Freddy vs. Jason Essays

  • Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees, a Horror Icon

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    believe the main character in Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees, is insane because for one, he was born mentally disabled, but also because of his mother’s actions. Also I believe this horror icon has endured as a popular Halloween outfit, and because the producers just won’t let the series go, finally they have improved the quality of the films over the years. This movie, Friday the 13th, had me wondering and kept me guessing the whole time. It opened with Jason Voorhees drowning in Crystal Lake, while

  • Do the Friday the 13th films have more to offer than just gore?

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    insecurity, swearing, taunting, trespassing, and smoking, but none are as prevalent as the first three mentioned. The enforcer of the hidden rules in the majority of Friday the 13th movies is Jason Voorhees (the killer). In the movie he was born in 1946. He lived in the woods close to Crystal Lake. In 1957, Jason drowned in Crystal Lake. Counselors were making out rather than paying attention to the swimming child. The body was never recovered, leaving speculation about Jason's demise. Pamela Voorhees

  • Santa Killed His Parents Essay

    782 Words  | 2 Pages

    #10: Santa Killed His Parents Billy Chapman: “Silent Night, Deadly Night” In the alarming world of horror, even Father Christmas will become a child’s worst nightmare. Young Billy Chapman is forever scarred once a serial murderer dressed as Santa kills his folks – we have a tendency to guess they were on the naughty list. once years during a corrupt orphanage, Billy snaps, dresses as Santa and chooses to penalize the naughty himself. As Billy bullies and immoral teens, suddenly coal in your stocking

  • Analysis Of The Nightmare On Elm Street

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    film franchises is the Nightmare On Elm Street series. Freddy Krueger is one of modern horror’s most recognized, beloved and feared icons, with his trademark weathered fedora, burned skin, striped red-and-green sweater, and bladed glove. The lovechild of the late, great Wes Craven, Nightmare On Elm Street saved New Line Cinema from financial despair & was instrumental to their recovery, affectionately nicknaming the studio “The House That Freddy Built.” When you glimpse into this staple of horror,

  • Why Are Horror Films Bad For Us?

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    from the nineties are The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Jurassic Park (1993), From Dusk Till Dawn ( 1996), The Sixth Sense (1999),and Sleepy Hollow (1999). Horror films from the two thousands include Final Destination (2000), Scary Movie (2000), Freddy vs Jason (20003), The Strangers (2008), and Zombieland

  • American Horror Film, Ju-On: The Grudge

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    Introduction Horror movies are probably the most hate to love movies in the world and they have really hit a peak within the last few years, grossing more than they ever have before and almost doubling the amount produced. Every culture and nation has their own idea of how horror should be presented in the movie and in just what ways. Every culture does this differently of course which is why the horror industry is so grand. There are two main cultures that stick out when talking about horror movie

  • Villains in Hollywood Films

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    horde of villainous characters spreading their wings onto the big screen, making the darker side more appealing for audiences. Everybody has gone villain this year, from Tom Cruise to Halle Berry, from the not- so-friendly extra terrestrials in Alien Vs Predator to Spiderman's sworn enemy Dr Octopus, played by Alfred Molina. The origin of villains Villains have been around since evil has walked the earth. People have been creating villains ever since the beginning of human civilization. Every

  • Insane Performance In Missy Elliott's Super Bowl

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    Super Bowl XLIX has come and gone, but it’s still making headlines with everything from a shocking ending that included an on-field brawl between the two teams to Katy Perry’s insane halftime performance. All of that and more made this year’s big game the most-watched television broadcast of any type according to the Nielsen ratings with 14.4 million viewers from beginning to end, 2.2 million more than last year. While some may say the two dancing sharks were the halftime showstoppers, others may