Cheryl Dunye Essays

  • Cheryl Dunye's The Watermelon Woman

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cheryl Dunye is an openly lesbian film director, producer and actress concerned with issues facing black lesbians. She was born in Monrovia, Liberia in 1966 and later moved on to Philadelphia, where she received her BA from Temple University and her MFA from Rutgers University's Mason Gross School of the Arts. She emerged as part of the 1990's "queer new wave" of young film and video makers who dealt with gay and lesbian themes with a new directness and vitality. In 1992 Dunye was a recipient of

  • Analyzing Katy Perry's Song 'Roar'

    876 Words  | 2 Pages

    Part B – Short Question Section 1. Who is the target audience and how do you know this? Use evidence to support your opinion. The target audience for the song ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry is young females. The song’s genre is pop, which appeals to young audiences (children to young adults) and is completely free of inappropriate language/swearing. It doesn’t contain any mature themes and the lyrics are simple and easy to understand. The song is most likely aimed at females because it tells them to be strong

  • Biomythographies: The Watermelon Woman By Audre Lorde

    1582 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cheryl states, “I’m gonna find out what her real name is, who she was and is, everything I can find out about her. Because, something in her face.. Something in the way she looks and moves is interesting, and I’m gonna just tell you all about her” (Dunye 00:07:04). By incorporating Cheryl’s research and providing the narrative of Fae Richards within the film, Dunye reminds the audience that “The Watermelon Woman” was a person with

  • The Watermelon Woman Analysis

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cheryl Dunye's film, The Watermelon Woman, combines elements from both narrative film-making and elements from the traditional documentary. The film follows Dunye (as a film-maker and as a character) and ventures on the journey of finding the Watermelon Woman. Whereas most of the film follows Dunye as a character throughout her life as she goes through the process of filming her finds, a few of the scenes are filmed as if the film was an actual documentary. The film is based primarily around the