Dana Scully Essays

  • The X-Files

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    the 1990’s. The pilot that aired in September of 1993 introduced FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Together the two work to uncover the truth behind unsolved cases that defy normal investigation, the cases that the government has buried or ignored, labeling them the “x-files.” The two agents are wonderful examples of modernism and post-modernism world views. First in order to understand the reasons Scully and Mulder portray the two world views, we must understand what modernism and post-modernism

  • Fox Mulder And Closure Essay

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    evidence for this claim is through various episodes in the show X-files, specifically the episode “Closure” in season seven. I shall summarize the dynamic of the TV show X-files and the role Fox Mulder plays in the show. Fox Mulder, a “believer,” and Dana Scully, a sceptic, are FBI agents faced with case assignments which may involve the supernatural as well as aliens. Together they run the X-files, a department of the FBI dedicated to investigating unexplained cases. From the first episode, it is apparent

  • Gillian Anderson

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    and has become a role model for young and old alike. Her popularity has evolved over the years due in part for her notorious role as Special Agent Dana Scully, on the once cult hit television series The X-Files. With the show now entering its 7th season, presumed to be its last, the concern of the once apprehensive Gillian losing the role of Scully is no longer an aspect. The reputation of the character has brought the actress apperception, which has lead to her being featured on magazine covers

  • Analysis of the X-Files Episode: Tooms

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    make the audience want to see more. The film has three genres to it, which are easily known to the audience in the credits. Sci-fi is symbolised by the flying saucer; a mutant is shown representing the horror aspect of the film and Mulder and Scullys F.B.I identity card symbolises the detective factor of the film. The prologue has a businessman standing outside his work with a briefcase; he is shown from a high camera angle and is centred to give the impression of him being watched. As he

  • The Formulaic and Episodic X-Files and Supernatural

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    concept (Kruse, 1997-8, p.110). The X-Files stars FBI agents, Mulder and Scully, as they take charge in investigating the ‘X’ files (cases that occur through unknown phenomena). Mulder, the believer, and Scully, the sceptic, face corrupt government officials and monstrous mutants while trying to uncover the meaning to unknown phenomena that otherwise, cannot be explained. The episodic and formulaic series allow Mulder and Scully to face phenomena after phenomena while being spliced with an undercurrent

  • Maya Angelou Definition Of A Hero

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    What is a hero? Is a hero a person that serves in the military, a firefighter, or is a hero an average person? Maya Angelou says” I think a hero is any person relay intend on making this a better place for all people.” I agree with what Maya Angelou said because a hero could be someone trying to make the world a better place for everyone. A hero is someone who helps another when they are in need of help no matter what the cost is.. Even if it means to risk their own lives for others. Hero’s are never

  • Christopher Reeve Heroism

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    Christopher Reeve, a well known “heroic” actor, once said, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” This quote means that to be a hero, one can have an ordinary personality, but when he or she encounters adversity the individual finds courage and steps up to unknowingly be the hero. I disagree with the statement, “Heroes are the result of the time and place of an event, rather than the personality traits of the hero” because

  • How Does Beowulf Define Heroism

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    Heroism “With the great power becomes great responsibility.” – Ben Parker this is what I believe was the perfect description of a hero. A hero is not always a man who hides under a mask or have supernatural powers. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. A hero is a selfless act of courage and is one who has a vested interest of others at heart. For these reasons heroes are not born they are made and shaped by the sacrifices and life experiences. Power is used to describe an accomplishment act by a

  • Inherit The Wind Bertram Cates A Hero

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    “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” –Christopher Reeve. A hero is someone who faces and encounters difficulties and overcomes them regardless of how challenging they are. To pursue your beliefs and to become divergent and atypical lets a person lead a cheerful life. In the play “Inherit the Wind” which is written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee, Bertram Cates is a respectful, modest, shy and not a very attractive

  • True Hero Quotes

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    “A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.” This quote sheds light on what a hero is but can not fully explain. A true hero has more of a definition than a simple quote. Hero’s are not egoistic, they are able to step up to challenges, and no matter what look positively at the outcome. To begin hero’s are not, in most situations, egoistic instead they are carrying. Zachary Dearing is the perfect example. After the chaotic storm in Texas, Hurricane Harvey

  • James Collier Challenges Essay

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    “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Reeve, the famous actor of the movie Spiderman knows exactly what overcoming obstacles is. After having a devastating horse accident, he remained quadriplegic for nine years. Everyone faces challenges some more difficult than others. For example, Phil Hansen was a famous artist who struggled because of his hand shaking problem could eventually get over it. A very much likely

  • ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve

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    ICT and Special Needs Case Study of Christopher Reeve ICT has help Christopher Reeves in many ways. Firstly with out the use of medical equipment Reeve would not have survived after the accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. Such extreme paralysis meant that reeve had to be kept on a ventilator as his lungs did not work so he couldn't leave his hospital bed for 9 months. Later he had an operation to fit a devise which sends electrical impulses to the nerves in his lungs so

  • Soldier Home Thesis

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    If you were in a place where you had to overcome a challenge, what would you to eradicate it? To be a true hero you always need to be willing to push through unexpected situations, and no matter the problem, try, try again. You have to work to be a hero, it takes effort and time, you can not give up. A hero is someone who never gives up, no matter the circumstances or situation. A hero needs to be someone who never gives up, even if times are hard and rough, they always work through them. They

  • The Barber Hero Essay

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    The definition of a hero can be incredibly hard to explain or can be entirely summed up in a few words. Heroes are usually ideal or admired people, yet, a hero can be somebody you don’t expect, someone unpredictable. The barber in this story is a hero, he’s a hero to his people and a hero for himself. He’s not a coward, although, if he went through with slitting Torres’ throat, he’d be plagued with the horror of being a murderer. Pre-eminently, the barber is a definite hero to his people. The barber

  • Johnny A Hero

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    “A hero Is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles - Christopher Reeve” Just because people start out as a “nobody” doesn't mean to stop there and give up they help out people in need and get past any challenges that might get in the way. A hero is someone who is courageous, selfless, strong. Courages is a trait many heroes have and need, in order to succeed. In the novel,The Outsiders, Johnny and Ponyboy thought nothing about it and

  • The Epic Poem, Beowulf-Conquering The Enemy

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    Conquering the Enemy Christopher Reeve, the actor who played the iconic comic book superhero, Superman, on film, once said, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Mr. Reeve had an excellent point that is relevant to any human being, especially us students who are marching on to the bigger challenges that life has to offer to us, whether it be through school, work, or even life in general. As we move on to the next chapter

  • Oliver Stone Heroism

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    what is a hero? A hero doesn't always have to be have to be a special individual saving another hopeful soul from a burning building, or being born as an extraordinary individual who has the powers to save lives. A hero could be anyone whose daily acts go unnoticed, and could never be heard. People spend their days doing these things without any notice the act of heroism. Heros can be anywhere without anyone noticing these simple jobs that they do to help others. Heroes can be blind to the human

  • Arthur Ashe's Definition Of A True Hero

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    Arthur Ashe, a well-educated wise tennis player, once said, “True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.” When most people hear “hero”, they automatically think of the superheroes exposed in comic books who possess superhuman powers and fly around the city fighting crime. By now we know that those people do not exist; the true, patriotic and humble people of today who sacrifice themselves

  • Examples Of Heroism In The Great Gatsby

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    “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” - Christopher Reeve. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald argues that heroes are usually unseen and modest and they do not ask for congratulations or favors in return for their heroic actions. The word hero has a positive connotative meaning. A hero is someone that helps people during times of need. Under any circumstance a hero is courageous and selfless. Americans have been molded to

  • My True Grit By Barry Targan Summary

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    My True Hero Barry Targan mentions in the article “True Grit” his true definition of heroic courage. Targan states that heroic courage is not only a single act of heroism or a demonstration of physical bravery. A hero is determined by the quality and magnitude of what is lived for, the worth of what is lived for. I agree with Targan’s definition and can relate it to my father who has lived for what he loves, and for what he fundamentally finds worth living for. My father, Brad, has traveled through