Cercis Essays

  • Flowering Judas by Katherine Anne Porter

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    This essay focuses on the theme of love, faith and mainly betrayal. It also aims to analyse the symbolism of the short story "Flowering Judas" written by an American fiction writer Katherine Anne Porter. The story is told in a third-person point of view describing Laura´s internal conflict, the difficulty to stay faithful to her moral as well as political beliefs. The scene is set in Mexico City after the Obregon Revolution. The main protagonist, a young American teacher, comes to the town not only

  • Underworld In The Odyssey

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    and most importantly, he is sentimental. He misses his wife in Calypso’s island; he is heart-broken when his crews are killed or captured by the creatures or other people; he is deeply touched by the story of Eumaeus; he is furious and tries to kill Cerci as the punishment to turn his crew to pigs etc. Odysseus is a hero, but he is also a human. His emotions in Odyssey actually reflects the truth that even a hero also has his difficulties. With such amount of addressing on emotion, Homer succeeds in

  • Temperate Deciduous Forest and Missouri

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    Warsaw, Missouri holds the record for both the coldest and the hottest temperatures ever recorded in Missouri ("Missouri Facts and Trivia"). The temperate deciduous forest is home to unique ecosystems and plentiful wildlife and vegetation. The temperature and precipitation in this biome is not too high or too low, hence the word temperate in the name. The terrain in the temperate deciduous biome has a great effect on the adaptations of the living organisms in the area. Missouri belongs in the

  • Cathedral By John Dillard Analysis

    1025 Words  | 3 Pages

    Understanding: 1. The most important analogy in Dillard’s essay is her students. Dillard compares her students to moths; moths are attracted to the light as her students are attracted to greatness of being a great writer. 2. In paragraph 10 when Dillard says, “I’ll do it in the evening, after skiing, or on the way home from the bank…” she is referring to her students putting off writing when in her mind writing is a full time job. 3. Dillard seem to thinks the writer does her (or his) work cost sacrifices

  • Patriotism In Dante's Inferno Essay

    1441 Words  | 3 Pages

         Patriotism is respect and devotion toward a state which brings about unity and justice. It is believed to be a positive quality. In the time of Dante, it would have been considered to be a principal quality of a person. Patriotism was held to the highest regard. In turn, the act of being “unpatriotic” was a serious offense. Early scholars such as Machiavelli believed “unpatriotic” acts or beliefs to be evil, even equivalent to the act of murder. Dante is often criticized

  • The Search For Self-Acceptance in the Color Purple by Alice Walker

    1396 Words  | 3 Pages

    amongst themselves that are shared. Works Cited Averbach, Margara. "The Color Purple." 1999. Novels for Students. Ed. Sheryl Ciccarelli and Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 5. Detroit: Thomson-Gale, 1999. 59-62. Print. Boynukara, Hasen, and Bülent Cercis Tanritanir. "Letter-Writing as Voice of Women in Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple." Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences 15.1 (2011): 279-98. EBSCO. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. David, Susan. "Emotional Agility

  • The Geography of Greece

    1964 Words  | 4 Pages

    Geography of Greece Greece is a country with an interesting geography that is diverse in many senses. The location of Greece itself, as well as the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere come together to form the cumulative geography of the country. These categories of geography interact with each other to form Greece as it is. The location, its longitude and latitude, effects the country’s climate, or its atmosphere. Likewise, the country’s relationship to water, the hydrosphere