Educational psychologists Essays

  • Educational Psychologist Case Study

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    am an educational psychologist. Per the American Psychological Association, Educational Psychologists are psychologists who have devoted time studying “how people learn and retain knowledge” (American Psychological Association, 2016). Educational Psychologist are able to apply their knowledge of psychological theories to help improve learning processes and overall student success. They have additional training and education in development and the issues that accompany, and so, educational psychologist

  • Advertising Ethics

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    Heller, Lleland Dr. “Advertising, Children, and Ethics.” Professional Articles. 1990 This article talks about psychologists helping advertising companies to help the create effective advertisements that target children. The article asks if this is ethical. Psychologists also help these companies create educational toy advertisements, anti-drug advertisements, “don’t drink and drive” advertisements, etc. So the article asks if you can really separate out all

  • Biography of Psychologist Alfred Binet

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    Alfred Binet The following essay offers both a short biography of Psychologist Alfred Binet and a present day practical application using the theory from which Binet developed his Intelligence test. Alfred Binet, born in Nice, France, on the eleventh of July, whose mother was an artist and whose father was a physician, became one of the most prominent psychologists in French history. Having received his formal education in both Nice and later, in Paris, at the renowned Lycee Louis -le-Grand,

  • Cognitive Development According to Piaget

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    humans develop cognitively has been thoroughly observed and researched by Jean Piaget. He was a cognitivist: he believed that our environment stimulates us to learn on our own (make our own intelligence). Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who had a major impact on educational theory in the early 20th century. He called himself a “cognitive biologist.” He was considered a boy genius, publishing his first paper at the age of ten. By the age of fifteen, he had written and published more than twenty articles

  • classroom management

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    those are essential as well. In the following, I will discuss what I find to be the needs of the student, the needs of the teacher, and how my philosophy on rules, consequences, and discipline play into these needs. According to several educational psychologists and theorists, there are many different needs of a student. I agree particularly with Glasser, who states that students have a need for belonging, "fun", freedom, and a warm environment with a meaningful and engaging curriculum. Linda Albert

  • Social Change: Poverty and Education

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    psychological inquiry, will be considered, compared and contrasted within multiple contexts. Social Change in Context: Poverty and Education Introduction During treatment, it is important to establish an open, honest relationship with the psychologist; however, often times a client may be embarrassed, or ashamed to be completely honest. For example, when an individual has not achieved even a minimal degree of education, say past grade school, or when an individual’s financial situation places

  • Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's

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    continue to stagnate and even degrade back to traditional ideals. It is these social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. In this study, I will argue that subtle and blatant sexism continues to exist throughout educational, economic, professional and legal arenas. Women who carefully follow their expected roles may never recognize sexism as an oppressive force in their life. I find many parallels between women's experiences in the nineties with Betty Friedan's

  • Graphology

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    Brownings and Dickens. Jean Hippolyte Michon coined the term "graphology" in 1875. Michon systematized handwriting analysis by associating hundreds of graphic signs with specific personality traits. Around the turn of the century, the French psychologist Alfred Binet performed several experiments with handwriting analysis as a device for testing personality. Binet claimed that handwriting experts could distinguish successful from unsuccessful persons with high accuracy. The German school of handwriting

  • Linking Media Violence and Negative Behavior

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    media.  We cannot blame all societal problems on the media and its portrayal of these issues, but we can become educated, ourselves, in order to better facilitate the healthy lives of our children. "We, as a society, did this to ourselves," said psychologist Dr. David Walsh, executive director of clinics and systems operations for Fairview Behavioral Services in Minneapolis. "Violence grabs the headlines, but violence itself is a result of a society that promotes selfishness, greed and instant gratification"

  • Leadership and Change

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    Leadership and Change Management Introduction The gap between designing a new organization on paper and bringing it into reality is the domain of organization change and development. Kurt Lewin, a famous social psychologist, once wrote that a social organism becomes understandable only after one attempt to change it. It often happens that management's awareness for a new organization design emerges only after the start of an intensive change process. And even if it were possible for an omniscient

  • Neuropsychologist

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    A neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in studying brain behavior relationships. Neuropsychologists have extensive training in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. Some neuropsychologists specialize in research while other neuropsychologists specialize in evaluating and treating people who are thought to have something wrong with the way in which their nervous system is functioning. Neuropsychologists study brain behavior relationships under very specific

  • Richard Wollheim's Analysis of Freud

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    culture. Psychoanalytical theory had been particularly effective in the area of literary and film criticism, its reading techniques widely disseminated, even when they were not always labelled psychoanalytical. Richard Wollheim points out that psychologist Sigmund Freud’s writings on art usually focussed on the psychology of critics, rather than on analyses of particular paintings or stories (Thurschwell 2000). However, Wollheim adopting an uncritical stance failed to acknowledge the strong reactions

  • Ted Bundy

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    compulsion and need to kill without regards to human life (R. Bell, n.d., S. L. Scott, 2005,). This report will attempt to explore Ted Bundy life history. A comparison of personality theories from two well know psychologist, Rollo May who is Ted Bundy 3 best known existential psychologist and Albert Bandura a behaviorist who is often consider one of the fathers of the cognitive movement; will be used for better comprehension of the development of Ted Bundy’s personality (C.G. Boeree, n.d., B. Engler

  • Miss California Essay

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    judges and also how to reach for our highest goals. The seminar was eight and a half hours long. It included learning, speaking skills, self confidence, and personal rights as an individual. We also had the privilege of listening to a well known psychologist speak to us about pageantry and how important it is know yourself and the goals you would like to achieve in life. Questions such as, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" have definitely given a new thought to what I would like to do for

  • Using the Biological Approach to Explain Lottery Addiction in Children

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    various organs in the body. A possible explanation could be as follows: (a) Why are young people hooked on the lottery and fruit machines? A psychologist might use the biological approach to explain this behaviour. Such a psychologist would explain the behaviour in terms of brain activity and the action of the central and autonomic nervous systems. The psychologist might also mention hormones. An answer like this would attract relatively few marks as it does little more than sketch out the possible elements

  • The Various Theories of Being an Only Child

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    The Various Theories of Being an Only Child This paper is going to show two of the various theories of being an only child. These theories come from a famous psychologist known as Burrhus Frederic Skinner and a psychology major at Northwestern University known as Alissa D. Eischens. But first it will mention the stereotypes given to the “only child” from an outsider’s point of view, then two cases that describe different childhood experiences that they had as an “only child” and how they dealt

  • Autism

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    AUTISM Autism is a disorder that impairs the development of a person's capacity to interact with, communicate with, and also maintain regular "normal" bonds with the outside world. This disorder was described in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an American psychologist. Autism is considered one of the more common developmental disabilities, and appears before the age of three. It is known to be four or five times more common in males than in females. It most cited statistic is that autism occurs in 4.5 out of

  • Ethics in the Mental Health Profession

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    ethically determined decisions. Depending upon the experience and expertise of the professional determines the outcome of the ethical circumstance. For example, if you were practicing mental health professional and had a friend who’s a licensed psychologist, who is invited to attend the wedding of a patient that she has been seeing in court-ordered therapy for a year; what advice would you give your friend? The advice you give to your friend is based upon your role as a mental health professional

  • Understanding Early Man : Scientific Discovery vs. Emotionally Driven Hypothesis

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    even close to being as widely accepted. In other words, this new field of study is based on science that does not yet exist, and might not ever exist, and the thinking behind it is similar to thinking behind the study of early man. Evolutionary psychologists use things we don't know about who we were then to try and understand who we are now, and anthropologists use things we don't know about who we are now to try and understand who we were then. Our debates about these early human ancestors echo

  • Intelligence: Definition and Theories

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    much room for interpretation. Thus my paper is an attempt to find the meaning of human intelligence. There are a couple of scientists who have tried to come up with theories of what makes a human being intelligent. Jean Piaget, a Swiss child psychologist, is well known for his four stages of mental growth theory (1). In the sensorimotor stage, from birth to age 2, the child is concerned with gaining motor control and getting familiar with physical objects. Then from age 2 to 7, the child develops