Hammered dulcimer Essays

  • The yangqin

    1230 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the United States, the yangqin is a foreign instrument that many do not know of. This is because the yangqin is an instrument played mostly in China, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India, and Pakistan. It also goes by the name of Chinese hammered dulcimer, santur, foreign zither, and cymbalum. The piano, which is very well known in the United States, share an origin with the yangqin. One of their similarities is that they are both stringed instruments. The Chinese hammer dulcimer’s sound is produced

  • Gregory I The Great Synthesis

    633 Words  | 2 Pages

    unaccompanied, secular music incorporated different instruments depending on the setting. For instance, if the music was being played inside, the incorporated instruments would be of a quieter nature, such as: the Recorder, Lute, Harp, Psaltery, Hammered Dulcimer, Rebec, and Vielle. However, if the music was being played outdoors, so they could be heard more widely, louder instruments such as the Shawm (an oboe) and the Sackbut (trombone) would be

  • Percussion Essay

    1151 Words  | 3 Pages

    Percussion: The History ​Despite what many may think, percussion is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. Percussion has been around for centuries, and it has a very important meaning in the lives of many. It would be safe to assume that Percussion will be around for a long time as well, and play an important part in the lives of many people. Most people see drums as a cool thing to do, others see them as a bunch of irritating noise makers; but do they know the history behind

  • Cambodian American

    2405 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction- Beauty and Darkness Cambodian is one of the newest influxes of immigrants from Southeast Asia. The beauty and the darkness of Cambodia imprinted in history. Cambodia, a country of fertile land and dotted rice fields, of famous and breath taking monuments and ancient temples, of arts and crafts, cultural attractions, and most definitely a history like no other. This is the country that exhibits one of the seven wonders of the world- that is the famous Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat, the largest