Image compression Essays

  • Image Compression And Image Analysis

    1037 Words  | 3 Pages

    Image Compression is used to reduce the number of bits required to represent an image or a video sequence. A Compression algorithm takes an input X and generates compressed information that requires fewer bits. The Decompression algorithm reconstructs the compressed information and gives the original. A compression of medical image is an important area of biomedical and telemedicine.In the medical application image study and data compression are quickly developing field with rising applications

  • Types of Image Compression for Medical Imaging

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    Medical imaging, as we all know, is the process of taking images of various parts of the human body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Some of the popular medical imaging modalities are X-ray radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Medical ultrasound, Computed tomography etc. Since, these images contain clinical data of extreme importance for treatment follow-ups and are acquired at cost of radiation exposure, infrastructure, money and time involved. Thus, once acquired, the medical imaging data

  • Importance Of Image Compression And Encryption

    892 Words  | 2 Pages

    Image compression and encryption has been a great area of interest since images are being used as one of the most valuable information source in many areas like medical application, military application, space science application and many more. There are three types of image namely binary image, grayscale image and colour image. Binary image has only two intensity levels black and white, whereas grayscale images have 256 intensity level and colour images have various colour map each of which have

  • Image Compression Essay

    9240 Words  | 19 Pages

    PROBLEM DEFINITION Image compression is the art and science of reducing the amount of data required to represent an image. The purpose for image compression is to reduce the amount of data required for representing sampled digital images and therefore reduce the cost for storage and transmission. Image compression plays a key role in many important applications, including image database, image communications, remote sensing. LZW compression, one of the lossless image compression methods and invented

  • Image Compression: The Purpose Of Image Compression

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    The purpose of image compression is to represent images with less data in order to save storage costs or transmission time. Without compression, file size is significantly larger, usually several megabytes, but with compression it is possible to reduce file size to 10 percent from the original without noticeable loss in quality. Image compression can be lossless or lossy. Lossless compression means that you are able to reconstruct the exact original data from the compressed data. Image quality is not

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital Compression And Digital Image Processing

    1296 Words  | 3 Pages

    1 INTRODUCTION An image as perceived in "reality" is thought to be a function of two real variables, for instance, a(x, y) with a certain level of brightness of the image at the real coordinates (x, y). Further, an image may be considered to contain sub-images now and mentioned to as areas of-investment or ROI’s, or basically regions. This idea reflects the way that images as often as possible contain build-ups of items each of which can be the idea for a region. Digital image processing is the

  • Investigation of Energy Stored in a Spring

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigation of Energy Stored in a Spring Aim:- To investigate how the velocity of a trolley when different spring compressions are used. For this piece of coursework I am going to investigate how the velocity of the trolley over a set distance, is proportional to the compression of the spring. I plan to use two different methods of carrying out the investigation. These methods are :- A Light Gate : - The trolley had a piece of card attached to it, on the top.the spring of the trolley

  • Investigating the Effect of Drop Height on the Depth of Sand

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    of sand We leave the sand in the bucket and make sure that none spills over. Type of sand Use the same one for each trials Ball Use the same ball for each trial, with the same size, volume, material and brand. Height of sand, compression Flatten or compress the sand back to how it was, as accurately as possible, by using a flat surface. Research Question How does the height of the drop affect the depth of the sand? Hypothesis As the height of the drop for the ball

  • MP3

    3496 Words  | 7 Pages

    a smaller size so it is easier to move around on the Internet and store. MPEG is the acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group. This group has developed compression systems used for video data. For example, DVD movies, HDTV broadcasts and DSS satellite systems use MPEG compression to fit video and movie data into smaller spaces. The MPEG compression system includes a subsystem to compress sound, called MPEG audio Layer-3. We know this as MP3. The music industry distribution medium of audio CD's, or

  • Multimedia

    1663 Words  | 4 Pages

    grand prophecies? Primarily, two technological advances known as digitization (including digital compression), and fibre optics. Both are indispensable to the high-speed networks that will deliver dynamic new services to homes and offices. Digitization means translating information, either video, audio, or text, into ones and zeros, which make it easier to send, store, and manipulate. Compression squeezes this information so that more of it can be sent using a given amount of transmission capacity

  • Hooke's Law

    2203 Words  | 5 Pages

    constants when the springs are in series and in parallel. The theory is based on Hooke's law which is: F = kx where F = Force, k = Constant and x = Extension [Ref. 1]. Unfortunately with the springs I have, I can only measure extension, not compression for which Hooke's is also valid. Prediction Single Spring: Hooke's law, where F = kx. I predict that I if I plot Force on the Y axis and extension, x, on the X axis, it will be a straight line and the gradient will be the spring constant

  • Underwater Acoustics

    2136 Words  | 5 Pages

    be classed into two categories: * Transverse waves: In Transverse waves the direction of the particle movement is perpendicular to the direction of the wave. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] * Longitudinal waves: The particles in longitudinal waves travel in the same direction as the direction of the wave. [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE]Waves that can travel underwater without getting too distorted are used for comunicating underwater. Sound waves fill this criteria as they can travel long distances

  • Bestimmtheit in Short Film

    4687 Words  | 10 Pages

    concern of bestimmtheit in films. I hope to address certain concerns such as the extent to which a film can "specify" a particular object and what this specification does with regards to our understanding of the text. In addition, I will relate the compression of information into imagery to the limitations of time, given that a short film has a limit of 15 minutes. To do this, I shall analyse the cinematography of the short film, and show how relevant they are in bringing out certain scenarios described

  • Video Conferencing

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    of video conferencing, images are digital, bits or pixel is used to represent the image. Video is accomplished by sending a sequence of digital frames, this is then received, decoded and shown at the receiving end. Both parties of the conference receive and transmit streams of digital images and voice at the same time. Common features of video conferencing systems are camera, visual display, audio system, user interface and control system, network connection and compression. The critical component

  • Authenticity in Northanger Abbey

    1529 Words  | 4 Pages

    near the end: "The anxiety, which in the state of their attachment must be the portion of Henry and Catherine, and of all who loved either, as to its final event, can hardly extend, I fear, to the bosom of my readers, who will see in the tell-tale compression of the pages before them, that we are all hastening together to perfect felicity." As far as I know this is the only overt reference Austen ever makes to the material nature of her medium, and the relationship of that materiality to generic conventions

  • The Giver’s Compassion for Jonas

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    in was controlled and hidden the real human life by the community. He is getting to realize that he will not be able to stay in the community any more and starts to find his own and comfort place. I would like to focus on describing the Giver’ compression for Jonas because I do think that this book can not be described without him. In the book, the Giver is described as an old man, always staying and keeping his sadness for the community alone. He is the only person who really knows what is going

  • Anterior Crucient Ligament

    1246 Words  | 3 Pages

    Anterior Crucient Ligament The Anterior Crucient Ligament also known as the ACL is usually injured in a forceful twisting motion of the knee. It also may be injured by hyper extending the knee witch is when the femur is forcefully pushed across the tibia such as a sudden stop, while running or a sudden change in weight. The person will feel or here a sudden pop in the knee. The knee may or may not get very swollen, but the knee will be very unstable so you can not walk and it is painful especially

  • Meniscal Injuries

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    (semilunar) fibrocartilages that deepen the articular facets of the tibia and cushion any stresses placed on the knee joint. They enhance the total stability of the knee, assist in the control of normal knee motion, and provide shock absorption against compression forces between the tibia and the femur (Booher, 2000). Articular cartilage covers the ends of the bones that make up the joint. The articular cartilage surface is a tough, very slick material that allows the surfaces to slide against one another

  • Multimedia

    1897 Words  | 4 Pages

    formats, including text, graphics, animation, audio, and video. Such presentations first became commercially available in very primitive form in the early 1980s, as a result of advances that have been made in digital compression technology-- particularly the difficult area of image compression. Multimedia online services are obtainable through telephone/computer or television links, multimedia hardware and software exist for personal computers, networks, the internet, interactive kiosks and multimedia

  • Jet Engines

    1984 Words  | 4 Pages

    sections: intake, compressor, diffuser, combustion chamber, turbine, and exhaust. These sections are much like the different cycles in a four-stroke reciprocating engine: intake, compression, power and exhaust. In a four-stroke engine a fuel/air mixture is is brought into the engine (intake), compressed (compression), and finally ignited and pushed out the exhaust (power and exhaust). In it's most basic form, a jet engine works in much the same way. * Air comes in the front of the engine