Desktop publishing Essays

  • History of Desktop Publishing

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    another type of software program called desktop publishing has gained popularity with microcomputer users. With the introduction of the laser printer and its ability to produce high quality documents, desktop publishing software became the fastest growing microcomputer application of the 1980s, and its widespread use continues into the 1990s. Desktop publishing involves using desktop publishing software or word processing software with desktop publishing capabilities, a computer system, and a printer

  • Rational models and self evaluation

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    Conio-caca Graphics Imaging Corporation ordered my team to perform a systems installation for a small publishing company in North Miami. The installation was to be performed according to company standards; first the hardware which included an image setter and then a “Mac Server” running OS 10 (Operating system version 10) followed by installing specialized software to interface with a desktop publishing application. Upon completing the installation of the software and hardware, the team and the customer

  • Career as an Electronic Publishing Specialist

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    Since the early 2000’s, there has been a strong drive toward electronic publishing, with digital versions of books, periodicals, bibliographic databases and other information in digital formats, out selling and outperforming their analog counterparts, based on research performed by Milena Milanova of Sofia University. The expiring business model publishers use, which is based on manufacturing processes, sales channel, and business practices, is rapidly changing due to the introduction of the digital

  • Peirce, Virtuality, and Semiotic

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    adjective "virtual," practically unheard-of a few years ago, has without a doubt become the number one buzzword of the nineteen-nineties. Virtual reality has become a catch phrase for the interactive multimedia technologies that have supplanted desktop publishing at the cutting edge of personal-computer graphics technology. The virtual communities which for years have flourished in comfortable obscurity on the Internet, have recently been thrust into the glare of publicity as commercial gateways have

  • Multimedia

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    defiantly. Some of the more computer-related uses of multimedia, such as electronic publishing, the internet, and computers in education will be discussed in depth thought this paper. Electronic publishing is the publishing of material in a computer-accessible medium, such as on a CD-ROM or on the Internet. In a broader sense of the term it could also include paper products published with the aid of a desktop publishing program, or any form of printing that involves the use of a computer. Reference

  • My Dream Computer

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Dream Computer After perusing the isles amongst isles of desktop computers at CompUSA I found myself drawn to the Sony desktops. SONY is a high quality brand name and has shown me throughout the years that anything and everything they create seems to be a winner. Eventually I decided to get one that was practical in size and powerful enough to handle the most strenuous projects. I ended up decide ding on the Sony VAIO RA834G Minitower. The components in this PC were more than I needed for a price

  • Analysis of Virtual Reality

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    is the mode with which they interface to the user. We would describe some of the common modes used in VR systems. Window on World Systems (WoW) Some systems use a conventional computer monitor to display the visual world. This sometimes called Desktop VR or a Window on a World (WoW). This concept traces its lineage back through the entire history of computer graphics. In 1965, Ivan Sutherland laid out a research program for computer graphics in a paper called "The Ultimate Display" that has driven

  • Mac OSX User Experience Essay

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    favorite parts of OSX are the tiny little user friendly elements. Expose is a perfect example, if I have 20 windows open, with just one click of the button, I can see everything! Also with one click of a button (F11) my windows fly away and reveal my desktop. Dashboard is one of my favorite functions in the operating system hands down I love the amount of customization and it allows me to complete tasks efficient. (my dashboard made with the built-in screen shot function cmd+shift+4.) I can

  • Client/Server Architecture and Attributes

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    description provides some common client/server architectures and attributes. The original PC networks were based on a file sharing architecture, where the server downloads files from the shared location to the desktop environment. The requested user job is then run (including logic and data) in the desktop environment. File sharing architectures work if shared usage is low, update contention is low, and the volume of data to be transferred is low. In the 1990s, PC LAN (local area network) computing changed

  • The Internet and Its Services

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    TCP/IP suite of protocols. This allows the integration of a large number of different computers into one single network with highly efficient communication between them. This way, the user can access information on all kinds of host computers from a desktop PC, Macintosh, or whatever he/she has available. TCP/IP, the communication standard underlying the Internet, originates from work done at the US-Department of Defense in the late 1960s. The first version of the Internet was built in 1969 and consisted

  • Case Study of Dell Computer Corporation

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    price had exploded from 23 cents per share to $83 per share in May1998 with a 36,000% increase and was the top performing big company then. Dell’s principal products included desktop PCs, notebook computers, workstations, and servers. Its products and services were sold in more than 140 countries. The sales of desktop PCs alone accounted for about 65% of Dell’s total revenues while the rest accounted for about 33%. In early 1988, the company has 16,000 employees. Dell’s Background and Vision

  • Dell Laptop Computer

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    Research Project My choice selection between the two computers was the Dell laptop. I currently own a desktop computer, which I use quite frequently, but sometimes I wish I can pick it up and take it wherever I go. The laptop is light, portable, and great for traveling. Although the laptop is more expensive than the desktop, I think it’s worth the higher price for the simple fact that it’s portable.# The category that I chose was the Multimedia/Video. In choosing the laptop and the multimedia category

  • Investigating How the Volume of Water Affects the Time It Takes to Boil

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    Timer,Gauze,Beaker,Bunsen Burner Tripod HPM · Q. How will I take any safety situations into account? · A. Wear your goggles at all working times to protect your eyes from boiling water; HPM to prevent ignition and overheating of the desktop. · Q. How will I ensure that my experiment is reliable? · A. I will repeat the investigation at least once. · Q. How will I record the results? · A. I will record times in whole seconds. Obtaining And Presenting Evidence Whilst

  • Computer Systems Scenarios

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    delivery instructions while she is on the road. What IT recommendations would you make for Sarah’s Flower Designs? Sarah needs to replace her older PC with a desktop computer. The desktop computer has a primary memory as well as, secondary memory; Sarah would have the ability to run the programs that would best benefit her business needs. The desktop computer could be upgraded with more memory or even a new hard drive as her business and cliental grows. Sarah should also invest in a handheld computer

  • Downloading from the Internet

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    Downloading from the Internet The first step on downloading a file or a program from the internet is to have access to the internet. When a person wants to download a specific file or program off of the internet, that person need to take into consideration the source that it comes from. There are many considerations to consider when downloading certain files or programs from the internet, one of these considerations are weather if the file or program is corrupted or has a virus attached to it

  • How To Build Your Own Computer

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    installed the right way. If you have a cpu that needs the extra 12 volt hooked to the motherboard then you will need to install it also. It looks different from the other connectors and will install only the right way. You must decide if you want a desktop or tower or one of the new small cases. You will want to allow for expandability unless you are building a small form case. Make sure you get a case that will fit the space where you plan to put it. Make sure the case has at least one intake fan or

  • Increasing Technology and Decreasing Media Credibility

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    As the power of technology grows, information has become not only easier to spread, but has also become more generally accessible. Anyone who seeks news from any part of the world can easily find it on the internet. Previously, the most common form of information distribution was through newspapers, printed in large quantities and sold for small fees. Now newspapers are having to make their way on to the internet, printing less in favor for online subscriptions to digital copies of their productions

  • Young Entrepeneur Idea: A Bookmark with a LED Light

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    01 May 2014]. What is entrepreneurship? definition and meaning. 2014. What is entrepreneurship? definition and meaning. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 April 2014]. UK book publishing industry 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 May 2014].

  • Xerox Case Study Analysis

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    Book-in-Time equipment allows for a publishing company to produce a 300-page book for $6.90, something which could have been previously reached only for lots larger than 1,000 copies. A significant decrease in publishing costs, given the fact that these cover up to 20 % (including the paper and binding the book), would create the possibility of an increased profit margin. Book-In-Time solution provided by Xerox is one of the most efficient solutions for publishing companies running on demand for short-run

  • Ensuring Truth Within Creative Nonfiction

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    nonfiction books must then write truthfully to ensure creative nonfiction books are truthful. This is the only practical approach for the creation of true creative nonfiction books. Fact-checking is too onerous a practice when applied to the book publishing industry and avoids the inherent issue at hand: deceitful authors. For the fiction itself created by these authors is not the issue, but the deception, the robbing of unsuspecting readers, which has created this entire mess in the first place.