Friedrich Wieck Essays

  • Clara Schumann, a Musician in Her Own Right

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    Clara Schumann was a concert pianist born to Frederick Wieck and Marianne Tromlitz in Leipzig, Germany on September 13, 1819 (Comminfo). Clara was the second of five children and the daughter of a prominent music teacher and piano proprietor (Friedrich Wieck) and an opera soprano singer (Marianne Tromlitz). She died in 1896, renowned as a classical pianist and composer in the nineteenth-century Romantic style. During her height of popularity, the press deemed Clara as the “Queen of the Piano”

  • Women Composers Essay

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    Female composers, all through countries, have committed their selves to all types of music. From song-writing to performing, the diversity in genre of music where women have contributed is enormous. Women, in different cultures, couldn’t compose music due to motherly duties, restriction for women, village women commitments and spiritual beliefs. “In the middle ages, St. Paul took the bible scripture, Timothy (2:11-12), which states “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer

  • Clara Schumann: Life And Music In The 19th Century

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    Clara Schumann like most women of her day, faced a myriad of obstacles to becoming recognized composers in the 18th and early 19th century. Clara Schumann was an accomplished composer of her times but recognition of this feat did not come with ease. Clara faced many of the common stumbling blocks to women during this time to include the idea that a woman’s place was in the home and that her life focus is to please her husband, run the home and take care of the children. Despite this mindset

  • Biography of Clara Schumann

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    rejected the ideas of the classical era and instead encouraged composers to embrace the idea of emotionally driven music. Music was centered around extreme emotions and fantastical stories that rejected the idea of reason. This was the world that Clara Wieck (who would later marry the famous composer, Robert Schumann) was born into. Most well known for being a famous concert pianist, and secondly for being a romantic composer, Clara intimately knew the workings of romantic music which would not only influence

  • Clara Wieck Schumann and the Struggle for Equality in Nineteenth-Century Germany

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    Clara Wieck Schumann and the Struggle for Equality in Nineteenth-Century Germany The place of women before and during the nineteenth century is well summarized by a Bavarian statute book, which states that “by marriage, the wife comes under the authority of the husband and the law allows him to chastise her moderately” (Gay 177). These ideas are similarly echoed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The former did not afford women

  • Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay

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    Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay Friedrich August Wilhelm Froebel was born in Oberweissback, Germany in April 21, 1782 (Ransbury, 1995). He was the sixth child of a Lutheran Minister, but lost his mother before his first birthday. As a young boy, he played and explored in the gardens surrounding his home most of the time. His deep love of nature would later influence his educational philosophy. He did not become educated until age eleven. When he was fifteen years old, he was apprenticed to a

  • Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's The Last Laugh

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    Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's The Last Laugh About The Director: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau is one of the most important filmmakers of the cinema during Weimar Republic period. He is often grouped with Fritz Lang and G.W. Pabst as the "big three" directors of Weimar Germany. He finished his career in Hollywood and was killed at a young age in a car crash. Three of his films appear on the greatest films lists of critics and film groups. Even though there seems to be little written about him. Early

  • Friedrich Nietzche

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    Friedrich Nietzche was born in Rocken. He spent much of his time alone, reading the Bible. Nietzsche’s father died in 1849. The young man withdrew deeper into religion. Friedrich received a scholarship to Schulpforta, an elite prepatory school with only 200 students, in October 1858. The scholarship as intended to fund Nietzche’s training for the clergy. His mother, Franziska, and his young sister, Elizabeth, are dedicated to Friedrich’s success, certain of his future. At the age of 18,Nietzsche

  • Friedrich Nietzsche's Ecce Homo: Defining Humans

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    A Portrait Of Friedrich Nietzsche Should human beings be defined simply by their genetics or heritage? This is a question that pains many philosophers including Friedrich Nietzsche, who is the author of Ecce Homo. In his book Nietzsche goes through implicate measures to emphasize that human beings cannot merely be defined by their genetics or national origin. According to Nietzsche, it is how we live that characterizes us. In fact, there is a specific issue in his book that thoroughly discuss an

  • Friedrich Nietzsche

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    Friedrich Nietzsche Some call Friedrich Nietzsche the father of the Nazi party. Was Nietzsche's ideas twisted and warped by a needy country? Nietzsche himself despised the middle and lower class people. Was it Nietzsche's Will to Power theory that spawned one of the greatest patriotic movements of the twentieth century? These are some of the questions I had when first researching Friedrich Nietzsche for the following paper. Friedrich Nietzsche, at one time called "the arch enemy of Christianity"(Bentley

  • Nietzsches Superman

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    Though when most people think of superheroes they think of the type with super powers, the original idea of the ‘superman’ was developed by Friedrich Nietzsche in the 1800s. The ubermensch (literally overman in German) never had extra-ordinary powers and wasn’t developed as the protector of man. Instead, the superman is a person who has overcome all the flaws of mankind and is essentially ‘perfect.’ This idea, though it was thought of as an ideal goal that all people should strive for, has almost

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

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    Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) Introduction: Carl Friedrich Gauss is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. He is a creator in the logical-mathematical domain as he contributed many ideas to the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and physics. Being a math education major, I have come into contact with Gauss’ work quite a few times. He contributed greatly to the different areas of mathematics like linear algebra, calculus, and number theory. Creativity can be seen

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

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    Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician and scientist who dominated the mathematical community during and after his lifetime. His outstanding work includes the discovery of the method of least squares, the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, and important contributions to the theory of numbers. Born in Brunswick, Germany, on April 30, 1777, Johann Friedrich Carl Gauss showed early and unmistakable signs of being an extraordinary youth. As a child prodigy, he was self

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

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    Carl Friedrich Gauss Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855). The German scientist and mathematician Gauss is frequently he was called the founder of modern mathematics. His work is astronomy and physics is nearly as significant as that in mathematics. Gauss was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick (now it is Western Germany). Many biographists think that he got his good health from his father. Gauss said about himself that, he could count before he can talk. When Gauss was 7 years old he went to school

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

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    Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss was born in Brunswick, Germany in 1777. His father was a laborer and had very unappreciative ideas of education. Gauss’ mother on the other hand was quite the contrary. She encouraged young Carl’s in his studies possibly because she had never been educated herself. (Eves 476) Gauss is regarded as the greatest mathematician of the nineteenth century and, along with Archimedes and Isaac Newton, one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time

  • Religion in Chekhov and Nietzsche's Philosophies

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    the most essential form of guidance, as it is eternal. The Madman explores the idea that man can live independently of this divine force and govern society without it. Chekhov’s conclusions deride Nietzsche’s philosophies. Works Cited Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science (1882, 1887) para. 125; Walter Kaufmann ed. (New York: Vintage, 1974), pp.181-82.] Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The Bet. Pymble, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson, 1995. Print. Belmer, Stephanie. The Making Of The Western World

  • Crime and Punishment: A Reflection of Fyodor Dostoevsky

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    Crime and Punishment: A Reflection of Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment is one of the most well-known pieces of literature written by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was written during a time of turmoil, when Dostoevsky’s wife and brother died and he was burdened with debts, which was made worse by his excessive drinking and gambling. As a result, Crime and Punishment reflects much of the author’s inner psyche, showing much of what the author thought of the world around him. In the book, Raskolnikov’s

  • Philosophy: Nietzsche and Heidegger

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    Zalta (ed.), URL = . Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Walter Arnold Kaufmann, and R. J. Hollingdale. The Will to Power. New York: Random House, 1967. Print. Morrison, Robert G. "Nietzsche and Nirvana." In Nietzsche and the Gods. Ed. Weaver Santaniello. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2001, pp. 87-113 Ruprecht Jr., Louis A. "Nietzsche, The Death of God, And Truth, or Why I Still Like Reading Nietzsche." Journal of the American Academy of Religion Nietzsche, Friedrich. Religion: "Religion." In A Nietzsche

  • Crime and Punishment: Dostoevsky's Portrayal of Anti-Nihilism

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    During the mid- to late- 1800s in Russia, a radical phenomenon swept the nation. The idea that life was meaningless and that there was no "mind" or "soul" outside the physical world infected the minds of Russia's elite and Russia's poverty-stricken. This became known as Nihilism. According to Whitney Eggers on "Philosophies in Crime and Punishment," "Nihilists argued that there was a distinction between the weak and the strong, and that in fact the strong had a right to trample over the weak" (Eggers)

  • What Does Ethics Mean?

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    When asked what is the definition of ethics, many responded that being moral meant doing the right thing. But how can we justify what is a good action and what is a bad action? All humans were created equal, but our principles, and ways of thinking can be extremely different. Some may say doing the right thing means following your heart, your inner feelings and intuition. But emotions can be misleading. Others say in order to do what is the morally right thing means to follow the law and do what