Crochet Essays

  • The Art of Knitting and Crocheting

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    handcrafted creation. Will this colorful skein of yarn become knotted to make an afghan, a sweater, socks or hats? The combinations are endless but lead to the great debate among yarn enthusiast, do I knit or do I crochet? Knitting is completed in rows and follows block construction, where as crochet can travel in any direction and takes on a shape of its own. Knitting has a rich history dating back to pre-Columbian times. The art of knitting became popular in America during World War 1. The November

  • Difference Between Knitting and Crocheting

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    Crochet Loops and twists are spun together to form the beautiful products of crochet. Crocheting is known to date back to the sixteenth century, when it was otherwise known as “crochet lace” in France and “chain lace” in England (Marks). The place in which crochet came from is not known, but by using key words it can be approximated. Although, it is known that crochet is used all around the world and there are various types, various techniques, and various methods of it in order to generate a product

  • Importance Of Crochet Stitches

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    most common crochet stitches with this crochet stitch guide. These stitches are the building blocks of crochet. When you're learning to crochet, you learn those stitches first before moving on to pattern stitches. A pattern stitch consists of ordered stitches that are repeated to make textures, shells and clusters, as well as decorative motifs. You use pattern stitches to create crocheted items such as scarves, hats, baby blankets and more. You can find pattern stitches in crochet books or pattern

  • Crochet Case Study

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    We all know the saying Practice makes Perfect. In crochet you will find that this is very true, however it does not take too much practice to make your stitches perfect. Enjoy your crochet and follow these easy tips for pure crocheting success. Tip 1: When first learning to crochet the whole process will feel very strange, as you will have to hold the hook, yarn and work all at the same time as you try to create the various crochet stitches. But work at it, practice the stitch until it feels natural

  • Crochet Therapy Essay

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    Crochet Therapy Chemotherapy is a daunting word to most cancer patients. Out of all of the side effects caused by chemotherapy, the most dreaded amongst women is hair loss. “Chemotherapy induced hair loss occurs with an estimated incidence of 65%” (Chemotherapy). Almost half of women cancer patients consider hair loss to be the most traumatic aspect of chemotherapy. Hair loss for women is not just a physical side effect, it is an emotional one. Through an interview with Paula Mathews, a cancer

  • Personal Narrative: Learning To Crochet

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    learn to crochet. The summer that my grandma taught me was the summer I turned ten. My dad and I had taken a week and a half to drive out to Bakersfield, CA, where my grandparents lived. From close to the first moment we got there, I wanted my grandma to teach me to crochet. Once we had time, she started to teach me. When I had finally figured crocheting out, I was hooked. I have kept crocheting ever since then, and I am very grateful to my grandma for not only teaching me to crochet, but also

  • History Of The Craft Of Crocheting

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    In the early 1800s, lace made materials are much expensive than the crochet products. In Europe, some communities use crochet products to identify their social status, which only indicate that they can afford crochet products and other lace made items. The craft of crocheting only requires less expensive supplies and materials, which are commonly threads and yarns that they can purchase in nearby markets. Many assume that the craft of crocheting and knitting evolved in countries like China, Saudi

  • Benefits Of Crocheting

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    Let's start off with the definition of crocheting. Crochet is a needlework technique using a crochet hook plus yarn or crochet thread, but it might also be fabric, wire, twine, or other innovative material. If you ever want a nice sweater or even hats, scarfs picking up the art of crocheting might be the thing for you. In this essay I’m going to explore the health benefits as well as the creative aspects. It all started the day that I learned to crochet. One day we had a day off of school while I was

  • How Did Furniture Influence The Style Of Furniture

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    neoclassic furniture focused on straight lines and fluted legs. “Chair backs were oval, circular, or rectangular, sometimes with a slight arc at the top of the crest rail; seats and arms also featured smooth arcs, as geometric shapes prevailed” (Crochet, 146). Furniture had gilt tapered legs with square or oval backs. One of the most well-known furniture makers of the neoclassical era was Thomas Chippendale. Thomas Chippendale is the author of The Gentlemen and Cabinetmaker’s Director and was also

  • Critical Analysis Of Judith Butler's Argument About Gender

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    Explain Butler’s argument about gender; critically discuss why might impersonation be an authentic expression about the construction of gender. In this piece of writing I will be explaining Judith Butler’s argument about gender, also I will be critically discussing why impersonation may be an authentic expression about theconstruction of gender. To begin with I would like to briefly explain Judith Butler’s argument about gender and then go further in to detail later on in my writing. “You have

  • Essay On Heathers

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    are not so conventional like violence and murder. Relationship issues with friends, parents, teachers and male, female sexuality are also included. In the opening scenes the Heathers are talking and start to walk over to play crochet, as they get up to walk over to the crochet game they intentionally step on the flowers. Veronica is writing in her diary, “Dear Diary: Heather told me she teaches people ‘real life’. She said, real life sucks losers dry. You want to fuck with the eagles; you have to learn

  • Symbolic References In Alice In Wonderland

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    This crochet game is rather peculiar. The soldiers pair up together to make the arches, the club becomes a flamingo, and the ball becomes a porcupine. Alice feels out of control when she attempts at playing this audacious game. I think this is symbolic of how

  • Schoolwork Research Paper

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    Having no job makes it easier to find time for schoolwork and It makes it a lot easier to get things done during the day. My boyfriend Trey and I are living in the basement of his retired parent's house since we move to Washington state about a year ago. I've started to get somewhat of a pattern going during the day. I wake up, run any errands, do all my chores, and get any craft projects done and then I sit down to do schoolwork before bedtime. My chore responsibilities are only limited to a few

  • A Summary Of Owl Creek

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    While you may have stood reverently in the midst of towering redwood trees, gazed in awe at the magnificence of a statuesque mountain, or happened upon a crystal clear alpine lake, there is no experience quite so ethereal as a lotus field at dawn. Freshly killed rabbits cooking on ceramic hibachis send tendrils of smoke curling upward from the fire, as though the animals’ spirits are reaching for each other under the low haze that presses down across the darkness of the water. Whispers, and the gentle

  • The Strength and Courage of Women Exposed in A Doll’s House and Antigone

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    Have you ever wondered what women were like before the liberation movement of the 1970s? In the plays Antigone, by Sophocles, and A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, women are represented as weak, underlings to men. However, both protagonists in the play, Antigone and Nora, show their strength and courage when they go against society. Antigone shows how strong she is when she goes against the King’s decree and buries her brother who is a traitor. Nora, to save her husband’s life, takes out a loan which

  • Esperanza Rising Research Paper

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    While attempting to crochet, Esperanza’s “mountains were all lopsided and her valleys were all bunched up.”(14/15) Abuelita tugged on the yarn, it unraveling, and tells Esperanza, “Do not be afraid to start over.” Even though Esperanza messed up and things weren’t right she

  • National Tv Turnoff Week

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    considering that movie tickets, gas prices, and restaurant meals are too costly for the average person. The number one reason why the nation watches television is because of one simple word: laziness. Nowadays nobody has time to go to art exhibits, make crochet doilies, and prepare candle lit dinners. What seems to be on everybody’s mind, are deadlines, cell phones, soccer games, the Internet, fast food, and total chaos. There are so many family situations where both parents work, children are rushed into

  • Exploring My Cultural Identity Through Everyday Life

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    Generation is part of my cultural identity because it shows the differences between the old and past generation. We brought back the way people dressed in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Also, hairstyles were brought back like, going natural, box braids, crochet. My state, my generation, the food I like, the music I love, and gaming all identity my culture identity. The five aspects that describes what my culture identity is based on. My generation influence the new upcoming generations, people are regaining

  • Reflection Paper: The Clifton Strengths

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    The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment with a fun experience that provided very useful information about myself. The questions were interesting and thought provoking. However, the time limit on each question meant that most responses were my first instinct or gut response. I think the time limit keeps a person from over thinking the questions and makes them respond with an answer that is true to who they are. I agree with the five strongest areas identified in my assessment which were strategic,

  • Elvis Presley's Hair Style

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    to invade the musical industry along with the old theme of music it invaded the style too. Black men with long hairs were seen on the stages enchanting with high voltage performances. Yes it reminds of Bob Marley and his gypsy style long hair with crochet braids. Not only in the western world but India’s Bollywood too showoff its different hairdos in a flamboyant way and one such example is veteran Indian actor Amitabh Bacchan’s side burns influenced the youth of India so much so that in every alley