintelligence failures in the future. George Koval managed to elude capture and operate virtually unsuspected for the entire length of his espionage career against the U.S. and so little is known about him. Analysis of his activities should prove to be extremely valuable to the intelligence community. BACKGROUND On Christmas day in December 1913, in Sioux City, Iowa, George Koval was born to

  • Ninjas in Feudal Japan

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    The Ninja was one of Japans greatest mysteries and greatest warrior of all time. However dishonourable the job, it still got done. So there are many questions that arise from these mysterious people like who were they, and exactly what did they do, and so to answer these questions we must look deeper into the history of feudal Japan. The Ninja first appeared in feudal japan in the fifteenth century and are often thought of as the first spies. However there was little trace of left after the ninja

  • spying on others

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    Today, people use cyber technology as a part of life. There are many of good purposes which made for us to use technology today. We use it for things such as share pictures of family or friends, exchange personal information to make new friends, to entertain by foreign channels during staying at home or cultivate and study new knowledge. Beside that , there are also many harmful thoughts that can affect to our life through the internet even we are using or are not using the network technology . One

  • Julius And Ethel Rosenberg During The Cold War

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    were instrumental in the transmission of information on the atomic bomb as well as other top secret military technology. In 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and sentenced to death. The Rosenberg’s were the only American Civilians executed for espionage during the Cold War. People debated whether the

  • The Mysterious Benedict Society: Let Us Go To The Mill Again !

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    Let Us Go To the Mill Again! “Milligan had said he would die before he let any harm to them.” Milligan, a character from the book The Mysterious Benedict Society, shows many wonderful attributes that make him an inspirational hero. Milligan, a once government secret agent, is a bodyguard for Mr. Benedict, the leader of a small organization that fights against his evil twin brother Mr. Curtain. Mr. Benedict creates a team of children to go behind enemy lines at his brother’s school, L.I.V.E. When