Helmets Essays

  • Improved Helmets

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    Modern Helmets vs. Improved Helmets Several sports entertainment shows, sports magazines, and parents are questioning the design of football helmets. Although helmets are used to minimize the level of impact to the brain as a football player is hit, brain injuries are still present. Guskiewicz, an athletic trainer, stated at the National Athletic Trainer's Association convention, “A modern helmet can lessen the effect of a straight-ahead, 'linear' impact, but cannot do much to prevent the effects

  • Bike Helmets

    1319 Words  | 3 Pages

    Arizona needs a law requiring adult bicycle riders to wear a helmet! Have you ever known somebody who was injured in a car accident? What do you think his attitude about seat belts was after they saved his life? If you knew that a seat belt would save your life, you would buckle up! It took years of legislation and public awareness campaigns to make seat belt use mandatory. Now a new topic regarding public safety is coming to light: people are dying or becoming seriously injured in seemingly minor

  • helmet law

    865 Words  | 2 Pages

    whether or not to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle has been hot topic since the helmet law went into effect in California in 1992. It seems obvious that wearing a helmet would help protect you in a motorcycle accident. Many legislatures agree. In fact, nineteen states have a mandatory helmet law for all motorcycle riders. Twenty-seven states have a law for those under a set age, three of which require additional insurance for those of age who choose not to wear a helmet. That leaves only four

  • Hrothgar spake, helmet-of-Scyldings

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    Hrothgar spake, helmet-of-Scyldings: "Ask not of pleasure! Pain is renewed to Danish folk. Dead is Aeschere, of Yrmenlaf the elder brother, my sage adviser and stay in council, shoulder-comrade in stress of fight when warriors clashed and we warded our heads, hewed the helm-boars; hero famed should be every earl as Aeschere was! But here in Heorot a hand hath slain him of wandering death-sprite. I wot not whither,[1] proud of the prey, her path she took, fain of her fill. The feud she

  • Helmet Laws In Australia

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    With increased use of bicycles across Australia, there is an increased urge that individuals wear a helmet while riding, it is an important necessity to all bike owners, no matter what age. An imperative measure of state road authorities, within Australia, is that all bicycle riders wear helmets while riding in public areas, as it is considered a vehicle; therefore, riders must also obey road rules, as there are consequences for non-compliance. These measures were introduced for the safety and wellbeing

  • Persuasive Essay On Helmets

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Helmets NASA developed shock absorbent foams to prevent negative effects of g-forces on astronauts. The material used to make these helmets can be found medical beds, footwear, fighter jets and furniture. There are many types of helmets such as bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, full face motorcycle helmets, open face helmets, dirt bike or motor cross helmets, skateboarding helmet, corrective helmet, football helmet and many more. Those helmets come in different sizes, designs, styles, materials

  • Bicycle Helmet Debate

    1041 Words  | 3 Pages

    Intro/Summary The objective of the recommendation is to evaluate the multiple impacts of bicycle helmet legislation for cyclists of all ages. In addition, determine factors that lead to differences in outcomes observed across jurisdictions. The benefits of bicycle helmets being mandatory for all ages will impact the general public immensely. Seeing as cycling is an affordable mode of transportation and a great method of improving cardiovascular fitness, keeping safe during the activity should be

  • Bicycle Helmets Mandatory?

    701 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? Should bicycle helmets be made mandatory for all cyclist? That is what two elementary students asked for from their city council, an ordinance enforcing the use of Bicycle Safety helmets for children under 12. So on April 25, 2002, in Richardson, Texas, the city council had decided against an ordinance requiring bicycle helmets for children under 12. Of course they had their reasons for not passing the request made by two young girls. If they would have taken a

  • Helmet Persuasive Speech

    633 Words  | 2 Pages

    person has a hobby. Cycling enthusiasts allow the gift giver a plethora of choices. Bicycle related items are the perfect gift for the cyclist. A New Bike Helmet Shows Care Unquestionably, a valued present is one that protects the biker brain. Purchasing a new bicycle helmet is a gesture sure to convey care and affection. Bike helmets have made tremendous advances as science discovers effects of impacts to the head. Upon surviving a bicycle accident, odds are high the cyclists head hit a hard

  • Helmet Persuasive Speech

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 2013 there were a total of 1028 injuries or deaths in accidents involving motorcycles and drivers without helmets. I believe that if you’re driving or riding on a motorcycle, if should be illegal to drive without a helmet. Many people get severely injured or killed because of something that could easily be prevented, even if it helps a small percentage – that percentage is life-saving. I think of it just like wearing a seat belt, and you can be ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt in the state

  • Snowboarders Should Wear Helmets Research Paper

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    Safety of Skiers and Snowboarders Ski helmets are definitely important to be worn as it will keep people safe from the danger that surrounds them. Helmets have saved lives of bicyclists, skateboarders, skaters and others because they are required to be worn. As a result, people who have gotten in accidents while wearing helmets were most likely very thankful that they were wearing one. Although these type of accidents do not necessarily happen to everyone, they do happen on a daily basis and come

  • Helmet Safety Essay

    1976 Words  | 4 Pages

    The helmet and its improvements for safety. Bicycles, the one way we got to move around as kids, and as adults it is the one way we get around too, because cars are mainstream. Safety is an issue when it comes to bicycling and that why the helmet is an important factor when it comes to safety for bikes. Every year, in the U.S, nearly 900 persons die from injuries due to bicycle crashes and over 500,000 persons are being treated in emergency departments. Head injuries are by far the greatest concern

  • Helmet Persuasive Speech

    1497 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many kids ask the question “Why do I have to wear a helmet while riding my ATV (All Terrain Vehicle), UTV(utility terrain vehicle), or ORV( Off-Road Vehicle)?” Kids always tell their parents “Well I am already a pretty good rider and I do not need a helmet because of my excellent riding skills.” No one is the best rider in the world and accidents can happen at anytime. The affect of the accident can cause tragedy or even a fatality(s). Do not be one who does not care, instead he or she should use

  • America Needs a Motorcycle Helmet Law

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    much more serious. Injuries to the head are responsible for 76% of fatalities when dealing with motorcycle crashes many of which could have been prevented had the rider been wearing a helmet. For this reason, many states have adopted the motorcycle helmet law. The law states that every passengers must wear a helmet at all times when riding on a motorcycle. This law has created a great deal of controversy. One side supports the law, believing that it protects motorcyclists from danger and saves the

  • The Motorcycle Helmet Law Debate

    2192 Words  | 5 Pages

    People should not have to wear helmets because non-helmet usage dose not cost the government more money then helmet usage in a crash there is no difference between injuries with a helmet and without a helmet, and a helmet limits personal freedom. Living in Wisconsin we see see many motorcyclist ride without helmets many non motorcyclist think that that rider is irresponsible or he has a death wish and that they are costing them more money in there taxes thats just not true many motorcyclist have

  • Optional Helmet Law Is a Disaster for Pennsylvania

    1155 Words  | 3 Pages

    Optional Helmet Law Is a Disaster for Pennsylvania 1. September 4, 2003 was a sad day for Pennsylvanians. Governor Rendell signed the new motorcycle helmet law into effect, sentencing riders to death and increasing the tax burden caused by this new law. Pennsylvania is the 31st state to repeal its all-rider helmet law (Berenson 2). The new law states “no helmet is required for a person 21 years of age or older who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for not less than 2 full calender

  • The Importance of Helmet Use Among Motorcyclists

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    wearing a helmet at the time of the crash and to this day I have no idea how he lived. He was lucky to have survived, but many others are not. To protect motorcyclists, laws should mandate all riders wear a helmet because statistics indicate that they prevent serious injury which, in turn, causes economic strain to society. Motorcycle riders argue that the choice to wear or not to wear a motorcycle helmet is a personal one and universal helmet laws, laws which require all riders to wear a helmet, are

  • The Government Should Mandate Helmet Use for All Cyclists

    1521 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Government Should Mandate Helmet Use for All Cyclists Cuts, bruises and even broken bones will heal, but damage to your brain can last a lifetime. You can prevent possible injuries from unforeseen disasters such as smacking the street, sidewalk, curb, a car, tree or anything else around you by using safety precautions. In some cases, we are required to use safety measures, while in others we are merely advised. For instance, while driving an automobile, the law requires for all occupants

  • How To Wear Helmets Persuasive Essay

    1148 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lifesaving Helmets “Horses have their own thoughts, feelings and fears,” said Katelyn Keelen a riding lesson instructor and trainer at All Starr Stables as well as Scooter’s Place, a nonprofit therapeutic riding program for children with special needs. As the sport of riding horses became more popular, the less people started to wear helmets and the more riding accidents started to occur, resulting in more people being left with lifelong injuries or even fatal incidents. Not wearing a helmet while riding

  • Technology and Regulation of Sports Helmet Safety

    1362 Words  | 3 Pages

    American football, helmets are required to decrease traumatic brain injuries and have been successful in doing so. A large part in the success of helmet design is improvements in technology. The sizes of athletes have gone up to make football more dangerous. To protect against brain injury, helmets designs have changed to become heavier and wider, filled within the space are energy absorbing materials, air space and padding to protect the skull upon impact. Originally, helmets were designed to prevent