Fibroblast growth factor Essays

  • Thalidomide Essay

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    Thalidomide Introduction The calamity of thalidomide is one of the worst disasters in pharmaceutical history. During a post-war era, when people were commonly experiencing insomnia, there was high demand for sedatives like thalidomide. The drug was retailed as a sleeping pill that you could never overdose on. It was even considered safe enough for pregnant women. It helped them with morning sickness. It was “the only non-barbiturate sedative known at the time” (Fintel et al.) which gave the drug

  • Genetic Disorder Paper

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    11618 “Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth. It is the most common form of disproportionate short stature. It occurs in one in every 15,000 to one in 40,000 live births. Achondroplasia is caused by a gene alteration (mutation) in the FGFR3 gene. The FGFR3 gene makes a protein called fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 that is involved in converting cartilage to bone. FGFR3 is the only gene known to be associated with achondroplasia. All people who have only a single copy of the normal FGFR3

  • Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GMB)

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    treatment have been and are currently being studied. Such areas include the use of antiepileptic drugs, using Convection-Enhanced Delivery of chemotherapeutic agents, and targeting specific molecular markers and pathways such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT), and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. CURRENT STANDARD OF THERAPY The current standard of therapy is resection of the tumor plus radiotherapy and TMZ (E5). Multiple studies performed between

  • Efflux Transporters

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    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are an important group of target-specific, small molecule enzyme inhibitors that have been studied extensively and represent an expanding group of effective, chemotherapeutic agents. (8) These agents, unlike other cytotoxic agents, can be administered on a daily basis because of their selectivity and favorable safety profile. However, from previously conducted studies, all TKIs appear to be transported by efflux transporters and some of these have also been found to inhibit

  • Understanding Acromegaly: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

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    Understanding Acromegaly: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments Acromegaly is most commonly seen in adults who have a pituitary adenoma. This adenoma produces excess amounts of Growth Hormone (GH) which affects cartilaginous tissues such as the joints in hands and jaws, as well as the tissue of the nose, ears and heart. Because this growth is occurring after the epiphyseal plates have closed it creates a disproportionate appearance which is typically the first sign in the patient. There are several immunoradio

  • Ketogenic Diet Essay

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    Diets have been an altering factor in the prevalence of acne in individuals. A Ketogenic diet has been studied to determine if the low carbohydrate high protein and fat diet altered the impact of acne vulgaris (Paoli, et al., 2012). Ketogenic diet is a diet that almost completely eliminates carbohydrates from the body and solely operate the body on increased portions of protein and fat. The idea surrounding this diet is that the body will constantly run on ketones and cause the body fat to be used

  • Phases of Wound Healing

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    pro-inflammatory growth factors and cytokines such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-13, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). ... ... middle of paper ... ...h scaffolding and other methods may increase cell viability which is major backdrop in stem cells use. References: 1. Stem Cells and Healing: Impact on Inflammation: William J. Ennis,1 " 2' * Audrey Sui, 2 and Amelia Bartholomew3. 2. Factors Affecting Wound

  • Achondroplasia Research Paper

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    Dwarfism is known as people who are short in height and usually do not grow taller than four feet at the most. The most common type of dwarfism in the entire world is Achondroplasia, which is when someone is born with the lack of development of bone growth and cartilage. "Achondroplasia is the most common form of short-limbed short stature, with an incidence of approximately 1 in 20,000 live births." (Ireland E122) Achondroplasia is a type of dwarfism that sticks out because it's genetic profile, diagnosis

  • 3T3-L1 Week 3 Lab Report

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    Obesity a risk factor in which excess body fat accumulates and can have negative effects on your health. Here we identify how the hormone insulin reacts in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and its role on adipogenesis. Adipogenesis is the development of fat cells from pre adipocytes. Insulin is an important factor in the differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre adipocytes to mature adipocytes. Oil Red O (ORO) is used to demonstrate the presence of lipids in each different treatment. A spectrophotometer is used to get the

  • Essay On Soy Food

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    protein to decrease the global demands for FBS and to decrease the number of bovine fetuses required for the production of FBS. It is crucial to conduct a study that is not only able to produce protein hydrolysates from tempeh, but also to increase the growth performance of cells when tempeh hydrolysates is tested on cell culture. It is significant since the tempeh hydrolysates can be a good substitute for animal-derived serum such as fetal bovine serum because it is more ethical, cost-effective and environmental

  • Cardiac RAAS

    2105 Words  | 5 Pages

    renin-angiotensin system and their productions will be given, along with evidence in support of a cardiac RAS. The local RAS of the heart deviate from the classical pathway in two ways, one being other sources of productions such as myocytes and fibroblasts that differ from renal or neural RAS, and the other being its functions and roles that distinguish it from other tissue RAS. Based on conducted research, the renin-angiotensin system is a critical component that contributes to the progression of

  • Treatment of Skeletal Muscle Injury

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    in repair and regeneration. In skeletal muscle, satellite cells aid in helping restoration after injury. Along with muscles, tendons are very important structures within the human body, and they to can be damaged. However, tendon repair involves fibroblast cells cross-linking collagen fibers that aid in not only reinforcing structural support, but also mechanical support as well (“Understanding Tendon Injury,” 2005). While quite different from muscle repair, tendon repair involves the similarity of

  • Scleroderma Research Paper

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    SSc. PPAR-γ has been found to be low in several cell types in SSc patients and African American (AA) donors. It is believed that healthy AA donor’s monocytes have similar characteristics to SSc patients’ monocytes. High levels of Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGFβ), Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Interleukin-13 (IL-13) levels are responsible for the decreasing of PPAR-ᵞ expression in monocytes isolated from SSc patients and healthy AA donors. Caveolin-1inhibits pro-fibrotic monocytes functions by up-regulation

  • Asthma Research Paper

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    vitamin D can reduce factors involved in inflammatory responses, as well as, increase the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines. These are small proteins involved in cell signaling. There is also evidence of steroid resistance being reversed when vitamin D was

  • Contusion And Injury In College Athletes

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    leaving a gap between the torn ends of the myofiber. This gap is filled with blood, giving inflammatory cells that have been activated by the injury, direct access to the ruptured myofibers. Chemotactic signals including growth factors and cytokines are released by macrophages and fibroblast and are activated in the extracellular matrix for the circulating inflammatory cells (Järvinen, 2014) (Järvinen, 2005).The repair phases begins as macrophage cells continue a process call phagocytosis to remove the

  • tissue regeneration

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    heart valves. Our own immune system such as macrophages help in restoring the damage in the heart for example, damage caused by myocardial infarction. Macrophages responsibilities are to clear the infarcted area and activate other cells, such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells and progenitor cells to help the healing process of the blood vessels (Mercola et al. 2011). Tissue regenerative in today’s world uses the stem cell technology to repair, replace and regenerate the cells of the injured organ or

  • Laminin 332 Research Paper

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    Laminin 332 Laminin 332 is present in the BMZ of nearly all epithelial tissues in the human body [140]. Furthermore, laminin 332 is the main component found at the upper lamina densa/lamina lucida border at the base of the anchoring filaments [120]. Mutations in laminin 332 are linked to a condition that causes skin fragility and severe blistering, which is known as junctional epidermolysis bullosa [141-143]. Moreover, the absence of laminin 332 expression considerably disrupts the epidermal adhesion

  • Nanotechnology And Plastic Surgery Essay

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    nanocrystalline dressing. Bacteria are known to damage tissue leading to poor healing, thus lower bacterial load as a result of silver nanocrystalline dressing, facilitates wound healing, while growth factors are crucial in healing, as they attract cells necessary for epithelial cell migration and fibroblast growth and they initiate the formation of new blood vessels in the injured area. [14] Moreover, studies on a mouse model reveal that wounds treated with silver nanoparticle dressings resemble more

  • Could Aloe Vera Cause Cancer?

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    Aloe vera refers to the aloe barbadensis Miller plant. There are 420 different aloe species. Aloe vera is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food additive for flavoring. Aloe vera does increase average lifespan of rats and drosophila fruit flies when added to the food and drinking water. Furthermore aloe vera gel reduces wrinkles in humans. Concerns about the safety of aloe vera products have been raised by the National Cancer Institute. Aloe vera products that limit aloin to

  • Muscular Hypertrophy Essay

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    Muscular growth is when a muscle increases in mass and size. Muscular growth is also commonly known as muscular hypertrophy. Elizabeth Quinn defined “Muscular hypertrophy [as] a term for the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells.” (Quinn). Many people work hard to achieve muscular hypertrophy especially bodybuilders, football players, weight lifters, etc., but, how does muscular hypertrophy actually happen? For muscle hypertrophy, the muscle must undergo three basic stages: a stimulation