Coelho Essays

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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    dependent on the structure, because the structure lays down the foundation for the substance. Once an author is aware of this, they should be able to achieve pathos- the persuasion of the audience by appealing to their emotions. (Comp. Notes) Paulo Coelho had recognized this, which is why his novel, The Alchemist, has sold more than 30 million copies in 56 different languages worldwide. (Wikipedia) Although The Alchemist is written in such a way that it can be easily understood, the novel’s structure

  • Biography Of Paulo Coelho

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    Paulo Coelho is an author who was born in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is most famous for his novel called The Alchemist. It was said that this book made him known to be as the cult hero. As a child growing up he was supposed to be an engineer because his father was. But Coelho did not want to be an engineer; he simply wanted to be a writer. His parents thought this was absurd and tried to convince him otherwise. When Paulo’s parent’s attempts to redirect his dream of writing failed, they thought

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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    Santiago guides his flock throughout the fields of Andalusia. He finds an old abandoned church and churchyard where he and his flock can spend the night. He sleeps on the stone floor using his book as a pillow. He anticipates his approach the Andalusian village where, one year prior, he met a merchant's daughter. Santiago and his flock approach the town. He has been herding this flock for two years. He often reflects about what he has learned from his sheep and what they have learned from him. He

  • The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    In the second section of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, my favorite part was the fact that Santiago was realizing that he had the wrong dream in mind. This can be expressed through the quote, “ He had worked for an entire year to make a dream come true, and that dream, minute by minute, was becoming less important. Maybe that wasn’t really his dream.” Santiago got mixed up along the way and thought that he should be saving for more sheep, when he realized that what he really wanted was a trip to

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho The book I read is called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The Alchemist is about a boy from Spain, whose name is Santiago and is a shepherd. The book tells how he gets around countries, and how he deals with his problems and how he solves them. It shows how he follows his dreams, and who helps him along the way. Santiago leaves his family to become a shepherd, before leaving his dad gives him money he has saved up, Santiago buys sheep with the money. As a shepherd

  • The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Journey

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    Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Coelho grew up as a rebellious teenager who was put into an asylum three times by his parents. While an adult in Spain, he had a spiritual awakening that promoted his writing of The Alchemist. His book has been translated and sold over 65 millions copies- making him hold the title of most copies sold by a living author (“Paulo Coelho”). Coelho ended his law school study to travel; he traveled all across the world to Mexico, South

  • Analysis Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    Paulo Coelho illustrates the importance of following one’s dreams and the steps it takes to find one’s Personal Legend. Paulo Coelho expresses the how important the knowledge is that Santiago gains in The Alchemist by connecting it to information he has learned throughout his life. This knowledge is shown clearly when the old woman teaches Santiago an important life lesson, “It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them,” (Coelho 15). Coelho

  • Analysis Of The Alchemists By Paulo Coelho

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    By reading the story about the journey of Santiago in “The Alchemists” of Paulo Coelho, make me feel about my journey of moving in the USA.I felt the importance and the connection between me and Santiago journey and look like there are very uniform.. I saw how Santiago was change from the beginning to the end, he turned into a hero, the hero of his story, where he was just a simple shepherd and only want to travel around the world. Santiago has to learn a lot of thing during his journey, and he listened

  • Paulo Coelho Changes In The Alchemist

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    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho tells the story of a young boy named Santiago on his journey to find his Personal Legend (the ultimate goal in one’s life). During this journey, Santiago spends time with a merchant who owns a crystal shop. This crystal merchant helps Santiago by giving him a job and allowing him lodging, and Santiago helps the crystal merchant as well. Santiago exposes the crystal merchant to the idea that change can be beneficial in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist through his initial

  • An Essay On The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    Dreams depend on a person and whether they can make them happen. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, a boy named Santiago is on a journey to find his treasure with the help of many characters. Consequently, he develops into a well-rounded person. Coelho explains that if an individual persists in dreaming about a “treasure,” not only should one search for it, but also learn from the journey. Coelho shows how Santiago defeats the challenges he must face to get to his treasure and as well as meeting

  • The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Analysis

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    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho provides many life lessons and suggestions about how one should live. A boy becomes a shepherd and begins to travel after learning advice from the King Of Salem. The king tells him to follow his dreams and pursue his Personal Legend which is a treasure he envisions. The boy meets many new people along his journey to his treasure. However, his true treasure seems to be all of the lessons about life, and advice he receives along the way rather than the actual, physical

  • Essay On The Alchemist By Paul Coelho

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    The Alchemist “The Alchemist” is a novel written by Paul Coelho. This novel is about how a boy named Santiago who was once a Shepard and now is a rich man .Santiago is the protagonist of the novel. He was determined to fulfill his personal legend. There was also the alchemist, he was a two hundred year old man who understands the importance of personal legends.Melchizedek is the one who helps other people to pursue their personal legends. There are many more people that were with Santiago on his

  • The Hero's Journey In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    describe Santiago, the protagonist in the novel The Alchemist. In this novel, Paulo Coelho develops Santiago’s character as a young boy who goes on an adventure to find his life’s purpose. Through the hero’s journey, Paulo Coelho insists that both internal and external struggles often cannot stop people from achieving their goals, ultimately encouraging people to fulfill self discovery and understand who they truly are. Coelho incorporates many internal struggles into Santiago’s life in order to prove that

  • Overview of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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    “ Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart”(159). This is what the alchemist said to the main character. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, tells a story of a boy named Santiago, who goes on a long journey to discover his personal legend. As Santiago goes on his journey to pursue his personal legend, he is faced with many challenges, as well as left to make difficult decisions that change him forever. As Santiago travels the world, he becomes a hero. In The Alchemist, Santiago shows

  • The Theme of “The Alchemist,” by Paulo Coelho

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    The Theme of “The Alchemist,” by Paulo Coelho is, always follow your dreams and listen to your heart. At the start of the novel Santiago does not know what he should do when he is confronted by his dream. But by the end of the novel Santiago completely trusts his heart to guide him though life. Santiago’s story shows him learning and living out the theme of the novel. I think Paulo passed on his message about following your heart quite well. Through Santiago he showed that you must endure some hardship

  • Paulo Coelho Vs The Alchemist

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    than one obstacle, more than one goal, and a personal legend. Would you choose the journey or the destination?, the journey is more important because to achieve or accomplish you must come from a struggle. In the book “ The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert, in search of treasure buried in the pyramids. The Alchemist talks about the start of a journey to find worldly goods and makes us think

  • The Personal Journey In The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho

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    Through the novel The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho compares how him and Santiago have listened to their hearts and used that as strength to achieve their personal journey. Santiago achieves his dreams through strength and will. Santiago never really had a purpose to his life besides being a Shepard, and once he really followed his own dreams and did what made him feel right like finding a women and traveling to the pyramids to make her happy, he really wanted to be more than just a Shepard and stay in

  • Remember The Name Paulo Coelho Analysis

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    failure often helps individuals gain courage. In the process of accomplishing ones dream courage is helpful and in some cases essential. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Remember the Name by Fort Minor portray an individual overcoming challenges and improving himself at every opportunity to achieve an end goal. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho the main character Santiago has a dream and stays focused on it in the face of adversity. Similarly, in Remember the Name by Fort Minor the song describes an

  • The Hero's Journey In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    different in the pattern of alchemy. A poor boy dreams of treasure in a far away land, and goes in search of it. Along the way, he learns the secrets of alchemy from a wise old man in the desert. Through a simply written, sentimental fable, Paulo Coelho has given the adage of the Hero's Journey a fresh definition—one that is drawn out of the past. In The Alchemist, the character development of Santiago, the protagonist, mirrors not only the Hero's Journey of Campbell and Volger, but the Master Work

  • The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho: The Price of Success

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    away from; their character building and essential in order for me to reach my dreams. Everything with great value comes with a price and in the end anything is possible it is just a matter of deciding if it is worth the risk. Works Cited Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist. 1. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1993. 167. Print.