Culture of Australia Essays

  • A Brief on Australia and Its Culture

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    the cultures from their past. Australia embraces their heritage and the natural people who were there before the Europeans came to inhabit the area. Australia is also known for their scenery such as highlands, lowland, beaches and large cities. The animals located in Australia are very unique, the kangaroo is the animal thought to be the symbol of Australia. Most people in the US think of Australians as a completely different kind of people but the truth is they are very similar. Australia is located

  • Culture In Australia

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    CULTURE GOVERNMENT/ HISTORY There are different views in concern to the subject of Australia’s culture and the relations to the government and history. Many claim that Australia’s blend of global influences-the cross-fertilisation of cultures by the dominant political powers of Great Britain, the United States, and emerging neighbours in Asia. Others argue that separate and distinct Australian cultures have existed for a long time, as an example, Aborigines. Aboriginal cultures dating back thousands

  • The History and Culture of Australia

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    Australia’s culture is something most people do not know about or understand, but to the people of Australia it is very important. This essay’s purpose is to give a better understanding of its culture specifically its history, government, society and military. Cultural awareness is very important, especially to those who serve in the United States Army for they might encounter them in training or serve together in war. This will benefit all to read and become culturally aware of the country and

  • Australia Movie Poster Analysis

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    Australia is considered as a young country when comparing to other countries as it has been founded around 200 years ago. Today, it is still in the trouble of some sort of identity crisis, trying to find its true identity. To try to define what really is considered as Australianness means one will have to take the plunge. For instance, in Australia the movie, director Baz Luhrmann made a great effort in telling an epic story of Australia but it still falls into the category of imprudent cliché of

  • Bharat Changes His Image Summary

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    living. Often times, these new ideas conflict with a person’s previous ideas causing dilemma; the person’s dilemma leads to the hybridization of two ideas or cultures. “Bharat Changes His Image”, by Yasmine Gooneratne, should remain in the Migrations unit because the characters struggle to find a balance between Sri Lankan and Australian cultures while establishing themselves in their new home. Their actions and struggles parallel the unit’s essential questions and enduring understandings. The characters

  • The Importance Of Australian Communication

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    workforce in Australia. For instance, in most all business situations first names are used. In fact, it is stated that “it would be very unusual to call a business contact by their surname”, and educational titles play a very insignificant role in situations dealing with business (“Australian Communication”, 2013) In total, Australian culture does not differ too extremely from that of the United States. However, it does seem that businesses in Australia tend to

  • Cultural Similarities Between Australia And Nepal

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    outlooks are included. Culture is the shared values of knowledge, belief, thoughts, customs, ideas, habits, and many other relevant

  • Exploring the Impact of Aria Awards on Australian Music

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    Music Industry and is put on by the Australia Recording Industry Association better know as (Aria). The awards have been held annually since the first event in 1987. Each year exclusively the Aria event coordinators invite me, as I am apart of the music industry and have owned a media company for the past three years. The Australian Music scene has played a major role in the development stages of our nation. Australians have a great love for various cultures of music from various different genres

  • Hotel Sorrento By Hannie Rayson

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    Australian culture and the theme of ownership. Hotel Sorrento is both a vivid and moving play, which explores the concept of loyalty both to family and to Australia. Rayson describes it as a ‘sweet pensive sadness.’ She states ‘I wanted to write a play of ideas; something which would send an audience out into the night with all sorts of things to talk about over coffee.’ As a reader we are positioned to assess the contrasting views of characters that oppose ideas as to whether Australia has changed

  • Japanese and Australian Culture: Food and Cuisine

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    of the most important and influential aspects of how a country's culture is shaped and by looking at how this has been accomplished, it is clear to see direct links between dishes and aspects of Japanese and Australian Culture. REFERENE By researching a meal from each country, Okonomiyaki and Damper, connections are made and analysed between identity, culture and the communication. Cuisine is a big factor in the identity of a culture and many people will list food as a factor that makes a country

  • Maestro: an important influence on Australian society

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    conservative norms of bourgeois Australia. The consumption of texts produced in Australia by Australians helps reinforce our cultural norms and values, and aids us in recognising ourselves as Australians. This is done through characterisation, with the characters embodying many ‘Australian’ attributes, and the establishment of setting. Maestro by Peter Goldsworthy provides an insight into 1960s/70s Australia and helps reinforce common conceptions about Australian culture. One common conception Goldsworthy

  • Maple Leaf Foods Case Analysis

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    Political Issues The political situation of Australia is known to be relatively stable. Based on reports released by The Economist Intelligence Unit, the country is one of the world’s most politically stable countries which directly translates to the ease of doing business in the country, low political corruption, and a high amount of government support for business related functions. In terms of corruption levels relative to other countries, Australia is ranked the 11th lowest according the Corruption

  • The Castle

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    Australia has the terrible condition of having an essentially pointless and prefabricated idea of “Aussiness” that really has no relation to our real culture or the way in which we really see ourselves. We, however subscribe to these stereotypes when trying to find some expression of our Australian identity. The feature film, The Castle, deals with issues about Australian identity in the 1990’s. The film uses techniques like camera shots, language and the use of narration to develop conflict between

  • Crocodile Vendee Essay

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    time of release. The film Crocodile Dundee, set in both the barren Australian outback and the busy streets of America, contrasts life in the crowded and rushed city of New York and the relaxed and carefree town of Walkabout Creek. The landscape in Australia is shown through a variety of extreme long shots, to show the emptiness of the land, to portray the outback as isolated and ruthless. One location which is important in

  • Australian Lifestyle Essay

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    the traditional Australian outfit with a beer on Instagram captioned ‘Sunday lunch with Dazza.’ All for a bit of fun. Part C Television shows such as Bogan Hunters, Meet the Habibs, Pizza and Husos, even the YouTube video Smash a Froth made for Australia Day, have done nothing to move the focus away from the negative views that international viewers have of us. While Australian’s see it as a laugh, because we know some may be like that it’s far fetched and provides a good joke. Others see them more

  • Western Culture In Australia Essay

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    Australia holds a storied history of relations with Western culture. Over the last century, Australia has cultivated a powerful position alongside its allied Western nations. Australia has participated in major global events since World War I, and has maintained alliances and relations with several world powers since. Australia’s economic status and military power have shaped its international political role in recent decades. Springing from Great Britain’s constitutional monarchy, Australia’s

  • European colonisation has had a devastating effect on Indigenous culture in Australia. Do you agree?

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    European colonisation of Australia took place since the 1700’s when this new land became part of Britain. However, before the arrival of white people, there were native inhabitants who are known as ‘Indigenous Australians’ who form the group of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders. During this period there was a significant impact on the Aboriginal population. There are people who believe that Aboriginal Australians have achieved better outcomes in several aspects of their lifestyle since

  • Australia Multicultural Society Analysis

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    Australia has created a multicultural society today since the 1788, where people from different races, religions and cultures have come to an equal treatment. Although Australia today still faces less unequal treatment between some cultures and beliefs when compared to the 17th century and today. During 1788, people in Australia were finding it hard to create a stable multicultural society, where ‘settler society’ took places. The ‘settler society’ required the dispossession of indigenous people

  • 1950s Popular Culture

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    of the things that defined popular culture in the 1950s to the 1970s (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Popular culture is the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes and cultural products like phenomena such as music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film and television, which are within the mainstream of a given culture (Wikipedia, 2015). The aspect of popular culture that will be focused on is music. It is important that historians study popular culture, as

  • Australia's Musical Identity

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    country, and a continent. This land is internationally known as Australia. Founded in 1901 Australia is the smallest continent on the planet but is also the sixth largest country in the world ( The country is divided into six states or territories which all operate under their own individual government. (Powell et al./N.D.). It is home to nearly twenty-four million individuals who live primarily along the coast. Australia is a very diverse country and is home to roughly 270 different