European Figure Skating Championships Essays

  • Ekaterina Gordeeva

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    on the ice. From the time she was four years old to this day, she has been figure skating. At just eleven years old, Gordeeva was paired with fifteen-year-old Sergei Grinkov. Together they will have become one of the most talented pairs skaters in history. The contributions to figure skating demonstrated by the career of Ekaterina Gordeeva prove beyond a doubt that the Figure Skating Hall of Fame should induct this figure skater. Gordeeva’s worthiness of this award is shown in her achievements, inspiration

  • Athlete Identity

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    a citizen, gaining evidence from figure skating, women’s professional tennis, and U.S college

  • paper

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    Organized figure skating has been around since the 18th century. Since then it has grown and evolved into the Olympic sport we see today. There have been many notable skaters and moves in skating's distinguished history. One of the most interesting and storied is the axel jump. The axel jump is one of the most difficult jumps to learn, though it is regularly used in high level competitions. It is a clockwise jump, though can be reversed. The jump adds a half spin, leaving the skater travelling backwards

  • Nancy Kerrigan's Competition

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    All it took was one swing of the baton for it to be named the “Whack Heard ‘Round the World.” After national figure skating champion Nancy Kerrigan was bashed in the knee, many people were shocked to find that her rival, Tonya Harding, could have been behind the plot to ensure Kerrigan would not be able to compete in the upcoming Olympics. What followed the assault on Kerrigan was a long and tedious court case; the assailants claimed that Harding was behind the plan to physically assault, and at

  • A Figure Skater's Influence on Society

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    Today in society, influential people can alter how people live their everyday lives in either a pleasant or an immoral manner. Athletes, such as famous Olympic figure skater, Kristi Yamaguchi, created a lasting impact on people everywhere. The way that athletes cope with their challenges and reach their goals is an important factor in the works of influencing a nation. An athlete’s extraordinary capabilities are another component of influencing a population. Another style that is used by influential

  • The Great Skater

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    The Great Skater Like any other sport, ice-skating is obliged to creative people who bring something new to it. These people are known to everyone as the inventors of particular jumps, splits, spins. They are given credit for their work and, sometimes, the skating moves they invented carry their names. For instance, the Lutz jump was invented by Alois Lutz before World War II; the Walley jump was attributed to Bruce Mapes who performed with the Ice Follies in the 1930s. With Mabel Fairbanks

  • How Background and Upbringing Effect a Child, Especially in Wild by Strayed and The Other West Moore by Moore

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    In the first few pages of Wild, it describes the present being of strayed but is quickly followed by flashbacks to her past. These flashbacks are a reminder of how the story has reached the point where it opened, on the Pacific Coast Trail (PCT). This book is more than a memoir recounting just her hike up the western coast; it is a story of her life’s journey. It explains how who she presently is directly determined by who she used to be. Each step on the trail is another step forward in her growth

  • I Tonya Film Analysis

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    I’ve been told I wouldn’t amount to anything. Well, you know what? Maybe I would.” ‘I, Tonya’ is a biopic, directed by Craig Gillespie and written by Steven Rogers. This tragic, yet outstandingly hilarious film follows the life of an abused American figure skater, Tonya Harding, who is not only known for being the first woman to complete a triple axel in a competition, but also known for her connection with one of the most astonishing scandals in sports history. The ill-conceived scandal took place

  • Tonya Nancy And The American Scandal

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    In 1994, the brutal attack on Nancy Kerrigan at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships sent shockwaves around America as the public struggled to understand the violence against America’s most beloved skater. Yet, in her article “Tonya, Nancy, and the Bodily Configuration of Social Class,” Sam Stoloff explains, “Harding was the stronger emotional pole in the drama, because, for the middle class, she represented the class Other” (Stoloff 228). This quote illustrates why the Tonya Harding and Nancy

  • Michelle Kwan Research Papers

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    I was flipping through the channel one day, searching for something interesting to watch. Then I came across to a figure skating competition on TV, and I saw an Asian girl doing a triple loop. Her moves were mind-blowingly beautiful and she looked confident. It turned it was Michelle Kwan. After watching that competition, I couldn’t help doing some research on this amazing figure skater. Michelle Kwan was born on July 7, 1980 in Torrance, California. She was the third child born to Danny

  • Argumentative Essay On Figure Skating

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    Music great combination or do you not agree? Figure Skating as a result was mashed up together to create such a beautiful but dangerous sport. Skating as a Winter Olympic sport has a long history and even with the proper equipment can be dangerous. Figure skating was originated in Europe, it was first stared by an American though named Jackson Haines. Jackson was born in New York in 1840 and died in 1875 in Finland from Tuberculosis. There was a big skating/dancing craze they called it because it swept

  • Mental Imagery: Can a Figment of Imagination Help Performance?

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    been glued to their television screens, mesmerized by the breathtaking accomplishments of the 2002 Olympic athletes. As an avid watcher of ice skating events, I couldn’t help but wonder what athletes like the bronze medallist Micelle Kwan and the gold medallist Sarah Hughes were thinking prior to their final skating performances. Before the final skating event, both skaters physically practiced their performances. I noticed that in addition to physically preparing themselves by repeatedly running

  • Figure Skating And Ice Skating

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    Ice skating is where an individual skates on ice which in turn can be turned into sports or as a hobby. Such sports include: hockey, figure skating, and ice dancing. In terms of figure skating, skaters are evaluated on how well they perform certain moves and techniques during competitions. Figure skaters compete at various levels ranging from beginner up to the Olympic Level, at local, national and international competitions. In Olympics, they are categorized into: Men’s singles, ladies’ singles

  • The Ukrainian National Identity In The History Of Ukraine

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    Growing up figure skating at a Soviet style ice rink, and well as an Eastern European household, I have become somewhat familiar with Ukrainian people and their connection to Russia. I have had the good fortune to share the ice with some of the Ukraine’s most well-known figure skaters. One was Oksana Baiul who was the 1993 figure skating world champion and in 1994, won the Olympic gold medal in ladies singles. Another was Viktor Petrenko who has won multiple Olympic medals, European championships, and

  • Hockey History

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    spread, so did the games. As the world went north, ball and stick moved onto ice. There were paintings in the Netherlands in the 1600s showed that the Dutch played a version of golf on the ice. The amazing team that was born in Scotland’s Edinburgh Skating Club formed in 1642 they are considered the oldest club in the world Ball-and-stick games were as old as civilization itself. Its earliest origins may be that Persia and China might be where the game came from, while archaeological evidence shows

  • The Effect Of Sports On The US Economy

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    revolves around sports, sports teams, sports figures, and anything that has to do with sports. While the sports industry is plagued

  • Geography: History, Culture and Economy of Estonia

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    Capital Tallinn is the major capital of Estonia with a population of approximately 390 thousand. Located along the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland, is one of the largest cities of Estonia in habiting nearly thirty percent of the total population in Estonia. Home of one of the best preserved medieval towns in Europe, Toopea Hill, located the center of Tallinn, features architecture which originated in the 15th and 17th century. Various notable site in Toopea are the Russian grand orthodox

  • History Of Cortina D Ampezzo

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    Cortina d’Ampezzo is a town ski resort that is spread in part of the Southern Alps in the Dolomite Superski, in the Italian Dolomite having nearly 140km of slopes. Not only it runs World Cup races every year such as Alpine Ski World Cup, ice hockey championships, etc. but also has variety of slopes of every difficulty that is appealing to all age groups. Being part of Dolomite Superski gives the resort and visitors big advantage as Dolomite Superski area is the world’s largest skiing area that links twelve

  • Brazil Sports - An Important Part of Brazilian Culture

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    Brazil has a very successful economy as well as stability in there government (Stambulova & Ryba, 2013, p. 64). Over the years the country has done very well in the winter and summer Olympics leading to them hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. European Football (soccer) is the face of sports in Brazil and everyone in the country unifies around it. Due to their structure of teaching, opportunities for someone to become a coach or into sports management has a number of requirements which is determined