Honorable Mention Essays

  • Gourmet Detective Persuasive Essay

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    You will see him play Whitt Honea in this film and do it well. andrewFrom Garage Sale Mystery, Cedar Cove and more, you will probably recognize Andrew Dunbar, who gives life to Dom and is equally worthy of an honorable mention. Andrew is the kind of actor who knows the business inside and out, and he always seems like a perfect fit in the supporting cast of a Hallmark show or film. Here's hoping for even more substantial roles in the future for him as he is deserving

  • Is Marcus Brutus An Honorable Man?

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    example of this idea. He is sympathetic, kind, and generous, but when his motives are questioned, he does not look so sensitive. Brutus is not an honorable man. Brutus was a very selfish and self-centered person. He continually ignored Cassius’ and the conspirators’ ideas. He was the leader and everyone was supposed to go along with them. Not to mention that all of his decisions went against Cassius and they were all the wrong moves. Brutus refused to admit that he was wrong or listen to other

  • Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    arrival of the young Gawain, who is venturing in search of the Green Knight. Gawain is a dynamic, evolving character. As the story progresses, he matures and gains experience from his journey. It is evident that Gawain is a loyal, religious, and honorable knight. He is naïve and young, but he has the makings of an ideal knight. Gawain shows honor and courage by honoring the agreement he makes with the Green Knight. He ventures from Arthur’s court in search of the Green Knight and arrives in a forest

  • Greed in Julius Caesar

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    Brutus and was also the creator of the group of conspirators.  Cassius was also a senator of Rome.  Cassius's greed for power, good reputation, and his jealousy lead to Caesars death.  Cassius had the most honorable man in Rome to help in his plot to kill Caesar.  Brutus was the honorable roman which Cassius took control of.  Brutus loved Rome and all of the Roman people.  Brutus was actually the true leader of the conspirators because he made the important decisions.  Brutus had a different

  • Brutus’s main purpose in the conspiracy is for an Insurance policy According to Cassius According to Cassius

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    mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The character that was in charge of the assassination was Marcus Brutus. Brutus was the most complex character in the play. He was one of the men who assassinate Caesar in the Senate. Brutus was an honorable man. He was a servant and close friend to Julius Caesar. In Roman times, the only way for someone to get close to a person of high rank is if he/she is close to him/her. The reason of his complexity was because he did not kill Caesar for greed, envy

  • The Persuasive Antony of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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    is not so honorable.  He uses verbal irony, parallel phrases with repetition, and questioning of the truth to sway the crowds' feelings. When giving his speech, Antony uses his skill as an orator through the use of verbal irony.  Antony tells the Romans that Brutus called Caesar ambitious.  That is only what was said; he was not a man of ambition.  Antony proves this by saying that Caesar turned the crown down and even wept for the poor of Rome.  Brutus is referred to as an honorable man.  Of course

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    Knight on the horse with his head under his arm, King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table try to talk Sir Gawain out of going on this dangerous and, possibly last, mission, but the hero, keeping his part of the bargain, acts as the true and honorable knight should act: he goes to find the villain. The first stanza depicts the protagonist who orders his armor to be brought to him. A rare and expensive car... ... middle of paper ... ...im to bear his shame. The passage from lines 566 to

  • An Honorable Knight in King Arthur's Court

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    An Honorable Knight in King Arthur's Court Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In a passage of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Part2, 640-712), the main character sits upon his steed, Gringolet, in front of King Arthurfs court, adorned in golden armor. He is about to depart in order to look for the Green Knight and the Green Chapel since he is the only knight brave enough to take up the Green Knightfs challenge, in which a volunteer is to strike the Green Knightfs head off with an axe, but in

  • Julius Caesar

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    Caesar is about to be crowned king of Rome, when some well-known Romans decide that it is not a good idea for this to happen. They form a conspiracy and kill Caesar. Brutus, an honorable Roman and a very good friend of Caesar’s, betrays Caesar by killing him for the good of Rome. Antony, Caesar’s best friend and another honorable Roman, betrays Brutus by turning against the conspirators. Cassius, a respected Roman, and Brutus betray each other by arguing and destroying their friendship. All this betraying

  • Charlotte Temple Essay

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    think no more about her"( Rowson 11 ). 	Montraville went against his judgment. He knew that her parents would be angry if they knew that their daughter was having a relationship with a man! He was supposed to be a responsible soldier: an honorable man that would not do this kind of thing! But he would continue to see her. He even paid her guardian so she would keep bringing her to see him. 	 	" He soon pund means to ingratiate himself with her companion, who was a French teacher

  • Bless Me Ultima Book Report

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    kills the sherriff of the town in cold blood. It is his blood that first defiles the river. The memory of his death stays with Tony throughout the novel and causes him to think about the difference between good and evil and forgiveness. Narciso- An honorable man who tries to protect Ultima from harm. Because of the loss of his young wife, Narciso begins to drink and is known as the town drunk. Through his garden, Narciso makes magic by growing beautiful flowers and plants. He is later killed by Tenorio

  • Sir Gawain Preparing Himself and His Neck

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    people around him care for him and wish he didn’t have to go. He probably feels that the first part of the game wasn’t completely fair, because the beheaded Green Knight survived what a mortal man cannot. Nevertheless, Sir Gawain acts like a true honorable knight and decides to face his destiny: 'Why should I tarry?' And smiled with tranquil eye; 'In destinies sad or merry, True men can but try.' (Norton 561 - 565) Click here to listen to this monologue Realizing that he is just human and

  • Gregoriy Pechorin In A Hero Of Our Time

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    A Hero of Our Time  - Gregoriy Pechorin is No Hero Is Pechorin, the protagonist of Mikhail Lermontov's novella A Hero of Our Time an honorable man? Much of Pechorin's behavior proves him to be a cruel and insensitive man, who seems to bring only havoc and destruction to a situation. He is often aggravating, self-serving and insensitive to others. However in other instances, Pechorin proves himself to be the least reprehensible character. He shows himself to be a man with great self knowledge and

  • Ophelias Weakness

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    for him, demonstrate her absolute obedience to her father. For example, from the start Ophelia told her father that she is fond of Hamlet: “My lord, he hath importuned me with love / In honorable fashion.” (Act I, Scene IV, lines 111-112) In relating this to Polonius, she implies that Hamlet is a decent and honorable man, and that she does have feelings for him. Ophelia’s later actions sacrifice these personal feelings by order of her father, proving her total submission to his authority. Ophelia specifically

  • Rudyard Kipling's Captains Courageous

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    is in his pre to mid teens. Manuel’s dialogue helps add to a bit of comic relief. The next character is Dan. Dan is around Harvey’s age as well. Dan is the son of Disko Troop, the Captain of the We’re Here. Speaking of Disko Troop, he is an honorable man who runs his ship well. He is very set in his ways. Throughout the story there were other characters that are referred to such as the cook, and some others. At one time, I felt that Harvey would try to abandon ship, but instead he did not

  • Macbeth: Appearance vs Reality

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    always appear in the end.  That is exactly what happened in William Shakespeare's play, MacBeth.  Banquo, MacBeth, and Lady MacBeth each project an image, but as time passes. The realities of their true personalities begin to emerge. As an honorable man, Banqou tends to hold back his true feelings in order not to offend others around him.  At one point in the play, Banqou and MacBeth find themselves in the presence of three weird sisters who make three absurd predictions.  MacBeth leans toward

  • Comparing Wedding Of Sir Gawain And Dame Ragnell

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    is the nephew of King Arthur and a member of the king's elite Round Table. In the texts of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell," Gawain is portrayed as a hero who exemplifies the characteristics of an honorable knight. He is viewed by many in King Arthur's court as a noble man who is loyal to the king, and who will sacrifice his own life to protect his lord. Sir Gawain represents an ideal knight of the fourteenth century. Sir Gawain's inner values and

  • Irony in Billy Budd

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    Billy Budd is a story filled with irony. This literary aspect can be seen through the plot and characters of the work. As defined in The American Heritage Dictionary, irony is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. After a casual reading of the story' the many ironic aspects may have been igonred, but after analyzing the story it becomes obvious that they are of great importance. "...The fate of each character is the direct reverse of what one is led to expect from his

  • Impact of Relationships Upon the Themes of Shakespeare's Othello

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    hurting Montano, Governor of Cyprus, he gets discharged from being Othello's lieutanent. The relationship between Othello and Iago is not sincere as Iago makes Othello and everyone else believe. Iago fools everyone into believing that he is an honorable man and loyal friend so that he can get punish Othello for not promoting him to lieutenant. No one ever suspects him of wrongdoing until the end of the play. By the first scene ... ... middle of paper ... ...ssio is like a triangle where even

  • The Charater of the Physician in The Physician's Tale

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    characteristics of the physician.  Furthermore, Chaucer explains some ecclesiastic criticism towards the end of the tale that also represents the physician. To begin with, the physician's tale starts off with a knight surnamed Virginius.  He was an honorable knight who was also a caring father.  He had one daughter.  This girl was a virgin and had the perfect traits a man would want in a girl.  She was prudent, bountiful, and staid.  Her beauty and her kindliness would attract men.  But one day she