Hilt Essays

  • Creative Writing: Bright Spirit, Dark Soul

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    Bright Spirit, Dark Soul Day one: Asylum I was there forever. Well, as long as I could remember. Barely clothed, with nothing to but look at my cell, the hall outside and the sword handle I found laying outside the bars. The only thing on my mind: who am I? The last thing I remember is a name; Zephira; and I'm certain that it's my own. I could speak, write, and use this language like I knew it from birth. My dreary days of imprisonment ended abruptly one day. I was examining my hands, weathered

  • The Second Fastest Fencing Weapon

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    The tip of a fencing weapon is the second fastest moving object in the olympics, the first is a bullet. Like every sport fencing comes with risks. Getting hit with a weapon can be pretty painful. It started in the 18th century when authorities wanted to stop duels to the death. Even though the purpose of the épée was to stop this people still went into the duel with the intent of doing a lot more damage than a small cut. Of course the sport has evolved with time and new technology but épée is related

  • Essay On Global Health Challenges

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    concerns of the day across the world. After reading Philip Hilts “Why We Must Rise to the Global Health Challenge” I am even more persuaded that the global health challenge is the most pressing issue that the world needs to come together to combat. Hilts argues that, for the last 150 years, human beings have made impressive steps towards eradicating disease and alleviating the degree of suffering that is experienced by the people who are sick (Hilts). However, the gains have been reversed by their resurgence

  • Essay On Roman Gladius

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    word meaning sword” (Rayment), so any kind of sword could be called a Gladius, but the Roman short sword was mostly referred to as the Roman Gladius. The main parts of a Roman Gladius (As shown in the picture to the right from Rayment) are the Pommel, Hilt Wasp waist and the 50-cm blade. The Roman Gladius was very popular because of Its double bladed edge and its point. It was very popular for light infantry because it was small and good for close quarter combat. The disadvantage in length was made up

  • The Great Escape by Paul Brickhill

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    The Great Escape Review “The Great Escape” came out on July 4th, 1963. It is based on a true story of a group of Allied prisoners who managed to escape from an allegedly impenetrable Nazi prisoner of war camp, Stalag Luft III, on March 24, 1944. Directed by John Sturges, it follows the true account of the escape very accurately. With a perfect balance between comedy and adventure, “The Great Escape” keeps you on the edge of your seat. Occurring in 1942, the Germans believe they have built an ‘escape

  • A Comparison of the Sword in Beowulf and in Other Anglo-Saxon Poems

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    longer and heavier                           than any other man could have ever carried             in the play of war-strokes, ornamented, burnished,             the work of giants. Attention is now focused on the sword-hilt: “he grabbed the belted hilt” (1563). In the next line is mentioned hringmael or “ring ornamented”/”ring-patterned” as refering to the sword Beowulf found.  This might refer to “ring swords” found in Kentish graves of the sixth century and Scandinavian graves of

  • Depression and Treatment: Antidepressant Medication

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    Depression: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed. The New Harbinger Guides for the Newly Diagnosed Series, (pp. 178). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Retreived from http://link.library.curtin.edu.au/p?pid=CUR_ALMA51102590320001951 Nolen-Hoeksema, S. & Hilt, L.M. (2013). Handbook of Depression in Adolescents (pp. 727). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Retrieved from http://link.library.curtin.edu.au/p?pid=CUR_ALMA51105776920001951 Wasserman, D. (2011). (2nd Ed.). Depression. The Facts. Oxford: OUP Oxford

  • Medieval Weaponry

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    and the best soldiers were expected to be skilled at swordplay. A sword consisted of a long blade and a handle called a hilt. Hilts could be made to accommodate one or two hands. Basic hilts were topped with a crosspiece that kept an opponent's sword from sliding down the blade and striking the soldier's hands. Some later swords had more elaborate hand guards. At the end of the hilt was a lump of metal called a pommel, which served as a counterweight to the blade. Sword blades could have one or two

  • The Runes of Franks Casket and the Epic of Beowulf

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    Franks Casket and Beowulf Runic inscriptions have been found not only in Anglo-Saxon poetry but also in archaeologicial discoveries like the Clermont or Franks casket. Runic inscriptions have been discovered on coins and various other objects, the most important being the beautiful Clermont or Franks casket. The top and three of the sides are now in the British Museum, the fourth side is in the Museo Nazionale at Florence. The casket is made of whalebone, and the scenes carved on it represent

  • Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendel's Mother

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    his armor protects him from her attacks. Beowulf then spots a large sword made by giants on the wall of the cave and throws Grendel's mother off him and grabs the sword. The sword Beowulf finds is amazing. It has a very ornamented handle called a hilt and the blade is bigger than the average sword. Beowulf strikes Grendel's mother with the sword slicing her in two and splitting her collarbones. After the attack, a light illuminates the cave, "just as from the sky heaven's candle shines clear." (Norton

  • A Comparison of Runes and Magic in Beowulf and in Anglo-Saxon England

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    sword                    had melted away, its blade had burned up;            too hot the blood of the poisonous spirit               who had died within. . . . the wave-sword burned up,      quenched in that blood. . . . then the strange gold hilt            was placed in the  hand of the gray-bearded king,          wise war-leader old work of giants;                    after the fall of devils it came into the hands                of the lord of the Dane-men, from magic smithies;                 

  • Creating a Star Wars Lightsaber is not Possible Today

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    The lightsaber is a weapon used in the Star Wars Galaxy. It is basically a saber/sword-like weapon that comprises of a hilt that contains a crystal which is used to focus beams of plasma into a tangible blade which has a finite length and is capable of cutting through a myriad of different materials. Its capacity to cut through material as well as the length of the actual blade of plasma can be altered and reconfigured to each individual's personal liking. The saber is powered through an internal

  • What Is The Great Escape Movie

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    freedom on that night. At the very end of the movie, “Cooler King” Hilts, played by Steve McQueen, made an effort to jump the Swiss border on a motorcycle that he had stolen on his escape. Hilts had to jump two fences on the motorcycle to be free from the Germans forever. As he clears the first fence, he tried to jump the second fence, but was shot down and captured by the German police. This scene in the movie was fictional because Hilts was a fictional character and Sturges included this scene because

  • Imagery in the Old English Poem Beowulf

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    Popular Imagery in the Old English Poem Beowulf Some popular elements of imagery in Beowulf are the mead-hall, the sea, swords, armor including shields. Let us discuss these items and, where applicable, the archaeological support for them. Remaining true to the Anglo-Saxon culture’s affinity for mead (ale/beer/wine), the characters of Beowulf partake frequently of the strong beverage. And the mead hall was their home away from home, with more entertainments than just fermented beverages:

  • Essay Comparing the Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of the Volsungs

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    Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of the Volsungs In the Old English poem Beowulf and in the Icelandic The Saga of the Volsungs, a saga representing oral traditions dating back to the fourth and fifth centuries, we see the mention of runes, which were used with connotations of magic or charms. An unknown author wrote the The Saga of the Volsungs in the thirteenth century, basing his story on far older Norse poetry. Iceland was settled by the Vikings about 870-930, who took there

  • Donaldson's Beowulf

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    skin and after one swing, the monster was cut in half. After using this ancient sword to murder the monster, Beowulf watches the blade of the sword melt away due to the toxicity of the monster's blood, until only the hilt was left. A hilt is the handle of a weapon or tool. The hilt is decorated with runic symbols and was given to King Hrothgar of the Danes as proof of Beowulf’s exploits. The King is also given the severed head of Grendel as further reassurance that their troubles at the great

  • Similarities Between The Great Escape And The Holocaust

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    “The Great Escape” and the Holocaust Embodying the history and culture of prison system’s such as the Holocaust with art such as film demands certain cinematic techniques. In 1963, John Sturges directed an American World War II film called “The Great Escape”, based off of the true story of Prisoners of War escaping from the German camp Stalag Luft III. Stalag Luft III was a Luftwaffe-run Prisoner of War camp during World War II which held captured Western Allied air force personnel. Although in “The

  • Celebration at Neorot

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    evil monsters. All the happy Geats listen as Beowulf recounts his underwater battle with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf credits God for his victory, saying, "The fight would have ended straightway if God had not guarded me" (Norton, 48). Beowulf offers the hilt to Hrothgar who carefully examines the melted sword, a work of giants, and "on which was written the origin of ancient strife, when the flood, rushing water, slew the race of giants"(48). Hrothgar then speaks to Beowulf about pride. Hrothgar praises

  • The Untamed: A Short Story

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    My hand flew to my sword. If the general fell here, there would be no hope for our survival. I gripped the hilt till my knuckles turned white and left indents on my palm. The leader picked up her skirt and bow back while raising the sides of the skirt far above her head. Wait she signaled to her guards. They loosed their arrows and placed them back into their quivers. I released the hilt from my iron grip. The woodwind had formed a circle around the four zygotes, each with untamed on top of them

  • Sword And Scabbard Analysis

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    The handle is the smallest part of any weapon. The handle of the metalwork Sword and Scabbard is no different. The artist uses garnets at the hilt of the weapon and sheath to allow the audience to see the metalwork as a complete composition instead of the weapon being broken down into segments that only yield viewers divided segments of authenticity. The Pianist, by Lyubov, Papova uses color