Chicano Essays

  • Chicanos

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    Chicanos With the advancements in technology today, the process of learning has become easier. Instead of just reading, one can look at video documentaries or web sites to acquire information they need or want. In my Latinos in the U.S. class, we have access to all types of information in our quest to learn about Mexican-American history. By reading Zaragosa Vargas= Problems in Mexican-American History, looking at the Chicano Park web site and viewing part one of the Chicano! video documentary

  • The Chicano Movement

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    In the 1970’s when Chicanos began to revolt and fight for what they believed in, there was a lot of violence happening. The riot in which there was “one resulting death, fifty injuries, and righty arrests demonstrates all the chaos and rioting that the Chicano community was experiencing. For many years Chicanos were considered the silent or forgotten majority. “This situation was to change dramatically in the mid- and late-1960s as an independent movement developed in response to the specific oppression

  • The Chicano Subculture

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    “I'm not Mexican. I am not American. I am not American in USA and Mexican in Mexico. I am Chicano everywhere. I do not have to assimilate anything. I have my own history”, stated the writer and novelist Carlos Fuentes. The Chicano subculture is the mixture of the Mexican and the American cultures. This subculture has its own history and unique characterizations that make it stand out. According to the Merriam Webster dictonary the word subculture is defined as “a group that has beliefs and behaviors

  • Chicano Nationalism

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    Chicano Nationalism Chicano as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary , is “a Mexican-American”. Nationalism, as defined by the same publication, is “devotion to the interests or particular culture of a particular nation”. So by definition, we can infer that Chicano Nationalism is an interest in either the Mexican or American culture by a Mexican American, which is not a very concise definition. Before we can begin to define Chicano Nationalism, we must first define what is it to be a Chicano

  • Chicano Community

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    idea of Chicano and the community behind is no exception. To have a personal space where community of similar opinions are included are part of their space. History has seen its prejudice against Mexican Americans, through its unequal treatment and demeaning of cultural ideas. Authors and writers, such as Gloria Anzaldua, Rosa Linda Fregoso, and W.E.B. Du Bois attempt to shed light and represent the Latino community that has gone through historical oppression and struggle. To define “Chicano” is impossible

  • Essay On Chicano Players

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    paper on the Chicano players and what impact they had on MLS. The reason why I chose this topic is because soccer is my life. I have been playing soccer since I was six years old and still to this day playing at EWU. I thought it would be very interesting to learn how Chicanos started out with soccer in the MLS. I have so much respect for Chicano athletes in the MLS and just Chicanos in general. I know that Chicano soccer players in the MLS are great players, and I feel like Chicano soccer players

  • The Chicano Movement Analysis

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Chicano history is a history of transformation based on conquest and struggle under a racial hierarchy. The Anglo-Americans’ intentions of creation of this racial foundation and segregating culture was to justify their act of assigning socio-economic functions to Mexican-Americans, limiting them to a cycle of exploitation and poverty. The meaning behind the contradiction of double aims was identified in El Plan de Santa Barbara’s manifesto and Menchaca’s Recovering History, which emphasized the

  • The Chicano Art Movement

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    art born out of the Chicano Movement of the 1960’s is a perfect example of this phenomenon. In response to the struggle for civil rights for Mexican-Americans immigrants, Chicanos and Chicanas created an art aesthetic that embodied the activist spirit of the movement. As Alicia Gaspar de Alba once stated, “the Chicano art movement functioned as the aesthetic representation of the political, historical, cultural and linguistic issues that constituted the agenda of the Chicano civil rights movement

  • Essay On The Chicano Movement

    1198 Words  | 3 Pages

    Adrian Reyes Consuelo Lopez MAS 141 5 May 2014 Art in the Chicano Movement The Chicano movement began in the 1960s with many social problems that minorities wanted to raise awareness and fix. The Chicano movement can also be called “El Movimiento”. The movement focused on political and civil rights that people thought were not being addressed. The movement tended to all Mexican-Americans that were being oppressed in the South Western region of the United States. The movement formed all neighborhoods

  • Essay On Chicano Movement

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    Script Thesis: Chicano Movement goals was to increase chicano pride, improve social and economic standing and gain civil rights. Narrator: So today we will be learning about the Civil Rights Movement. Todays topic is the Chicano movement. Well what is the Chicano Movement ? What does the term Chicano mean? Why do so many Mexican-Americans today take pride in being Chicanos? These are some of the questions that are frequently asked when the subject of the Chicano Movement comes up. A Chicano is an individual

  • Chicano Struggles

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Struggles of Being a Chicano Each and every day is hard to live through since whatever that can happen to my family absolutely terrifies me. Being a Chicana in the late 1960s hasn’t been a bed of rose petals, but I’m seizing every opportunity America will grant me. One of the biggest challenges is arriving home one day and my family is no longer there and they’re deported back to Mexico. Another huge obstacle is discrimination, we’re often called demeaning terms by complete strangers and it’s

  • Chicano, A Community That Has Overcome

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    The Chicano community has endured and overcome many struggles since the conquest by conquistador in 1491 and eviction from Atzlan. Race was used by the white community as tool to structure inequality for the Chicano community by classifying the Chicano community as white but treat them as a minority community. Chicano activist during the Mexican American generation found community self-determination by becoming actively involved in their community and taking hold of their own destiny. The Mexican

  • Rebel Chicano Art Front

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    In Sacramento, California an artistic cultural movement initially named the Rebel Chicano Art Front (RCAF) was founded to generate a sense of pride of indigenous culture during the Chicano Civil Rights Movement. The Rebel Chicano Art Front was created in 1969 by José Montoya and Esteban Villa. Villa and Montoya were originally part of a group called the Mexican American Liberation Art Front (MALA-F). The Rebel Chicano Art front name was a tribute to the previous MALA-F which they adopted their ideas

  • Delano Chicano Movement Analysis

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    The main theme of this film was the Delano Chicano Movement also referred to as the History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. During September of 1965, Hispanic farm workers in California began striking as they walked off the fields and refused to pick grapes after unfair treatment. In addition, during August 1967, farm workers began boycotting grapes. This movement was mainly for wage increases, better educational systems for their children, better homes and living conditions, as well

  • History Of The Chicano Pachuco Culture

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    the Braceros History and Zoot Suit “Pachuco” showcase. I think they both are very well related to Chicano Pachuco Culture. Pachuco style represents a notorious expression in the Chicano culture. It’s also about identity, which reminds me about a Mexican movie played by La India Maria, called “Ni de aqui ni de alla.” I think Mexican American youth back in the 1950’s were feeling the same way. Chicano history began with a massive immigration of Mexicans to California, in the United States, around 1850

  • The Brown Berets: The Chicano Movement

    1925 Words  | 4 Pages

    the Brown Berets are a militaristic group that was supplanted within the Chicano Movement whose most popular events spanned the era of the 1960s and 1970s. The Chicano Movement, or “El movimiento” as it was termed was both a cultural and political movement used to engage in activism for the struggling Mexican American population. The use of the word Chicano in reference to this group, is pertinent because Chicano was adopted as a formerly derogatory term and was reshaped to mean a new radicalized

  • Dbq Chicano Rights Movement

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chicano Rights Movement The 1960s was a time of very unjust treatment for Mexican Americans, but it was also a time for change. Many were starting to lose hope but as Cesar Chavez once said, “si se puede”. The chicano rights movement was a movement that started after World War II when Mexican Americans decided it was time to take back their rights and fight for equality. With many successes there were also some failures, but that did not stop them from fighting back for what they deserved. Chican@s

  • A Brief History of the Chicano Culture

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    The term "Chicano" has for decades been used to describe the Mexican American people present in California. Though, these individuals have been very influential to the development of California for much longer than the origin of the term. Rooted in the emergence of Mexican California in the 1800s, Chicanos have contributed greatly to the changes that California has experienced since then and into the twentieth century. At this time, California was at the forefront of social change unlike anything

  • German Valdes: The Chicano Culture

    593 Words  | 2 Pages

    Regardless of its political isolation and the dismiss of the Mexican intellectualism , Chicanos had a cultural impact in the media. The most more memorable figure was German Valdes who interpreted a charismatic Pachuco that spoke Spanglish in many of his movies. he was of great relevance since he was the first person to include a Chicano in his personages. Despite this particular attempt to incorporate the Chicano culture in the Mexican culture, there were also significant people who hated this idea

  • The Pros And Cons Of Banning Chicano Studies

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    Chicano Studies has been taught in schools for many years now but there have been recent debates on whether Chicano Studies should be banned or stay available at schools. Many believe that Chicano Studies has played a beneficial role to student’s success while others strongly disagree. I will be presenting both sides of the issue on whether they are for or against banning Chicano studies classes. I propose that the two sides of this argument might be satisfied with Chicano Studies having regulations