In Through the Out Door Essays

  • Mr Hyde Dualism

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    Jekyll and Mr. Hyde throughout the novel. With the use of a door, Stevenson brings this idea into full effect. The purpose of the door in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is to display the dualism and transformation of Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde and vice versa. In the first two chapters of the novel, the reader gets his/her first glimpse of the door and how Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde use it. “There is no other door, and nobody goes in or out of that one but, once in a great while, the gentlemen

  • Hg Wells The Door

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    Wells’s short story “The Door in the Wall” was first published in 1911 as part of a compilation of stories titled The Door in the Wall, and Other Stories. To develop his short story, Wells uses characterization, theme, imagery, point of view, conflict, and other literary devices such as tone, metaphor, and flashback. Although Wells provides minimal direct characterization for the protagonist of the story, Lionel Wallace, readers familiarize themselves with his character through the indirect characterization

  • The Red Door Short Story

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    The Red Door I was awoken by a thump, as if the whole world shattered. I heard my mom cry my name out “Alexis!” I rushed down stairs and out on the streets of Whitecoast. People congested the streets, mumbling words. I managed to make my way to the front, and I my eyes met what the buzz was about, a door. It was a red door in the middle of the street, rusted door handle and fine detail on the wood. Nobody knew where it came from but we all knew it isn’t a good thing. The door creaked open and a letter

  • The Music of The Doors

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Music of The Doors The Doors’ first album, The Doors, takes the listener on a journey through the doors of perception and invites the listener to experience through music, what Jim Morrison was fascinated with throughout his brief but dramatic career.. Having never analyzed the music of the Doors before, I am extremely glad that I did. There is a wealth of information that lies through Jim Morrison’s poetry that most people seem to miss. The music contained in this album is nothing short

  • Personal Narrative: The Cabin

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    I walked through the deep blood stained snow that looked as if a bucket of red paint had exploded in a room with white walls. My left thigh had a large long gash running from my hip down to my knee, dark red blood ran the nile river down to my sock. Every step I took I could feel the the puddle of blood had has build up in the toe of my shoe. It seemed as if I had been walking for miles and miles but i was barely 400m from the cabin that I had so many pleasant memories in. Through the dim headlights

  • Mrs Mallard Symbolism

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    receives news of her husband s death and retreats to her room in distress. As she contemplates her newfound freedom while sitting at her window, the narrative unfolds, a tale of liberation and self-discovery. Through subtle yet powerful symbols like the music from afar, the clear window, and the door that separates her from her sister, Chopin weaves a story of hope, transformation, and the pursuit of one's aspirations. These symbols, imbued with deeper meanings, serve to illuminate the theme of possibility

  • Who Says Thank You More Often, Males or Females?

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    There is no disputing that while we are out and about we must walk through many doorways. Whether we are at work, school, the mall, a supermarket, a restaurant or the post office we have all been in the position where nearing the entrance to a building can have an effect on our day. When a person sacrifices a few precious seconds out of their busy schedule to reach back and hold the door open it has the tendency to induce a smile. But can it muster up a couple of words? It is one of the first phrases

  • Santiago Nasar Symbolism

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Santiago Nasar’s front door embodies his looming veil of fate and eventual sacrificial altar. This main door represents both the recurring theme of fate as well as the religious allusion to the cross of the crucified Christ. As with each of the motifs in the novella, Gabriel Garcia Marquez develops the symbolic doors enough to intimate Latin American beliefs and values and allude to Santiago’s innocence, but not enough to satisfy the loose ends left dangling

  • Breaking My Norm Violations

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    when a person violates a norm which is defined as social expectations that guide behavior. The norm I choose to violate is walking on the left side and opening the left door instead of walking on the right side and opening the right door. I chose this norm because I hate it when people walk on the wrong side or use the wrong door in public; however, being on a college campus I have learned to become more tolerant because many foreign exchange students are used to walking and entering on the left

  • Holding the Door for Someone

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever wondered why people hold the door for one another? Holding the door for someone is not only about manners. It's about taking the time out of your day to have face to face interactions. The exchange is often between strangers who may or may not ever see each other again. It takes a few seconds to hold the door; some are heavy and require effort. But it's not just about the door. Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act you can easily do for your family, friends and

  • The Door by E.B. White

    1143 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Door by E.B. White (1) As humans search for meaning and purpose in their lives, the constant changes of everyday life that they encounter can be overwhelming and frustrating. E. B. White gives us an example of this in his story "The Door." The theme of this story is that too much awareness and analysis of life’s frustrations can drive human kind insane and render them powerless. (2) The protagonist of this story is sucked in by his need to understand the frustrations of life

  • Comparing The Three Little Kittens 'And The Big Bad Dog'

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    hey karrie open up the door . Karrie :*opens door, wearing a black dress with white polka dots it went well with her gray fur*okay scary! jeez ,what's wrong?you look like you have been attacked by the big bad dog *she winks at the audience. * Scary: well the Big Bad Dog was chasing me from my little patch of grass.*with all of his hairs up on his back * Karrie :oh well good luck with that!bye! *she carries out the “e”while closing the door Scary :*knocking on the door yelling at karrie* he is

  • Angela's Experience: A Narrative Fiction

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    for Angela’s eyes to adjust enough to the newfound darkness. She realized there was moonlight filtering through the windows. It was enough to give a vague outline of her surroundings. She heard those footfalls again, but from Lillian, she heard nothing. She considered running out the front door, but she’d come too far and was in too deep. Now that things were in play, she might never find out who killed Lil if she bailed. She lunged to the left and leapt on the couch, throwing herself over it and

  • Descriptive Essay On The Day With My Grandmother

    1480 Words  | 3 Pages

    I could hear the home phone ringing as climbed up the basement stairs, out of breath and sweating; I’d just gotten off the treadmill. It’s nearly 10:00pm, weird time to call, I thought. My parents were at some formal event at the country club. Maybe Dad got a flat on the way home. I answered the phone to hear my Aunt Susie’s voice: “Have you spoken to your grandmother today?” For the past several days, my grandmother had been sick with “a cold or something,” as my mother described it. As the daughter

  • Overcoming Adversity In Shaping An Individual's Identity

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    person later in life. In the photo Through The Door the child opening the door symbolizes trying to overcome something. The child can be trying to overcome adversity. The adversity seen in the photo is from the depressed theme. This theme of depression comes from how sad the child looks, and how disastrous his surroundings are. The fence around the child is poorly put together, and made of sticks.While the door the child is using is barely holding together, and the door is scraped together with spare

  • Personal Narrative: Why I Start A New School

    1510 Words  | 4 Pages

    I was trying to keep a positive mind. I only tried to be positive because the tiny door cracked. Tiny, wrinkly, green fingers with long nails poked through and more joined in. I knew my only friend was about to be stipped away of his life. I was living in New York before. I had two parents who loved each other,

  • Trapped In High School: A Narrative Fiction

    1260 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Hello?” The door clicked shut behind me, the quiet sound loud in the empty hallway. I didn’t notice, heading down the hallway, not realizing how bad of a situation I had gotten myself into. “Hello? Peyton? Dad?” I called again into the dark, scanning the walls as I walked down the hall, nearly blind in the dark. “Is anyone here?” There was no response. I was completely alone in the dark. Unbeknownst to me, I had just locked myself in the abandoned first grade pod. Just under an hour ago I had arrived

  • Fair Creative Writing

    1586 Words  | 4 Pages

    Thirty minutes later they parted through impatient crowds working their way to the main square of the fairgrounds. That was where the firework show was set up. It was getting dark already and the bright lights of the fair were on and lighting the way to each and every attraction. All except for the place Brayden was dragging her to. Despite her promises to him, she was getting dangerously nervous as they got to the back areas of the fair, especially this soon after dusk. “Where are we going?” Veronica

  • Personal Narrative-Home

    965 Words  | 2 Pages

    of a city. Yelling and loud thumps resonated through the building from the apartments above. I adjusted my winter coat and mentally prepared myself for the hellish crime ridden streets of Brooklyn. I tugged on the door handle again, the stupid thing was still stuck. Rubbing my hands together for alittle warmth I got a good grip on the handle and leaned back, putting all of my weight into one final heave. The rusty hinges snapped loose and the heavy door flung open, smashing me in the face. Blood

  • The Mood Of The Raven

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    of ‘life’ is actually seen. The poem’s theme is that the death of someone can cause grievance within an individual which causes changes in the individual's mood and state of mind. The reader is able to see the theme through repetition, descriptive imagery and mood of the poem. Through repetition the reader is able to see and hear the emphasis the speaker is trying to show to the reader. Throughout the poem the