Greater Cleveland Essays

  • Cuyahoga River Fire Essay

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    Michael Rotman, an author of an article called: “Cuyahoga River Fire,” he writes, “water pollution was viewed as a necessary consequence of the industry that had brought prosperity to the city.” This is what ignited a spark in the 1960’s residents of Cleveland and this is when they decided to make a change by throwing out ideas to eventually become known as

  • Taking a Look a t Cuyahoga Valley National Park

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    ability to walk, run, cross country ski and bike on this trail (“Ohio Erie Canal Towpath”). Cuyahoga Valley National Park preserves a rural landscape in an otherwise metropolitan area. This thirty two thousand acre national park is nestled between Clevelands suburbs and Akron and covers twenty two miles of the Cuyahoga River. This park gives people an opportunity to connect with the outdoors and enjoy the beautiful sights that come with it.

  • Essay on The Greater Sin in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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    The Greater Sin in The Scarlet Letter In essence, there were three main sins committed in The Scarlet Letter, the sins of Hester, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth. Roger Chillingworth committed the greatest sin because he let himself be ruled by hatred and the consuming desire for vengeance.  The overpowering vengeance and hatred felt by Chillingworth caused his life to be centered on demeaning Dimmesdale and tormenting him until the end of time.  Both Hester Prynne and

  • Othello as the Greater Evil in William Shakespeare’s Othello

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    Othello as the Greater Evil in William Shakespeare’s Othello What makes one person to be considered evil, while another is considered righteous? The character Iago, in William Shakespeare’s Othello, could be considered evil because of his plot against Cassio and Othello. Othello, could be considered righteous, because he believes his wife has been unfaithful. The line between these two labels, evil or righteous, is thin. Ultimately, actions speak louder than words. Iago is evil in his actions

  • Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric

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    Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric In his article "Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric," M. H. Abrams works to define what constitutes the greater Romantic lyric by turning to the philosophic undertones pervading the lyrical writings of William Wordsworth and more so of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Abrams's first task is to define what is meant by the term "greater Romantic lyric," a form which the critic states in no unbiased way "includes some of the greatest Romantic

  • The Importance of Women and Weavin In the Greater Southwest

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    The Importance of Women and Weavin In the Greater Southwest Throughout time, weaving, of both basketry and cloth, has had a tremendous impact on Southwestern cultures. Robert Graham, author and Southwest textile expert, has stated, "The most ancient historical and archaeological investigation demonstrate that textile was a highly developed art by the time writing began, and in many cultures before writing began" (Graham 23). Where written records are not available, decorations on structures and

  • Physics of Rock Climbing

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    The greater the angle at the bottom of the anchor system, where the rope attaches to the anchor, the greater the force that is exerted on each anchor point. The table below reflects this. The American Tringle is an anchor made in the shape of a triangle. The force on either anchor point is equal to where F is the force exerted on the lowest carabiner in the system. With an angle of 60 degrees this force is equal to the force exerted on the system. Any smaller angle will mean a greater force

  • Rational Unified Process

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    throughout a projects development, due to architectural constraints, customer’s needs or a greater understanding of the original problem. Iteration allows greater understanding of a project through successive refinements and addresses a projects highest risk items at every stage of its lifecycle. Ideally each iteration ends up with an executable release – this helps reduce a projects risk profile, allows greater customer feedback and help developers stay focused. Manage Requirements A documentation

  • Anselm’s Philosophy

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    When Anselm states this, it essentially means that it is not possible to think of a being greater than God. Anselm also states that if God is the greatest thinkable being, he is referring to the fact that it would be impossible to imagine or to create in ones mind someone or something being better than God. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that God only exists in ones mind because it is much greater to exist in reality than it is to exist only in ones mind. Anselm then suggests that God has

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

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    26). Both men immediately set to work with alcoholics at Akron’s City Hospital, where one patient quickly achieved complete sobriety (Pitman 69). In the fall of 1935, a second group of alcoholics slowly took shape in New York. A third appeared at Cleveland in 1939. It had taken over four years to produce 100 sober alcoholics in the three founding groups. That same year, the Fellowship published it’s basic textbook, Alcoholics Anonymous. The text, written by Bill, explained A.A.’s philosophy and methods

  • John D. Rockefeller

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    Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. . "The New Tycoons: John D. Rockefeller." US History. Independence Hall Association, 2010. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. . Roberts, Michael D. "Rockefeller and His Oil Empire." Northeast Ohio's Business Enthusiasts. Town Hall of Cleveland, July 2012. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. .

  • Sherwin-Williams Industry Analysis

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    Henry Sherwin, a native of Cleveland OH and graduate of Western Reserve College, weighed all of his career options and decided to go into business for himself. He pulled all of his resources and bought a stake in Truman, Dunham and Co, a firm that sold painter’s pigments, linseed oil, colors, brushes and other finishing and decorating products. Although this was not high on his list of choices, he saw potential in the industry. It was the post civil war era and Cleveland was experiencing an economic

  • Jesse Owens

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    Jesse Owens James Cleveland Owens was born in 1913 in a small town in Alabama to Henry and Emma Owens. When J.C. was eight, his parents decided to move the family to Cleveland, Ohio because Jesse’s pnemonia was worsening, and their sharecropper wanted more of their money. They did not have much money, and J.C.'s father was hoping to find a better job. When they arrived in Cleveland, J.C. was enrolled in a public school. On his first day of class when the teacher asked his name, she heard Jesse,

  • Streamlining

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    Norman loved to draw and paint and his mother encouraged him (Russell, 1974, p. 8). During this time, they moved a lot. When Norman was in the ninth grade, he was expelled from school. A cartoonist who'd heard about him helped him get into the Cleveland Institute of Art. Norman also attended the Chicago Art Institute for a short time, but school really wasn't his thing. His strong interest in stage and opera grew and soon he found his niche (Russell, 1974, p.10). Geddes' most notable contribution

  • Cuyahoga River Research Paper

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    of the jawbone.”(Britannica). Running through about 80 miles of land the Cuyahoga River became a centre of commercial transportation (Britannica). Cleveland, Ohio which is located on the Cuyahoga River was one of America's major industrial centers (Website). Until about the mid 20th century when the lower portion of the river that ran through Cleveland, Ohio became polluted. From decades of uncontrolled dumping of industrial hazardous waste which turned the water toxic(Book) and some of the waste

  • Leadership of John D Rockeffeller

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    What makes John D. Rockefeller an effective leader? In his decades of business, one of the key characteristics that propelled Rockefeller to success was his strong leadership abilities. It wasn't his status, nor his age that made Rockefeller a great leader. Instead, it was his influence. People around him wanted to follow him; they were inspired by him to do more than they ever thought they were capable of. It was his ability to create a strong sense of teamwork and his own energy and passion

  • i too sing America

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    was a member of an abolitionist family. He was the great-great-grandson of Charles Henry Langston, brother of John Mercer Langston, who was the first Black American to be elected to public office, in 1855. Hughes attended Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, but began writing poetry in the eighth grade, and was selected as class poet. His father didn't think he would be able to make a living at writing, and encouraged him to pursue a more realistic career. Hughes tried to study engineering at

  • Shoeless Joe

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    game without the spikes, he was known as “Shoeless Joe” from then on (McGee 1). Shoeless Joe made his major league debut later that year, in 1908, with the Philadelphia Athletics. He only played there a short time before being transferred to the Cleveland Indians. Finally, in 1915 he was sold to Charles Comiskey and the Chicago White Sox. It was here that he played his last few years of professional baseball and his life would be forever changed. From the years 1917 to 1919 the Chicago White Sox were

  • 49ers

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    slowly but surely won continuously, as they tried to get a spot in the National Football League. In their first four years in the ACC, the 49ers finished second behind the talent- packed Cleveland Browns. Finally, in 1950, fans celebrated for the entry of the 49ers into the NFL. They joined great teams such as the Cleveland Browns and the Baltimore Colts (“Niner’s history” As soon as they got in, it seemed, they were making changes to make them a top contender in the league. Joined

  • John D Rockefeller Greed

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    a sincere father either since he had raised other children and even had started a family somewhere else. Despite all that John had learned from his father to set high goals and dream big and never to settle for anything less. The family moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1853 where John graduated from high school and did pretty good at mathematics. Even as a teenager he was not afraid of hard work and started on several ventures,landing his first real office job at age 16, as an assistant book keeper with