El Salvador Essays

  • El Salvador

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    El Salvador is a beautiful country with a big population of 6.4 million. The main ethnics are White, indigenous Indians, and Mestizo. Many Spaniards settled and married native Indians therefore making Mestizo (both European and Indian blood) a popular ethnic group. El Salvador’s main language is Spanish, but Nawat is a native language that is spoken by elder Salvadorians. The El Salvador government is a republican setup. The Institutions include Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, and Military. The

  • El Salvador: The Path To Democracy In El Salvador

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    The Path to Democracy in El Salvador In a country full of conflict, uneven distribution of wealth, and a corrupt system of government, there comes a time when the people have had enough. The people of El Salvador had been dealing with living conditions far less than adequate. Some would say the working conditions of these people is closer to slavery than it is to a job. The labor force of El Salvador rotates around the giant coffee industry that is controlled by the lucky few dozen families with

  • Essay On El Salvador

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    El Salvador (The republic of The Savior) is known to be the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. San Salvador has been announced as the Capital City. It is considered to an important cultural and commercial center for the whole Central America. It borders with Guatemala, Honduras, The Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Fonseca. It’s the only country in this region not on the Caribbean Sea. El Salvador has a large presence of mountains and is also known as the Land of Volcanoes

  • Environmental Issues In El Salvador

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    El Salvador El Salvador is located in Central America and borders Guatemala. El Salvador faces many struggles that relate to the environment as well as the economy. A civil war destroyed much of the country in the 1980’s. Today drugs and violence are destroying the county and that poses a serious threat. Deforestation, soil erosion, and several other environmental issues are threatening vegetation. El Salvador is a very religious country that has many historical and cultural factors. El Salvador

  • Dbq Essay On El Salvador

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    supreme happiness, El Salvador always nobly dreamed of...to keep...her greatest glory.” Such phrases from El Salvador’s national anthem promising rapture only demonstrates the hypocrisy of a country where, according to the 2007-2008 Human Development Report on this Central American country, 81% of the Salvadoran population earned low wages. Compounding this, Salvadorans lived surrounded by grotesque violence. Source A, FRED’s graph on Real GDP at Constant National Prices for El Salvador, reflect that

  • Summary Of Mission El Salvador

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    Glenn embodies what it means to be a Country Team Member. With 19 agencies at Mission El Salvador, the majority law enforcement, Glenn is at the center of our security strategy and leads efforts to meet one of the Administration’s highest foreign policy priorities—reducing illegal migration to the United States. Every member of the team has a piece of the puzzle (in Glenn’s case – many pieces), but we need to see them all out on the table – otherwise, we simply implement good programs while never

  • El Salvador Short Story

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was a hot afternoon in El Salvador, it might have been two in the afternoon. The airport seemed crowded with commotion, people coming and going from place to place. It was hard spotting anyone who was still. It was the country’s only airport, a dimly lit and somewhat dirty building decorated with Indigenous imagery. I had a small headache, the pain started just behind my ear and crossed to my eye socket. I usually get headaches like this when I am stressing out about something or when I am irritated

  • Essay On The Conflict Of El Salvador

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    The root cause of the conflicts that occurred before, during and after the civil war in El Salvador is the disparity between the rich and the poor. Built upon the backs of the colonial system introduced by the Spaniards during the colonial period, the hacienda system, sustaining unequal distribution of wealth and land, polarized the country. While the Spaniards acquired labor through the economienda system in which the Spanish crown gave a set number of natives to Spanish elites, the elites acquired

  • Comparing Two Countries: Norway and El Salvador

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    Norway & El Salvador Norway and El Salvador by no means have many similarities if any at all, for instance the official language in Norway is Bokmal Norwegian while El Salvador's official language is Spanish. Not only are their languages different but so are their religious beliefs with Norway having 82.1% of its population belonging to the Church of Norway making their official religion Evangelical Lutheran and El Salvador having 57.1% of its population being Roman Catholic and going to a Roman

  • Death Of El Salvador-Personal Narrative-Me

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    I come from a world where hope is a luxury and struggle is a birthright. My home country, El Salvador, saturated my young mind with images of extreme poverty, violence, and the bleak absence of any meaningful future for my generation. My earliest memories are replete with gunshots, gang fights, and police persecutions. The sight of dead bodies strewn about the streets was commonplace. The authorities charged with protecting children like me looked away in deference to their role as puppets in a government

  • El Salvador Civil War Analysis

    1549 Words  | 4 Pages

    injustice due to the United States’ foreign policies. The United States supported El Salvador with weapons and money throughout the civil war. As a result of enforcing these policies, El Salvador’s poverty, population and crime rate increased. The books “…After…” by Carolina Rivera Escamilla and “The Tattooed Soldier” by Hector Tobar give us a glimpse of the issues Central Americans faced. The civil war in El Salvador was one of the most destructive combats Central America had ever encountered. It

  • The Association Between Bullying and School Satisfaction Among Primary School Children in El Salvador

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    The current study focused on evaluating the association between bullying and school satisfaction among El Salvadorian primary school children. Participants within the study were asked to provide an understanding of bullying without prior explanation of the meaning or definition. Researchers DeSouza and Ribeiro state that “international definitions vary from culture to culture…it is important minimize socially desirable responses” (DeSouza & Riberio, 2005 p.13). The survey questions were presented

  • Violence In El Salvador

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    El Salvador: From Bloody Civil War to Devastating Criminal Violence During 1979-1992 El Salvador was engaged in a civil war, with the government fighting the rural indigenous citizens. Violence and gang culture were taking over the country and creating a cycle that can’t be easily broken. El Salvador’s citizens were searching for new power, opportunities, and a way out of poverty. El Salvador’s geography left their country and people extremely exposed to invasions. The people had to create a certain

  • Recession In El Salvador

    1333 Words  | 3 Pages

    control over: the economy. When the economy between 2008 to 2009 of El Salvador diminished, as demonstrated within Source A, the non-classical Salvadoran leaders refuted Adam Smith’s idea of a self adjusting market.Instead they adopted Keynesian models. To fulfill the goal of fostering economic growth during the recession, the governmental leaders shifted the aggregate demand curve to the right. This objective was met during El Salvador’s great recession through the government’s use of monetary

  • Fertility In El Salvador

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fertility El Salvador 1985 and 2011 Prior to 1985 El Salvador was the target of an international campaign promoting contraceptive awareness and use (Jane T. Bertrand, Santisto G., Cisneros, Mascarin, and Morris). The disparity between the 1985 age specific fertility rates and the 2011 age specific fertility rates is a result of a steady campaign to educate the population on the importance of contraceptive use and family planning. By 2011 the general fertility rate has fallen by almost half and

  • Salvadorian's Struggle to Immigrate to America

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why do Salvadorian's come to the United States? To flee from poverty. Though El Salvador has adopted the dollar, it still isn't enough to pay for simple things such as a pound of beans which usually goes for about $2.00 which is more than half of what a handyman makes in a day which is $3.50 a day (Calero). There's no surprise when we ask a Salvadorian immigrant why he/ she came to the United States the answer w ill always be the same, it will either be because they want to get

  • Why Do Youth Join Gangs?

    1768 Words  | 4 Pages

    murder per hour, El Salvador, a relatively small country of about six million people, is on its way of becoming the country with highest homicide rate in the world. The violence that has become a Salvadoran social norm derives from many different factors, with the main factor being the high rate of gangs. With over 60,000 gang members actively involved in gangs, the nation has been taken under a sort of violence and mass death only caused by wars (Vice News, ‘Gangs of El Salvador’). Yet, I argue that

  • Archbishop Oscar Romero

    1173 Words  | 3 Pages

    Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero was born in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador on August 15, 1917. He was the second of seven children born to parents Santos Romero and Guadalupe de Jesus Santos. At the age of twelve, his parents were not able to afford his education and therefore apprenticed him to a carpenter. Oscar trained to be a carpenter, but he always knew he wanted to be a priest. When he was just thirteen years old, he left home to study at a seminary in the city of San Miguel (Kellogg). There

  • United States Foreign Policy Involvement with Latin America

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    and military orbit. While the findings suggested the challenges and limits relying on an authoritarian government, American dollars steadily increased their presence in El Salvador, increasing 18 million in investment in 1950 to 31 million in 1959, without much attention to the regime’s governmental style. (___) In El Salvador, the American task was easy, the United States, to encourage stability, defined as limiting insurrections, simply had to support those in power, the military, the landed oligarchy

  • Oscar Romero: School of the Americans

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez was a bishop from the Catholic Church in the Salvador. He turned out to be the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador after Luis Chavez in February of 1977. Bishop Romero was born in August 15 of 1917 and dies March 24 of 1980 in the Salvador. During his youth, he got accepted into a minor seminary in San Miguel when he was thirteen, then he was also got accepted to the national seminary in San Salvador but he got the opportunity to finish his studies at the Gregorian University