Hans Zimmer Essays

  • Music Composers: Hans Zimmer

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    looking at the work of Hans Zimmer to discuss how music in film engages the viewer and evokes emotion and pulls the viewer toward the film. Hans Zimmer is a German born music composer. Hans Zimmer’s love of music stems from his childhood when he learned how to play various instruments. Before Zimmer began composing music for films he was in a well-known band. The band was called The Buggles whom were famous for their song Video Killed the Radio Star. After the Buggles Zimmer played in other bands

  • David Garrett's Performance of He's a Pirate by Hans Zimmer and Klaus Badelt

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    The orchestral piece, He’s a Pirate by Hans Zimmer and Klaus Badelt is the main theme from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. This song was performed David Garrett, who is a professional musician. David has also performed the second movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, which has some similarities to how he performs the piece to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme. Both songs have some differences and similarities about their performance quality even though they are

  • Analysis Of Inception By Hans Zimmer

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    Hans Zimmer, born on September 12, 1957 in Frankfurt, Germany (Hans Zimmer Biography). Hans Zimmer is recognized as one of Hollywood’s most innovative musical talents (Hans-Zimmer.com), and has changed the way film scores are composed. With his special, and very unique approach using synthesizers and sampling; he has made a career and characterized his career (Zimmer, Hans Floria). Zimmer spent the earlier part of his career in the United Kingdom, and wrote jingles for commercials. Zimmer also enjoyed

  • Gladiator, by Ridley Scott

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    United States, in what is now called the “Gladiator Effect.” This renewed interest in history has influenced many movie writers to create a film that will live up to Gladiator’s name as the predecessor to a renewed interest. Some may say that Hans Zimmer is the greatest film composer of ... ... middle of paper ... ...ting role. Now while he did not win the award, Phoenix did an excellent job as the incestuous, murderer Commodus so well that the audience could see into the very psyche of Commodus

  • Film Music Analysis

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    succession of chords is present in “The Medallion Calls”, predicated upon the tonic and subtonic chords of D minor. By playing in a minor key, it gives a more haunting tone to all of the pieces. This is the main motif that represents Captain Jack Sparrow. Zimmer and Badelt maintain the harmony through these chords but withal engender a facetious emotion so that it has a frolicsome ring to it. When Jack sets foot on the dock, his famous motif is played and it gives him a more regaling and

  • Composed Music in the Film Inception

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    Inception is a 2010 science fiction film composed and directed by Christopher Nolan. Hans Zimmer, a German film composer and music producer who create the score for Inception. In the past, he composed music for over 100 films, including the famous Lion King, Dark Knight, Crimson Tide, and much more. His works are important for integrating electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology with traditional orchestral arrangement in his production. He interpret the work he wrote for Inception

  • Unveiling Hans Zimmer: The Unsung Composer

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    probably have never heard the name Hans Zimmer until just now(Don’t worry no one has). Hans Florian Zimmer is a German film score composer and record producer. Since the 80s, he has composed music for more than 150 films. He is famous for his works in movies like “The Lion King,” the “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “The Dark Knight Trilogy,” “Inception,” and “Interstellar.” Hans may not be as famous as John Williams but I feel he needs some recognition. Hans Zimmer was born September 12th, 1957 in Frankfurt

  • Gladiator

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    Gladiator There have been many sports movies made over the years. Some have been good, while others have been flops. Many sports movies have not been considered overall good movies simply because they were sports movies. I feel that one of the best and most overlooked sports movies of all time is the movie Gladiator. Gladiator is not only a good sports movie, but it is an all around good movie. Before we can call an all around movie a "good" movie, we must first define what a good movie is

  • Does Men’s Wearhouse benefit from a merger with Joseph A. Bank?

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    especially easy because both companies involved are required to report information as members of the New York Stock Exchange. Introduction Men’s Wearhouse was founded by George Zimmer in 1973 as a clothing store for “the common man.” In a famous advertising campaign throughout the 1980’s and 90’s Zimmer was seen saying “You’re going to like the way you look; I guarantee it.” Throughout its history it was become a more formal store specializing in black tie formal wear such as suits and tuxedos

  • Mercedes Lackey

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    Mercedes Lackey Dear Mercedes Lackey, You probably get letters from people everyday who say what I’m gonna say, but oh well. See, I am a huge fan of your work, and just recently got told to write a LAL (Letters about Literature) for one of my favorite books, and since I didn’t feel like writing to the judges on your Dragons Bane Trilogy, I decided I would write my letter as if talking to you. As I said before, we have to write a letter explaining our favorite book, so, to explain the Dragons

  • The faces of the Goddess

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    The faces of the Goddess Throughout history women have empowered themselves by taking on many different titles and roles. This can be seen in the two allegorical fantasy novels The Mists of Avalon and Forest house, both written by Marion Zimmer Bradley. In both novels we see the female protagonists take on many different roles as they move throughout the different stages of their lives. In the novels it is believed that the Goddess shows herself in every woman. The stages and roles held

  • 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

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    can gain access to the core of the earth. With the Icelander Hans as their guide, the party undertakes the rugged journey up to the mountain, stopping to rest along the way at the homes of Icelanders. Through these people, they learn much about the culture. Once they reach the mountain, the three descend into the crater and after several days figure out which of three shafts is the one through which they can make their journey. Aided by Hans' s knowledge of how to use ropes, they travel downward more

  • The Art of the Postage Stamp

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    visions, I overlook a slightly smaller medium: the postage stamp. Caught in my busy routine, I rarely stop to closely examine these gems. A square inch canvass can often reward the viewer more than a mural will. With his unique Picasso meets Dali style, Hans Erni rekindled my interest in stamp collecting. Born in Lucerne, Erni shared my Swiss heritage as well as boasting a considerable amount of artistic prowess. More than 90 postage stamps from Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the United Nations feature

  • Martin Luther The Great Reformer Biography

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    Book Report Martin Luther The Great Reformer By: J. A. Morrison On November 10, 1483, Martin Luther was born. His parents were Hans and Margaret Luther. Martin came from a poor family. The Luther's were Germans. They lived in the Thuringian Mountains near Eisleben. Martin Luther was still a small baby when his parents moved from Eisleben to Mansfeld, where his father found work in the mines. Martin, his brother, and his three sisters didn't have the easiest childhood to grow up with.

  • Factors of Soil Aggregation

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    characterize a soil. One such feature is aggregates. There are many different types of aggregates, such as platy, prismatic, granule, blocky, angular, and more. There are several different factors which influence the formation of these aggregates. Hans Jenny, in his book Factors of Soil Formation (1941), recognizes five factors which influence soil formation: climate, biota, topography, parent material, and time. This paper will explore each of these factors in order to gain a better understanding

  • Giants In The Earth

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    the mental state of the pioneer when living in total desolation. For the male pioneers, living on the prairie was almost a dream. This was the place one could hunt and build. This was the place one could live off of his own hands. For example, Per Hans is basically happy with the prairie from the beginning to the end of the book. He knows that someday it will become a large town or city that he helped start or that in the future it will be the same clear and peaceful prairie forever. He finds happiness

  • Rani Shankar

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    day, this new topic seemed to have more personal significance to my life. And so I began research on this topic with purely selfish motivations- to better understand the phenomenon of stress. A relatively new concept involving brain and behavior, Hans Selye first proposed the idea of stress as a normal adaptive syndrome, a fight-or- flight situation, very similar to escape behavior (1). Stress is defined as "the set of all organic reactions to physical, psychic, infectious, or other, aggressions

  • Diplomacy At Work

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    Israelis and the Palestinians in the Mideast. These two countries have been at arms for years and have just recently used diplomacy as a tool to settle their differences. Basically, diplomacy is a function of national power. This view was stated by Hans J. Morgenthau and supported in his essay, The Future of Diplomacy. Diplomacy, in the eyes of Morgenthau, is fourfold. First of all, diplomacy must take in respect the objective and the means by which it can be attained. For example, if a weak nation

  • Experimenter Expectancy Effect On Children In A Classroom Setting

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    children did not know, i.e., what Rosenthal had kept hidden, was that the rats were chosen at random. There were no rats that were especially bright or dull. Another case of the experimenter expectancy effect was that of the horse known as “Clever Hans”. It seemed to be able to read, spell, and solve math problems by kicking his leg a number of times. The horse was tested and passed, but what the experts did not realize was that their own hopes for the horse to answer the questions, were giving the

  • Martin Luther

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    Martin Luther grew up in a time when there was basically one religion to look upon. Luther was born on November 10, 1483, in Eisleben, Germany. He was raised Catholic by his family that was held together by his father, Hans. Hans was a miner, and he worked his way up to the middle class by leasing mines and furnaces. With the money that he earned, he bought his family a house, and he became a well-respected citizen of their new hometown, Mansfeld. At seven years old, Martin began his schooling to