Hugh M. Dorsey Essays

  • Mary Phagan

    1141 Words  | 3 Pages

    Who are Mary Phagan and her supected murderers? Mary Phagan was a thirteen old employee of the National Pencil Company. Her parents were poor tenant farmers that moved to Marietta, Georgia. Everyone said that Mary Phagan was a pretty girl, which meant that she would grow into a beautiful woman. HG Mary went to the National Pencil Company to pick up her weekly check of a grand total of $1.20 for twelve hours of grueling work. Afterwards she had planned on watching the Confederate Memorial Day parade

  • Was Leo Frank Guilty for the Murder of Mary Phagan?

    2035 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction In 1915, an unjust tragedy occurred. Leo M. Frank was lynched because he was thought to be guilty for the murder of 14-year-old Mary Phagan. However, was he actually guilty of the crime he was convicted for? More or less, Leo Frank was a victim of press influencing public opinion, the need for Hugh Dorsey (the prosecutor) to have a successful case, and racial prejudice of the time. Contrary to public opinion, Leo Frank was not guilty for murdering Mary Phagan. Overview of the case