Gideon Planish Essays

  • Elmer Gantry: One of the most Controversial Books in America

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    In 1927, Sinclair Lewis published one of the most, if not the most, controversial book in American Literature titled Elmer Gantry. The novel is a picaresque novel in which the main character is immoral and lives by his wits (Elmer). Lewis was no stranger to controversy and Elmer Gantry was no exception to the rule. Lewis harshly scrutinizes industrialized religion in America, and reveals so called revivalists as hypocrites and morons. The book begins by describing the protagonist, Elmer Gantry,

  • Dinosaurs

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    in two formal categories, the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia, within the subclass Archosauria. The first recorded dinosaur remains found consisted of a few teeth and bones. They were discovered in 1882 in Sussex, England, by an English doctor, Gideon Mantell, who named them iguanodon. About the same time, other fossil teeth and bones were found near Oxford, England, by Rev. William Buckland. These were named Megalosaurus. Thousands of specimens have since been discovered nearly worldwide. Different

  • The Anaconda Plan

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    500 miles of coast from Virginia to Mexico and up the Mississippi from New Orleans to New Madrid Bend. And the Anaconda Plan could only succeed over time: the South would not starve overnight, so patience was an essential part of Scott's strategy. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, USA From the Collections of The Mariners' Museum By adopting the Anaconda Plan, Lincoln ran the risk of committing diplomatic suicide. Sin...

  • Fort Henry And Donelson

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    support. Confederate Brigadier General Gideon J. Pillow rashly seized Columbus, Kentucky, on the Mississippi River bluffs, a move that appalled President Jefferson Davis, who first ordered Pillow to withdraw, then allowed him to stay when he realized that the deed could not be reversed. Grant, commanding at Cairo, Illinois, then occupied Paducah at the mouth of the Tennessee and Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland, strategic points neglected by General Gideon Pillow. In November Grant tested Confederate

  • The Theme of Inner Conflict in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby

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    industrious and hardworking. The Dominique blacks are to them "swamp women" or "horsemen"--depersonalized figures. This is most apparent in their ignorance of their help's names--they dub Gideon, Thérèse, and Alma Estée "Yardman" and "the Marys." At Christmas dinner Valerian adds epithets calling them "Thérèse the Thief and Gideon the Get Away Man." (201). But as Judylyn Ryan points out, "Both the superordinate and the subordinate exercise this prerogative of nam... ... middle of paper ... ....38/.black/

  • Jefferson Vs. Madison

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    Constitution's literal meaning. While the constructionist ideas were part of what separated the two parties from one another, Jefferson and Madison are both guilty of not adhering to these ideas on many occasions. Jefferson writes in a letter to Gideon Granger expressing his idea that the United States is too large to have only one central government, and the states should receive more power, which goes against the fact that the Constitution was created in order to unite a new country. Also, when

  • Gideon’s Freedom in Doris Lessing’s No Witchcraft For Sale

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    Gideon’s Freedom in  Doris Lessing’s No Witchcraft For Sale Dr. Gosby’s Comments: This student did an excellent job of applying the ideas we discussed in class relating to the obedience to authority When Europeans moved into the bush of Southern Africa and realized that they were hopelessly outnumbered, they had to develop ways to create and maintain their authority over the native population. They had tremendous advantages in the obvious areas, as author Jared Diamond writes in his Pulitzer

  • Gideon's Trumpet

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    Anthony Lewis was born in New York City on March 27th, 1927. As a prominent liberal, Lewis is responsible for several legal works such as, Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment, The Supreme Court and How It Works: The Story of the Gideon Case, and Portrait of a Decade: The Second American Revolution. Early in his career, Lewis began writing for the New York Times. Considered at "the far left of the spectrum" he is quite biased with regards to how much involvement the Supreme Court

  • Gideon Vs. Wainwright

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    on Constitutional grounds. All arguments and decisions are based on interpretations of the original Constitution and, more often, on Constitutional amendments. GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT In June 1961, Clarence Gideon was arrested and charged with breaking and entering in Bay Harbor. He was tried in a Florida Circuit Court in August 1961. Gideon stated in Court that he was unable to afford a lawyer and asked the Judge to appoint one for him. The Judge said he was sorry but he could not do that, because

  • Law: Gideon Vs Wainright

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    regarding the right of the indigent accused to have counsel appointed to them in the state trials, or does the Fourteenth Amendment prevent this? The Supreme Court was faced with answering these questions in the case of Gideon v. Wainwright. In June of 1961, Clarence Earl Gideon, a fifty year old petty thief, drifter, and gambler who had spent much of his life in and out of jail was arrested in Panama City Florida. He was charged with breaking into a poolroom one night in an effort to steal beer

  • Gideon's Trumpet

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    Gideon’s Trumpet is the true story of a man named Clarence Earl Gideon, a semiliterate drifter who is arrested for burglary and petty theft. The book takes it’s readers back through one man’s moving account that became a constitutional landmark. Gideon’s Trumpet was written to recall the history behind the Gideon v. Wainwright court case and how it made such an enormous impact on United States law. On the night of June 3, 1961, Clearance Gideon broke into a pool room and smashed a cigarette machine and

  • Right to Counsel

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    “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.” (US Const., 8th Amend

  • The Fifth Amendment and Miranda v. Arizona

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    “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney...this is what you hear on all your favorite cop shows. But, where did this saying come from? In 1963 Ernesto Miranda a ninth grade dropout (PBS) was arrested and charged with kidnaping, rape, and armed robbery. The police interrogated him for two hours. During the question Miranda supposedly admitted to all the crimes. The police then used Miranda’s confession

  • Polygraph Essay

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    The idea of a technique that can help people seek the truth has been around since 1878 thanks to the work of Angelo Mosso. It was not until later on that the polygraph was modified and used in conjunction with law enforcements. The polygraph was first used in 1895 and later on modified to modern technology and computerize around 1992. Polygraph has been around for centuries but is still an inconsistent technique and grounds for errors at court. The polygraph can cause the case in court to be grounds

  • Gideons Trumpet

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    hard to obtain justice. If Gideon didn't realize that he had a right to counsel, this case would have never been held and the legal sytem might still be the same today! Clarence Earl Gideon is a man that most Americans outside of the legal system, as well as within it, would not even recognize who he was. The author, Anthony Lewis, wanted this change and wanted the citizens of the United States to see the dramatic impact that the Gideon's case had on the legal system. Gideon felt like he was in an unfair

  • Influential Supreme Court Case: Gideon vs. Wainwright

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    the first Supreme Court case to ever declare that a law passed by Congress was unconstitutional. Even though those two cases were a couple of the most important and influential in American history nothing compares to the influence that the case of Gideon vs. Wainwright has provided, in my opinion. This case was tremendously important to the way that law enforcement is to be carried out in that it forced detectives and FBI’s and the like to “do their homework” before declaring someone guilty of a

  • Gideon V. Wainwright Case Summary

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    Clarence Gideon was born on August 30, 1910 in Missouri. He was raised in a strict household, so at fourteenth years old he ran away from home then later returned and his mom had him arrested. Gideon then broke out of jail and broke into a store to stay warm and was arrested because he was convicted of stealing. After 1928 he lost his job and began to commit more crimes like, robbery and etc. Later after serving ten years in prison during the Great Depression because of the robbery, he moved to

  • Supreme Court Case: Gideon V. Wainwright

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    Case (previous): The case Gideon V Wainwright was a case in which Clarence Earl Gideon was charged of break in, with the intent to commit a misdemeanor. Eye Witness Henry Crook was at the pool house at the time the break in occurred. He testified saying the he say Gideon walk into the pool house heard shattering noises and left, in his hand held a bottle of wine, and he could hear loads of coins in his pockets. He watched Gideon wait for a taxi and leave. He was found guilty and sentenced to prison

  • Gideon's Trumpet

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    a man by the name of Clarence Earl Gideon exiting the pool hall with a pint

  • Gideon's Trumpet Analysis

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    not afford one. Lewis also does a thorough job of explaining judicial processes and landmark court cases that surrounding Gideon v. Wainwright. Gideon’s Trumpet does an excellent job at explaining judicial jargon in laymen’s terms, as language of the supreme court is not something every person uses often. This allows readers to better connect with Gideon