Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 Essays

  • Kashmir Issue: Confrontations between India and Pakistani since Partition of the British Indian Empire

    1095 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the late 1940s, when the two competing nationalist for India and Pakistani failed to reach accommodation, Britain decided to partition its Indian empire (Wirsing 22). The role of dividing the empire was on the hands of a British representative (Viceroy Lord Mountbatten). He facilitated creation of a Muslim subcontinent, Pakistani. The state of Pakistani was formed with two flanks (eastern and western) separated by 1500 miles of the new states of India (Wirsing 22). The main aim was to establish

  • India and Pakistan- Conflict over Kashmir

    2025 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction In late 1947, the newly created states of India and Pakistan went to war over the valley of Kashmir. A United Nations brokered ceasefire divided the state into Indian and Pakistani controlled territories, and resolved that a referendum would be held in which the people of Kashmir would be able to choose to join either country. The referendum has not been held to this day. India granted its portion of Kashmir a special status within its constitution, allowing for a great degree of self-autonomy

  • Religion and Conflicts: The Future of Kashmir

    2314 Words  | 5 Pages

    fighter for Indian nationalism, was terrified at the possibility of war, and delivered a famous speech at a prayer meeting, as he said, “Pakistan is being requested to get out of Kashmir and to arrive at a settlement with India over the question through bilateral negotiations. If no settlement can be reached in this way then a war is inevitable.” Unfortunately, to this day, no settlement has been reached, and the predicted war has occurred. Although the tensions in the region have been growing recently

  • Kashmir: The Unresolved Issue

    1485 Words  | 3 Pages

    resumption of composite dialogue covering Kashmir and other unresolved issues, one hopes the Kashmir history may turn full circle soon. However, for this to happen, the Indian leadership has to show some courage and boldness in responding sincerely to Pakistani leadership's recent overtures on Kashmir. The roadmap for peace that the foreign secretary level talks in February produced includes a schedule for discussing siachen letter in the year. A Siachen settlement, for which a precedent in the shape of

  • Kashmir Crisis

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    region of Kashmir, opposing the newly imposed taxation laws. In response, the Maharaja’s forces fire upon demonstrations in favour of a Pakistani Kashmir, forcing the Poonch people to abandon their homeland and enter Pakistan as evacuees, and, in response, return to Kashmir with arms. Organized rebellion arises in August 1947, and Poonch rebels, along with Pathan Pakistani tribesmen, declare an independent government of “Azad” (Free) Kashmir on the 24th of October. In a desperate attempt for order, the

  • Indian Taboos and Customs

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    India Taboos and Customs The country of India is not only the second most densely populated country in the world with the world’s ninth largest economy along with some of the strangest taboos and customs. India contains over 1.2 billion people, various religions like Muslim, Hinduism, along with different gesture and greeting taboos, the Kashmir conflict and the fierce competition to fight for the Kashmir Valley and how taboos of India compare to the likes of other counties taboos. India is a

  • Effectiveness of the UN

    2085 Words  | 5 Pages

    organization of sovereign nations with the main goal being the maintenance of international peace and security (United Nations, 1982). The UN was founded in 1945, during the final weeks of World War II. According to the Charter of the United Nations, this organization was made through the people’s feelings towards war and does not want future generations to suffer the untold sorrow that comes with it (United Nations, 1987). At first UN peacekeeping missions, which is handled by the Security Council, was

  • Hinduism And Pakistan Conflict

    894 Words  | 2 Pages

    India and Pakistan. (2006, June 5). NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council. Retrieved February 10, 2014, from The India-Pakistan War of 1965. (n.d.). The India-Pakistan War of 1965. Retrieved February 9, 2014, from Wars and conflicts between India and Pakistan. (n.d.). Princeton University. Retrieved February 10, 2014, from

  • Indian Nuclear Weapons: Costs vs. Benefits

    6070 Words  | 13 Pages

    Indian Nuclear Weapons: Costs vs. Benefits The history of Indo-Pakistani relations has been a dominated by turbulence and bitter rivalry. After the partition in 1947, millions of people migrated to their new home in either the Islamic state of Pakistan or the secular state of India. Only two weeks after independence, India and Pakistan fought a war over Kashmir in 1948. India and Pakistan fought two more wars with each other in 1965 and 1971, with the latter resulting in the creation of Bangladesh

  • The Legend of Kashmir

    1177 Words  | 3 Pages

    "Who has not heard of the Vale of Cashemere," wrote the Irish poet Thomas Moore in 1817, "with its roses the brightest that earth ever gave.” Kashmir, along with the region of Jammu, Ladakh and Gilgit forms the State of Jammu and Kashmir which is spread over an area of 222236 square kilometers. The state consists of three parts: Indian controlled Kashmir (IcK), Pakistan controlled Kashmir (PcK) and China controlled Kashmir (CcK). The geography of Kashmir is divided into three land masses: the foothill