If My Heart Had Windows Essays

  • Princess Gwen and the Dragon

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    a dragon flew to her window. “Excuse me princess, but I would like to build my cave in the field right here. For I have spent many nights, cold without a shelter. I promise I won’t take up too much room and I won’t hurt the poor creatures that live there. I’ll even give you this magic wand in return for your gracious acceptance,” he said. Gwen kindly accepted. She did not want a poor animal to have no place to sleep, and he promised not to hurt any of the critters. She had always dreamt of having

  • Final Test: The Last Test Of The Final Exam

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    GREAT JOB!!!Exclaimed Mr. Roberts as he was passing out the test we had taken the day before. Apparently we all passed. I’m Darwin and I have always been the smartest person in the class, everyone expects me to be the nice guy and the goody-two-shoes, but that is what they wanted so that is what THEY see. I act all nice and good when adults are watching, but truly I am not that kind of person. I wish that people would stop trusting me with so many things just because I’m smart. Mr. Roberts just finished

  • What Is The Mood Of The Poem Storm Warnings By Adrienne Rich

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    after school had started. I was driving my sister and I home from school, with the windows down and music blaring without a care in the world. I drove slowly down my street, and as I rounded the curve, an ambulance and fire truck slowly came into view, parked in front of my house. I parked my car halfway down the street and sprinted up to my front door, where I was promptly informed by an EMT that my dad had had a minor heart attack. Now, this was not too surprising because he has heart problems and

  • Symbolism In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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    Story of an Hour" on April 19, 1894. In the late 18th century, men had a much more power than women. The gap of power at house was that wife had to follow husband. Women who were under the men’s power was feeling uncomfortable, so they had less passion of the life. Louise, the main character in "The Story of an Hour" is becoming feel free after she heard the news of her husband, Brently Mallard’s death. Louise has had a heart trouble, so the first time which she heard about the news, she gets

  • The Love Story Interpretations of Robert Frost's Poem, Wind And Window Flower

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    Poem, Wind And Window Flower When reading Robert Frost Poem, Wind And Window Flower, I could not help but think that love and heartache were involved. I came up with two interpretations for Wind And Window Flower. In both interpretations, the Wind and the Window Flower signify a man and a woman. My first interpretation is as follows: Lovers, forget your love for an instance, and listen to the love of these two people. The characters in the poem are a Winter Breeze and A Window Flower. The

  • The Forbidding House

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    bare branches of the trees. The dead leaves were dancing noisily across pavements and all was still. That night I was walking down Old St.Paul's Road when the clouds started to build. I looked around as I huddled under a large, dead oak tree. I had noticed that almost all of the houses on this abandoned street were too badly damaged for us to take shelter in, except for one. Lightning split the night sky without a sound, illuminating the skeletal trees outside. The old Victorian house shook

  • Moving Truck Creative Writing

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    in front of the tiny house next door. I watched out the window, interested in who might be moving in. A frail old lady wrapped her arm around her husband’s as they walked up the slightly sloped driveway. The man caught me staring out the window and smiled unexpectedly. My face grew hot and red with embarrassment as I smiled back. I looked down at the scattered mess of homework that covered my desk. The sun hit the giant purple crystal around my neck perfectly, creating a distorted reflection of light

  • Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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    Lauren Oliver once stated, “I’d rather die my way than live yours,” meaning that it is better to die living a way you would enjoy, rather than just be alive but not actually living a quality of life that is enjoyable. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is a fictional short story in which she uses symbols to help show how independence is a necessity in life. In the novel, Mrs. Mallard’s husband was on a business trip when suddenly a terrible railroad disaster occurred. On the top of the list marked

  • Short Story

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    impressive and morbid in the greenish-black sky. A flash of lightning briefly illuminated the house and I saw that the windows were broken, but the structure seemed sound. I started to think what I should do; my options were to either stay under this great dead oak tree risking getting hit by lightning or should I go into the old house, not knowing who, or what, might be in there. My answer however was about to be decided for me when a flash of lightning hit the tree and a scent of scorched bark

  • Symbols In The Story Of An Hour

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    husband's death. Louise has heart problems, so the two revealing the news know they must break it to her delicately as to not cause her too much trouble with her health. At first, after learning that her husband was on a list of men killed during a railroad, Louise is overcome with grief. Unable to contain herself, she retreats to her room to cry in isolation. However, after she locks herself in her room and positions herself in front of her window,

  • Essay On Mrs. Mallard In Kate Chopin's Story Of An Hour

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    from a life-threatening heart condition. Her sister, Josephine, and her husband’s close friend, Mr. Richards carefully break the news of her husband’s passing to her. Brentley Mallard was believed to have died in a devasting train accident. Chopin gives little detail about the Mallard’s lives and marriage. This allows the reader to use their imagination and draw their own opinions, which will be different from person to person because of their past experiences. Based on my life experiences, I understand

  • Late Night Snack - Personal Writing

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    not that night. I heard a tap on the glass window, followed by another. Rain began to dance on the gravel outside, and the trees seemed to whisper as a breeze blew through their branches. I remember smiling to myself; I have always loved a summer rainstorm. Food in hand, still half blind in the darkness, I fumbled through the house, making my way back to my bedroom. As I settled into bed and pulled my warm covers over me, I felt crumbs from my sandwich fall to the sheets. I just grinned

  • The Catcher In The Rye Creative Writing

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    this at sunrise in autumn” my father exclaimed trying to rid the unnerving thought of the mist from my mind. He had a nurturing way about him. The crackling of leaves under feet promptly got my attention. The cold feel of death struck me and I felt an eerie sense. As I peered behind me, a shadowy figure that I could not make out seemed to move from the fog and past the gates. The sight pulled me into a trance of thoughts until I became almost completely oblivious of my surroundings. What could that

  • Personal Narrative: Bunk Bed

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    approximately twelve years ago, my brother, my cousin and I were sitting around trying to figure out what to do. My brother Hunter, and my cousin DJ, started hitting each other with pillows. I was sitting on our multi-color bunk bed in our one window bed room thinking and trying to discussing ideas of something to do with the two non-devoted boys that were hitting each other instead of helping me find something to do. The room was lit by the sunlight coming in through the window. Our room as a bit messy

  • Similarities Between The Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour

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    but John would not hear of it” (Gilman 648). The patience would receive little to no control of their treatment. The narrator of the story faced the method of the treatment for many months. The enduring pain of complete isolation had a major toll on her body and mind. The isolation caused the narrator to grow a tremendous mental problem. The method was believed to help her, but ended up worsening her condition. The narrator was driven to complete insanity, even causing her to have

  • The Story of an Hour

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    The Window the Woman and the Heart I read a story, after I finished reading it my mind was still reeling over what I had just read. Stories like this are quite impressive magnificent; they draw the reader into the story and leave them with a strong impact. How we interpret a text is in itself impressive, as every person is different, every interpretation is too. As I read “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, I could not help but notice that Kate Chopin uses the window to symbolize the future that

  • Eulogy for Grandmother

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    on the evening of the 16th. At 8:58 I sent out an e-mail message to friends about my Grandmother's death. Many of those friends are former and current church members of congregations I have served as pastor. By the next morning I was receiving e-mail messages back. The ones from former and current church members had a common theme. In addition to expressing their sympathy they all said that they felt they had known my grandmother: "We remember your grandmother from the stories you would tell us of

  • Personal Narrative: My Crush

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    It’s been a long time since I last wrote a letter for Douglas. He was really a special crush. My crush when I first set foot in Mindanao, from high school through early college years. For treasuring him that long, it was inevitable for a special place in my heart to be created for him. I remembered putting initials of letter “D” to some of my things just to show how much I claim him to be part of my life already. I remember how ecstatic I am every time I see him come home, we were neighbors before

  • The Secret Garden Themes

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    want to feel happiness and love by others. When Mary first moved, the characters had very little companionship towards each other. As the movie progresses, they soon open up and realize what is most important to them all, the garden can help them find the love and happiness they are yearning for. In the movie The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett , the main characters are able to unlock their feelings and hearts and is demonstrated through: Mary, Collin, Lord Craven, Mrs. Medlock. In the beginning

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

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    impressive. It consisted of many arch structures, had a huge alter, a very big cross hanging from the ceiling and many more crosses scattered throughout the Church. The windows weren’t see through but rather were paintings depicting Jesus’s life story and angels. Moreover, there were sculptures all around the church, some large with multiple characters and some smaller ones. Also, instead of chairs in rows, there were long wooden benches, called pews, which had cushions were people could kneeled