Free agent Essays

  • Salary Cap

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    Imagine that you are a law abiding sports owner and everyday people are trying to take one those rights, and that right is the right to a free business. People are trying to take that right away by trying to add salary caps in professional sports which will limit the amount a the owner can pay the employees which is against the right of business owner to pay his employees as much as they want as long as it's not too low.   Although many people believe that there should be salary caps in professional

  • A Comparison Of The Matrix: The Matrix

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    oracle. She helps him knows more about himself. While they were getting out of the matrix , the agents attacked them and Morpheus was taken. When Neo got out of the matrix he had two choices either they unplug Morpheus or he get back to the matrix risking his life trying to save him. At this moment Neo discovered that he has to be the one to save him. He has to use everything he learned to beat the agents. His mind was accepting the fact

  • Business vs. the Environment

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    by the government, they are still being asked to answer to the call of helping out the rest of society take of nature. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of corporate responsibility for the environment through the agent-of-society and agent-of-capital views. The agent-of-society view holds that corporate managers are prima facie obligated to consider the interests of everyone who is likely to be affected by what managers decide to do. With this view in mind, Michael Hoffman states, “Corporate

  • Pet Net Case Study

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    taking dogs off the leash in public. My other suggestion for preventing actions like this is to clearly outline in the agreement with the customers your policy for emergency situations. The customer needs to clearly understand that if one of Pet_Net’s agents feels as if the dog is in need of greater care, they are going to take the best interest of the dog and seek help. If the customer wishes against that, than it should explicated agreed upon to prevent any possible liability. If you decide to take

  • Sports Agents

    1735 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sports Agents People have been entertained by sport since before the gladiators in the Roman Coliseum. In the 20th century, the publics’ passion for sport consumes more and more of their free time. As sports figures became internationally recognized, athletes began to realize their need for professional representation. Thus, sports agents were born. The field of sports agents has grown since then into an enormous field. Agents now deal with every aspect of an athlete’s life. Agents can be considered

  • A Career as a Teen Model

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    paper ... ...g is that they can offer you some opportunities for money and travel, the thing is it’s not without risks. During your modeling career, always keep your parents or guardians updated and involved at all times. Also, you would want an agent who won’t let you down, who you can trust, and have the experience to working with teenagers. To show your beauty, keep looking for exposure and experience. In major cities, some colleges have modeling clubs where you can listen to aspiring models

  • The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

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    Professional athletes face the recurring situation of negotiating or renegotiating their contracts. According to Alvin Grier, he strongly recommends that all professional athletes hire an agent or attorney to perform and guide them through negotiations, due to it being their money and their career on the line. Grier stated seven strategies to help athletes get the most out of their contract negotiation and maximizing their salaries: (1) be careful of the incentive laden contract, (2) know exactly

  • Shopping Bots

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    personal agents? Software agents include some level of “artificial intelligence” or decision-refinement algorithms that evolve a solution from a simple query and take action on the query. Current shopping bots are more akin to metasearch engines. They do not fulfill a request, but merely return information in response to a query. At present, shopping bots have not reached the point where they are software agents, but everyone expects shopping bots to evolve into personal software agents as the

  • IT In Real Estate

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    IT In Real Estate ABSTRACT Real estate is a very vast field it is growing day by day and it's not easy for buyer, seller or renter to get the information they require. There are many agents and agencies to whom people have to contact or visit to get the information which waste a lot of time and tiring and sometimes they are also not reliable ,so for easing this problem IT is playing it part by making real estate websites so that its easy for the buyer to find their desired property by searching

  • Making Moral Decisions: The Synergistic-Reflective-Equilibrium Model

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    pluralism is the logical constitution of moral reality. The synergistic-reflective-equilibrium model is the model that will describe how persons can make moral decisions as pluralistic agents. If this model is correct, then it will not be a new discovery, rather, it will be a new description of how pluralistic agents do in fact make moral decisions. This synergistic-reflective-equilibrium description should then be useful not only in giving a fuller understanding of how moral decisions ought to be

  • Artificial Intelligence In The Wachowski Brothers's The Matrix

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    that “like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison of your mind”. Basically, Morpheus is telling Neo that, until this point, Neo has been living the illusion of being and individual with free-will, while in actuality, he has existed merely as a larger part of a whole, the “single consciousness” (The Matrix) of AI that is the Matrix. Upon going deeper down the “rabbit hole” Morpheus also tells Neo that he has to learn, “if you are not one

  • Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity

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    Foucault we take it upon ourselves to regulate our own conduct, even though we are free to do and say as we please we choose to constrain our behaviour and the reason for us doing so it that we know what is expected of us, we do not need someone in a position of ?authority? to do this for us, we all take responsibility for our own lives. It is in this sense that power works as an anonymous force, provoking free agents to act in ways that make it difficult for them to do otherwise. Foucault?s theory

  • The Concept of Reality in The Film the Matrix

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    Thomas Anderson by day and "Neo" t... ... middle of paper ... ...tely, taking us somewhere we do not want to go. We may be enjoying the trip, but we have clue as to our destination. Looking back at the film, when Neo was being interrogated by Agent Smith, Smith highlighted Thomas' normal life. "You work for a respectable software corporation, you have a Social Security number, and you pay your taxes." These are all aspects of today's world: our reality. The film is trying to tell us that

  • David Gauthier's Answer to Why Be Moral

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    contractarian theory is directed at the question of moral motivation. That is, it takes the idea of agreement to be the source of motivation to be or become moral. The agreement thus serves to bring into the moral domain agents who, prior to the agreement, were not moral agents. At the second level the contractarian theory is directed at the question of the content and justification of our most general normative principles and values. That is, it takes the idea of agreement to be the source of both

  • Breaking the First Two Rules Agents of Repression and Subversion in Fight Club

    2604 Words  | 6 Pages

    Breaking the First Two Rules Agents of Repression and Subversion in Fight Club "The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. The second rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club" (48). The first two rules governing the underground fighting rings of Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club serve as more than an attempt to maintain the secrecy of the illegal clubs. The explicit definitions of what the novel's characters can and cannot think and talk about set the

  • Analysis of Penelope as Moral Agent in Homer’s Odyssey

    3041 Words  | 7 Pages

    In her essay "Penelope as Moral Agent," Helene Foley attempts to discuss Penelope, a major character in Homer's the Odyssey, in terms of Classical Athenian portrayals of women and, as her title suggests, in terms of what she calls a "moral agent." In her introductory paragraph she lays out guidelines as set down by Aristotle and his contemporaries that constitute a moral agent: the character must make an ethical and moral decision "on which the actions turns...without critical knowledge of the circumstances"

  • the supernatural effect in Macbeth

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    commit his first murder seems a little too coincidental to not be supernatural. The Three Witches are the strongest of the supernatural powers in the play. Although they speak of the future, they do not seem to affect the course of it. They are the agents of fate because they only speak of the truth of what will happen. There is one line in the play that has the most supernatural effect. “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” The theme that foul is fair and fair is fowl has the biggest supernatural pull

  • Hanson

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    limitations? Was the principle disclosed? Is there a question of interpretation? Is the principal bound by the agents statements? Tests – 1. An agency is a relationship based on an express or implied agreement by which 1 person, the agent, is authorized to act under the control of or for another, the principle, in negotiating and making contracts with third persons. 2. A general agent is authorized by the P to transact all affairs in connection with a particular kind of business/ trade. 3. The usual

  • The X-Files

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    X-Files The X-Files is generally acclaimed as the television cult hit of the 1990’s. The pilot that aired in September of 1993 introduced FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Together the two work to uncover the truth behind unsolved cases that defy normal investigation, the cases that the government has buried or ignored, labeling them the “x-files.” The two agents are wonderful examples of modernism and post-modernism world views. First in order to understand the reasons Scully and Mulder portray the

  • Education As the Most Powerful Agent of Political Socialization

    1298 Words  | 3 Pages

    Assess the view that the Education system is the most powerful agent of political socialisation. Socialisation is learning the customs, attitudes, and values of a social group, community, or culture. Socialisation is essential for the development of individuals who can participate and function within their societies, as well as for ensuring that a society's cultural features will be carried on through new generations. Socialisation is most strongly enforced by family, school, and peer groups and