Gypsy: A Musical Fable Essays

  • Gypsy Rose Lee Essay

    1524 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is critically known as the best American musical, Gypsy provides American musical theatregoers with dynamic characters, a captivating story and extraordinary music. Gypsy is an American musical that is based on the self-written book, “The Memoirs of ‘Gypsy Rose Lee’”. It is often referred to as, Gypsy: A Musical Fable. The musical made its debut on May 21, 1959 at The Broadway Theatre in Manhattan. The characters have been subject to many in depth analysis throughout its lifetime, adding a lot

  • Ethel Merman: Broadway´s Voice

    1266 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Impact of Ethel Merman Ethel Merman is described by PBS as the most successful musical comedy performer of her generation. Merman is known for contributing her loud and clear vocals to the Broadway stage and changing the way that people observed women on Broadway as well (PBS). Appearing and starring in several Broadway blockbusters, her acting career appeared to go through somewhat transitional phases to where she could act less and less like herself in character. Merman left her mark as an

  • Innocence versus Sexual Awakening

    1193 Words  | 3 Pages

    reflection in the end. Through thoughts a... ... middle of paper ... .... From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to the blockbuster movie Titanic the struggle against social convention, class structure and awakening desire is universal. Virgins and gypsies are both fascinating to our society by reason of depleting numbers. The sexual awakening that occurs in Mansfield and Lawrence depictions occurs through different means but conveys the same message. Every individual goes through a natural right of

  • West Side Story The Musical

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    West Side Story The Musical *No Works Cited West Side Story is one of the most influential musicals of all time. It's integration of dance and song into the plot was very innovative, because even though it had been done before, it had never been done this well. Jerome Robbins had thought of an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet to a Broadway musical in 1949. He began discussions with librettist Arthur Laurents and composer Leonard Bernstein of a musical called East Side Story, with a plot concentrating

  • Essay On West Side Story

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    alternatively, the period between when the musical Oklahoma! (1943) was produced till the time when Hair (1968) was produced, is usually referred to as the Golden Age of the American musical (Kantor, 2010). It is during this period, that most of the noted titles such as “Carousel”, “South Pacific” etc. were produced. 1940s and early 1950s were dominated thoroughly by MGM musicals, while the late 1950s and 1960s belonged to Broadway. Initially, the musicals of this era had simple plots, unchallenging

  • Jerzy Kosinski

    2580 Words  | 6 Pages

    Kosinski Jerzy Kosinski was born in Poland in 1933 to Russian parents who had fled the revolution. He was separated from his family when the Nazis invaded in 1939. For six years he wandered form village to village scorned by East European gypsies who feared his hawk like face and penetrating eyes. He survived German terror by his wits and he was struck dumb from the shock that he underwent from this six-year period of wandering. He was mute from age nine to fourteen.(New Yorker) Kosinski