Gender-neutral language Essays

  • Gender-Neutral English Language

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    Gender-Neutral English Language The English language has evolved through history in a male-centered, patriarchal society. The male orientation of English carries two complementary implications: being male is normative and natural; and therefore, not being male is abnormal and unnatural. The shifting of our language from masculine to gender-neutral may be awkward at first, and our children may wonder what all the fuss was about. The English language is always changing and the future will hold

  • Professor Rick Bales Gender Neutral Language

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    There is a prevailing idea amongst those who oppose the concept of gender-neutral language that you have no right to be protected from being offended. That one cannot enforce guidelines on how others speak, act, or write, because to do so infringes on the concept of ‘free speech’. They argue that to try to enforce genderless language is just another way of coddling an already over-sensitive and naïve generation. Objectively speaking, they have a point. The idea of free speech inherently allows

  • Communication In Business Communication

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    need to use language that identify diversity and does not allude or exclude people on the basis of gender, race, age and people with disability. Being responsible to individual differences requires people to make a conscious effort in order to make a gender-neutral language. Nonsexist language treats both sexes neutrally. It does not emphasize any particular gender and avoid being offensive. According to the Wisconsin Madison University (1991), A Guide to Bias-Free Communications, gender include human

  • An Evaluation of the Use of Inclusive Language in Bible Translation and God-talk.

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    debate surrounding inclusive language fits into the wider debate between egalitarians and complementarians; and explore the implication of its use or non-use for theology, accuracy of translation and mission. As noted above the debate surrounding gender-neutral language centres on two distinct issues, these being the use of feminine forms for deity and the replacing of masculine forms such as the `generic he, his, him and man' or `father, son and brother' with gender-neutral forms in both liturgy and

  • Homophobia In The Modern World Essay

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    shootings and gang violence, and worse of all we have the possibility of Trump being our president and people are losing their marbles over who uses what bathroom? It’s just a bathroom! If it makes you so uncomfortable to go into a bathroom that is gender neutral, then don’t use it! Simple! Being a gay boy in school made me uncomfortable going to the boy’s bathroom/locker room. I grew up in a small town—Oroville, WA—where homosexuality wasn’t really seen, and some people felt uncomfortable by it. I hated

  • Looking Inward

    1894 Words  | 4 Pages

    John-Raphael Straude defines autobiography as, “a dialogue of the self with itself in the present about the past for the sake of self-understanding” (Staude 249). Although autobiography may acquire many functions, its aid in understanding oneself is an important one. In particular, autobiography and narrative promote understanding of people’s lives, the world, and improve their sense of connectedness with the world around them. One of the many important purposes that autobiography serves is to help

  • Lego Advertising Essay

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    to support specific gender stereotypes. Analyzing the way advertising of Lego toys changed from 1980s to modern day, it is possible to trace the path of stereotyping in regards to gender. Through a Lego advertisement from the 1980s, and the modern-day Lego commercials “LEGO Build Together: House” and “Heartlake Shopping Mall-Lego Friends,” we see how the Lego advertisements have regressed from using gender-neutral marketing to gender-specific marketing through the use of gender-specific activities

  • Gender Typed Play Essay

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    Gender-typed play is a very apparent aspect of preschool aged children’s play experiences (Goble, Martin, Hanish, & Fabes, 2012). Research indicates that female children prefer to play with feminine items, and male children prefer to play with masculine items (Goble et al., 2012). It is also evident that children prefer to play with peers of the same-sex (Fabes, Martin, & Hanish, 2003). This could potentially contribute to why research tends to show the same patterns in gender-typed play. However

  • Gender-Neutral Pronouns Should Not Be Allowed In Law Essay

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    birth, anatomy, appearance, etc. Non- binary genders such as ey, ve, ze, etc. are also embedded into Bill C-16. Requiring to use gender-neutral pronouns is harmful to society because it attempts to control language forcefully by using legislative power. Everyone has the right to establish themselves as conscious beings in the world that should uphold to their beliefs and not be compelled by law. People should not be compelled by law to use gender-neutral pronouns because it violates the freedom of

  • Sociolingustic Differences Between Men and Women

    2130 Words  | 5 Pages

    The most important aspect that separates humans from animals is our means of communication through language. Each language holds unique characteristics that reflect its respective society to a certain extent. This leads to the question: Do men and women use language differently? How does language use relate to their role and society? Plainly stated, gender is a social elaboration of the biological sex. Essentially this means the definition of males and females are people’s understanding of themselves

  • Sexism in Language

    2513 Words  | 6 Pages

    Language refers to the method that humans use to communicate either through speech or written. It consists of the use of the word in a structured and conventional way. Language has been referred to as ‘our means of classifying and ordering the world; our means of manipulating reality. In structure and in its use we bring out the world into realisation and if it is inherently inaccurate, then we are misled. (Dale Spender, 1980).Language has power that allows us to make sense out of the reality we

  • Gender Neutral Identity

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gender neutral, or neutral gender, is an identity under the non binary and transgender umbrellas. Gender neutral individuals have a neutral gender identity or expression, or identify with the preference for gender neutral language and pronouns. Many confuse this with the idea of gender fluid is an identity under the multi gender, non binary, and transgender umbrellas. Genderfluid individuals have different gender identities at different times. This philosophy has started to take a different forum

  • Essay On Jean Piaget

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    that had gender neutral toys for an age group of kids 3-7; these toys had cooking sets, medical sets, and farming sets. Subsequently, it can be said that some of these gender-neutral toys could be preparing children for roles as farmers, doctors, and chefs. This section of gender-neutral toys seemed to be just randomly placed in the middle of the store, and the only other gender-neutral section seemed to be in the 1-5 age range. I didn’t see a ‘strategy of attraction’ for these gender-neutral toys.

  • Should Children Be Raised Genderless?

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    has garnered a question regarding gender stereotypes and children: should children be raised “genderless.” It is very understandable to raise children to not rely upon stereotypes and to help society become more cognizant of its implications. However, relying upon, and positing as truth, social construction theory of gender alone misses the inherent biological and innate differences of people that raising kids genderless does not properly address. Gender neutral parenting is the act of raising children

  • Women's Studies

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    doctorate level training that blends feminism with gender and sexuality. A Degree program such as The College of William and Mary in “Women’s Studies offers in depth major or minor in “Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies.” (William & Mary Arts & Science) This discipline explores our culture’s representation of women in society and challenges those involved in this discipline to evaluate the interplay and relationship between race, class, gender, and sexuality. According to Gollnick and Chinn

  • Gender Neutrality of Law is a Myth

    2303 Words  | 5 Pages

    Gender Neutrality of Law is a Myth The status of women as empowered citizens around the world is yet to be ascertained. Guided by the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it seems as if the trend towards a just social order reflects a better tomorrow, and yet, thousands of women suffer from the brutal crimes and atrocities committed by their male counterparts. Deeply woven into the social fabric of society, women face the onslaught of a patriarchal legal

  • He And She: What's The Real Difference?

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    years: “What the heck is gender, anyway?” (365). For a large number of people, gender exists as a social divide solely based on whether an individual is anatomically and biologically male or female; nevertheless, there are those who argue that gender involves more than what anatomy and biology offer. Regardless of the perspective, gender affects how one behaves both privately and publicly, appears in social and private settings, communicates with others, and above all, uses language for literary purposes

  • Gender as a Social Construct

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    arbitrary societal norm. Today’s feminists believe that the term gender and the act of gendering are nurtured from birth until societal norms and expectations are indoctrinated into the brains of individuals. Parents and society categorizing humans based on their sex do not end with colors nor does it end at childhood. The idea of gender being the result of social construction can be portrayed immensely in various forms such as language, media and education as they all provide many evidences to illustrate

  • Essay On Gender Neutral Parenting

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    common opinions regarding gender-neutral parenting. Many parents have started to see some of the issues with “traditional” parenting styles that limit the possibilities of their children exploring different gender norms. With a shift on the views of gender and sexuality in our nation, many parents have begun to recognize the need for their children to figure out their gender through experiences and preferences. This idea is allowing children to be more fluid when it comes to gender, being able to experience

  • Gender Roles Sociology

    626 Words  | 2 Pages

    The subject of gender and gender roles didn’t become a widely discussed issue until the 1970s with the undertaking of the feminist movement. Gender is most commonly used inreference to specific behavioural characteristics that differentiate between masculinity and femininity. These behaviours that we use to categorize what is masculine and what is feminine are often referred to as gender roles. Gender roles most often define what a particular society or culture agrees is normal or acceptable behaviour