Edzard Ernst Essays

  • Alternative Medicine: The Junk Science

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    Alternative medicines are widely used around the world and are becoming more controversial each day. Alternative medicines are considered in the eyes of some doctors as “junk science”. Not only do they see the medicines as “junk science” but they also fear that the medicines can potentially be very dangerous. “Junk science” according to junkscience.com is “faulty scientific data and analysis used to advance special interests and hidden agendas”. In other words, “junk science” practicing or studying

  • Of Mice and Men and Steinbeck’s Life

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    and the Gabilan Mountains, Steinbeck found the materials for his fiction (Tedlock 3). John Steinbeck's agricultural upbringing in the California area vibrantly shines through in the settings and story lines of the majority of his works. John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. His father's family, originally called Grossteinbeck, had come from Wuppertal, about twenty miles east of the German city of Düsseldorf. During summers he worked as a hired hand on nearby

  • Origins of Expressionism

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    mostly in Germany, one of the most important Expressionist groups was “originated by a Dresden group called Die Brücke, which included painters Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Emil Nolde, Max Pechstein, and Otto Müller” (History of Expressionism). After viewing a Munich show of Impressionist and Post Impressionist paintings, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, founder of the Brücke group, felt that the paintings were lacking significance in content and execution. This led to his decision

  • Max Planck

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    Max Planck On April 23, 1858 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born in Kiel, Germany. He was the sixth child of a law professor at the University of Kiel. At the age of nine his interest in physics and mathematics was developed by his teacher Hermann Muller. When he graduated at the age of seventeen he decided to choose physics over music for his career. Although he is know for physics he was an exceptional pianist who had acquired the gift of being able to hear absolute pitch. His favorite

  • Cabaret

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    dramatic, realistic, very tasteful, and ultimately thought provoking. An American named Cliff is traveling by train to Berlin Germany and seems to be quite weary and tired. He meets a German man named Ernst who seems to be quite pleasant and yet just a tad mysterious in his ways. By a stroke of luck Ernst offers him a good name and a place to stay. He even invites Cliff to take in the scene and enjoy himself at a Kit Kat club in the heart of Berlin. Cliff being a somewhat reserved man he is a little

  • The Discovery of Paralititan Stomeri - A Giant Sauropod

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    found was a 1.69 meter long humerus, which is an upper arm bone. This was the first find in the area since 1935. The area where the bones were found is called Egypt’s Bahariya Oasis. The last time this site was explored was when a German, named Ernst Stromer, found four smaller dinosaur species. Stromer believed that the fossils he found came from a period in the Upper Cretaceous around ninety three to ninety nine million years ago. Included in stromer’s findings were fish, turtles, plesiosaurs

  • Electron Microscope

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    was in the late 19th century by the English physicist G. J. Stoney. The electron is the lightest particle having a non-zero rest mass. Electrons also have a wavelike property, which made them prime candidates for microscopes and other devices. Ernst Ruska (190...

  • Comparing Characterization in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men and The Pearl

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    to describe a character. John Ernst Steinbeck, in The Pearl, Of Mice and Men, and The Grapes of Wrath describes many of his main characters in great depth. Steinbeck and Characterization What is depth, and what does it mean? Depth is the extent, the intensity, depth is a distinct level of detail. When someone talks about depth of characterization, they are talking about the level of intensity that someone is using in order to describe a character. John Ernst Steinbeck, in The Pearl, Of

  • The History of the Nutcracker Ballet

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    the Imperial Theaters, wanted to make another ballet with choreographer Marius Petipa and composer Pete Ilyitch Tchaikovsky. Vsevolojsky suggested a story based on a book called Nussknacher und Mausekonig (The Nutcracker and the King of the Mice) by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffman. Hoffman’s story was first published in 1816. It was a part of a collection of children’s fairy tales titled Kindermarchen. This story, however, had a dark twist to the end of it that none of them liked. Because of this, Vsevolojsky

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

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    death in 1695, at which point he moved to Ohrdruf to study with his brother, Johann Christoph. In the early 1700’s Bach began working as a chorister at a church in Luneburg. In 1703, he became a violinist in the chamber orchestra of Prince Johann Ernst of Weimar, but later that year he moved to Arnstadt where he became church organist. In 1705, Bach took a one month leave to study with the renowned Danish-born German organist and composer Dietrich Buxtehude who was staying in Lubeck. Later, Buxtehude’s

  • Adolphus Busch

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    supply house, but was soon interrupted by the outbreak of the Civil War. There was nothing to interest him in the war, so he withdrew honorably after a brief service to enter the brewers supply business. In 1859, Adophus joined in a partnership with Ernst Wattenberg to form Wattenberg, Busch, and Company, a wholesale commission house. This particular wholesale house became the most popular in St. Louis at the time. Among his customers was Eberhard Anheuser. In 1859, Eberhard, a successful St. Louis

  • Jews And The Cultural Life Of Fin De Siecle Vienna

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    And indeed it has not been ignored, rather it has been used to create myth.(3) with many of the authors who write on the Jews of fin-de-siecle Vienna depicting a golden age and of a homogenuous Jewish culture with a shared common identity.(4) Yet Ernst Gombrich recently controversially asserted, whilst giving a lecture on the topic of, "Fin de siecle Vienna and its Jewish Cultural influences", "I am of the opinion that the notion of Jewish Culture was, and is, an invention of Hitler and his forerunners

  • Ethics in Machiavelli's The Prince

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    system of morality outside the Christian ethical schema. Ernst Cassirer [6] calls him a cold technical mind implying that his attitude to politics would not necessarily involve ethics. And Macaulay [7] sees him as a man of his time going by the actual ethical positions of Quattrocento Italy. In the face of s... ... middle of paper ... ...erlin, Isaiah. The Question of Machiavelli. New York Review, November 4, 1971. 6. Cassirer, Ernst. Implications of the New Theory of the State (from The

  • John Ernst Steinbeck

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    John Ernst Steinbeck Chronology Born: February 27,1902 in the family home. He lived at 132 Central Avenue, Salinas, CA. He wrote his first stories here as a child. Father: John Ernst Steinbeck. He lived 1863-1935. He was the County Treasurer. Mother: Olive Hamilton Steinbeck. She lived 1867-1934. She was an elementary teacher. Sisters: Elizabeth Steinbeck Ainsworth. She was born on May 25,1894 and died on October 20, 1992. She lived in Pacific Grove, CA. Esther Steinbeck

  • The Physicists

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    living member of an old regional aristocratic family, Miss Dr. h.c. Dr. med. Mathilde Von Zahnd. The first one thinks he is Sir Isaac Newton, but he is in reality Herbert Georg Beutler, the second one thinks he is Albert Einstein and his real name is Ernst Heinrich Ernesti. The third physicist, Johann Wilhelm Möbius is different, he has got no second identity but he is in this sanatorium because King Solomon speaks to him. We enter the play when many men are in the saloon. It is the place of a tragedy

  • John Steinbeck

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    John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California, a farming community with of about 2500 people. He was the third of four children and the only son of John Ernst and Olive Hamiton Steinbeck. His sisters Beth and Esther were much older than John and he felt closest to Mary, the youngest. He spent his childhood and adolescence in the Salinas Valley, which he later called “the salad bowl of the nation.” John’s mother, Olive, was the daughter of Irish immigrants. She left her parents’

  • Personality Theories

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    A brilliant child, always at the head of his class, he went to medical school, one of the few viable options for a bright Jewish boy in Vienna those days. There, he became involved in research under the direction of a physiology professor named Ernst Brücke. Brücke believed in what was then a popular, if radical, notion, which we now call reductionism: "No other forces than the common physical-chemical ones are active within the organism." Freud would spend many years trying to "reduce" personality

  • biological species concept

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    precursor to the concept is in Du Rietz (1930) then later Dobzhansky added to this definition in 1937. But even after this the definition was highly restrictive, the definition of a species that is accepted as the Biological Species Concept was founded by Ernst Mayr; “...groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups”. However, this is a definition on what happens in nature. Mayr later amended this definition to include an ecological

  • Concept of Species

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    to the concept is in Du Rietz (1930), then later Dobzhansky added to this definition in 1937.But even after this the definition was highly restrictive. The definition of a species that is accepted as the Biological species concept was founded by Ernst Mayr (1942); "..groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups" However, this is a definition on what happens in nature. Mayr later amended this definition to include

  • Anthropocentrism Essay

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    Evolutionary theory throws humans into a tizzy. Driven by the need to amass knowledge, we find ourselves surging forward into the exploration of a story where the more we know, the less we can feature ourselves. Eminent evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr contends that anthropocentrism and belief in evolution by natural selection are mutually exclusive (Mayr 1972). In other words, the Darwinian story of biological evolution rejects the notion of progress and replaces it with directionless change