Extremely low frequency Essays

  • HAARP Radio Wave Generator

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    HAARP HAARP is an extremely low frequency radio wave generator. It stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is a massive antennae array up in Alaska on the Copper River Basin. It’s altitude fluctuates between 1000 and 3000 feet above sea level. It is operated by the US military, more specifically the Navy and Air Force. It operates between 2.8 and 10 MHz. It was also voted one of the 10 most under reported news stories of the year by journalists. Scientific Perspectives-

  • The Effects of Words Clustering on Memory

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    As world spin and time pass by, we learn a lot of new things every day. Some we may remember immediately but some are impossible to do it. Thus we as a human try a lot of ways to make every day life easier. Word clustering is one of it. Clustering is meant “similar” or “same”. The way we use it is, when we a given a thing to do, we will categorize same thing that have similar or same pattern or any common pattern. This word clustering seems to give a different impact on every people. We have two

  • EM Methods Advantages And Disadvantages

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    The latter is then divided into bands of extremely low frequencies (ELF) up to 1.0 kHz and very low frequency over 1.0 kHz. The notation very low frequencies has been adopted from Radio engineering; frequencies from hundreds thousands of Hz are usually pointed to low. The variable electromagnetic field in the microplusation range has its sources mostly in discharges in the ionosphere and is referred to

  • Informative Essay On Radiation

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    source. Two examples of radiation are light that comes from the sun and the heat that is constantly coming off the human body. Electromagnetic spectrum is the range of wavelengths or frequencies in which electromagnetic radiation extends. The wavelengths range from low energy (low-frequency) to high energy (high-frequency). Radiofrequency radiation stands at the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It contains non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms around

  • The Evolution of Quantitative Trading

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    A High-frequency trading system also adds speed to process and reduces the execution time, thereby reducing the chance that the execution will be affected by price movements during the trade process. [5] In addition, speed adds another advantage because many trades are executed through a centralized order book. An order book lists buy and sell orders and prioritize them by price an arrival time and high-frequency trades are most likely to be first to arrive. [4] Finally, high-frequency traders

  • The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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    PART 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum is the range of frequencies of possible electromagnetic radiation. The Spectrum ranges from 0 Hertz up to 2.4x1023 Hertz. The exact wavelength limits of the Spectrum are unknown however it is widely believed that the short wavelength limit is equal to the Planck Length (1.616x10-35m) and the long wavelength limit is the length of the Universe. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is an occurrence that takes the form of self-propagating waves produced by the motion

  • The Effects of Cell Phones Electromagnetic Radiation

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    which is smaller than the nucleus of an atom and x-rays, which are a bit bigger than gamma rays. Two types of frequencies that are considered non-ionising are radio frequency energy and microwave radiation. Then, there is the electromagnetic spectrum which is the different frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation, which ranges from extremely low frequency radiation to gamma rays. Frequencies are the number of times a wave moves upwards and downwards per second. Down below is an electromagnetic spectrum

  • Microwave Ovens

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    Microwaves are low on the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of all the possible electric radiation. Frequency of a wave is the number of waves per second and the frequency of a microwave is between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. The wavelength of a wave is the distance from one peak of a wave to the peak of a following wave and a wavelength of a microwave varies from one millimeter to thirty centimeters. The frequencies range from ultra high frequency to super high frequency to extremely

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Essay

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    uses magnetic fields and radiofrequencies rather than ionizing radiation used in XRay and CT. The magnetic field strength of an MRI machine is measured in Tesla (T). The majority of MRI systems in clinical practice are 1.5-3T. These produce an extremely strong magnetic field, up to 50,000 times that of the Earth's magnetic field (0.00003T). An electromagnet of similar strength would be able to pick up a car. The body is made up of 70% water, which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. MRI relies

  • The Acoustic Guitar: The Physics Of Music In Music

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    waves travel perpendicular to the source of the wave. Sound is produced from vibrations through a medium, and travels in the form of longitudinal waves [10]. Pitch is the general perception of the highness or lowness of a sound which depends on the frequency complexity, and loudness of the sound [11]; on the other hand, in music pitch related to notes that are being played. The vibrations caused from a disturbance such as a vibrating string create areas of compression and rarefaction of the molecules

  • Fantasy Football – Maths Coursework – Statistics

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    Fantasy Football – Maths Coursework – Statistics My coursework is based on the game ‘Fantasy Football’ which is ran by the British newspaper called ‘The Sun’. Fantasy Football is a competition based on building your own ‘dream team’ and collecting points to try and have the most points at the end of the season with your team, to win the cash prize. All the players from the English Premiership are used and a scoring system is used to see how well the players are doing and who has

  • Multiplexing Techniques

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    A single frequency radio wave does not transmit any information. In order for information to be transferred, the frequency needs to vary in time. The range of frequencies that a single channel can occupy is what is known as its bandwidth. In order to allow for multiple calls to be handled by a single base station, multiplexing techniques are used which are ways of combining multiple signals. The four main techniques include: frequency division multiple access (FDMA), time division multiple access

  • Effects of Genetic Drift

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    Table of content Introduction Effects of genetic drift Change in allele frequency Loss of genetic variation Loss of allelic diversity Founder effects Founder effect (i) genetic bottleneck Case study: Greater Prairies Chickens Founder effect (ii) Fitness effect of genetic drift Effective population size Genetic drift and natural selection Correlation between fitness and genetic diversity Conclusion References Genetic drift in natural populations Introduction If you flip

  • Ultrasound Essay

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    waves that can send across disparate materials like fluids, soft tissues and solids. It has a frequency higher than the higher human auditory check of 20 KHz.[1] Ultrasound frequency is described as the number of ultrasound waves each subsequent, and health ultrasound mechanisms use waves alongside a frequency fluctuating amid 2 and 15 MHz.[2] The velocity of ultrasound in a specific medium equals the frequency of ultrasound increased by its wave length.[1] Go to: BASIC PHYSICS Medical ultrasound mechanisms

  • Southwest Airlines Vs Southwest Essay

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    In this report the two Low Cost Carriers such Jet star v Southwest, will be compared and contrast such as different approaches to their market place, competition and aircraft operating strategies in the light of their ownership. Jet star is owned and controlled by Qantas internationality and domestically where Southwest is a major U.S airline that primarily provide short haul, high frequency, point to point, low fare service. Company overview Southwest Airline Southwest Airline is a major U.S airline

  • Metal Detectors Essay

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    Facts about metal detectors and their types What is a metal detector? A metal detector is an electronic device that detects the existence of metal nearby. These devices are mostly used to find metal objects hidden underground or metal additions concealed within objects. They usually include a handheld component with a sensor probe that can be swept above the objects or the ground. If the sensor detects a metal piece, it will offer an audible tone or the needle in the indicator will deflect. Usually

  • Nuclear Clock Essay

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    or it slows down here is when the nuclear part comes into play. Every time it slows just a bit the electric jolted come at the right time so the oscillations never decay. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica the resonator is regulated by the frequency of the microwave electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by the quantum transition (energy change) of an atom or molecule”(HowStuffWorks). The atomic clock loses about a second over a hundred and thirty eight million

  • Optical Fiber Essay

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    and glass, build in a strand of glass thinner than human hair. This astonishing medium allows us to broadcast data, voice and video at the speed of light. Researchers who were working for American Glass maker Corning Incorporated invented the first low - loss optical fiber with crucial attenuation limit of 20 db/km for use in telecommunications network. Signal loss of 17 decibels of light per kilometer of fiber was demonstrated. After 40 years of continuing products and process innovation have helped

  • The Effect of Underwater Acoustics on Whales

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    The Effect of Underwater Acoustics on Whales Whales utilize acoustic frequencies to communicate underwater. If the whales are unable to communicate their bi-annual migration can become perilous. Man-made low frequency sonarcan prevent whales from producing soundand sometimes causes them to take alternate routes. When the whales try to avoid the sonar they are in danger of running ashore and perishing after being beached. Introduction: Twice a year, around the months of December and

  • Music Appreciation and the Auditory System

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    turned on music to relax your nerves? While you are taking it easy, your auditory cortex is not. It works hard to synthesize the several musical elements of rhythm, pitch, frequency, and timbre to create a rich auditory experience. First, a discussion of the ear physiology is needed. Vibrating air moving at different frequencies hits the eardrum which causes the middle ear's three bones to move accordingly. The stapes, one of these inner ear bones hits on the oval window of the inner ear, and because