Ceramic glaze Essays

  • Italian Ceramics

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    Italian Ceramics Ceramics is both a beautiful art, and a useful tool used to create necessary items for everyday life. Italian potters have always made pottery that is useful, but still appealing to the eye. They are famous for their beautiful Majolica, which is painted in great color and detail, using various different styles and techniques to get different results. Italian ceramics hit its peak between the Middle Ages and throughout the renaissance period, where artists created many intricate designs

  • Art History Reaction Paper - Chanda Droske and Mike Kern

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    Walking into the gallery filled with ceramic pieces reminded me of the ceramics class I took my senior year in high school. Out of all the gallery openings that I have been to so far, my favorite pieces were in this one. The ceramic pieces created by Chanda Droske were placed on one side of the gallery and the work of Mike Kern on the other. While the pieces of the two have some similarities, I feel like the arrangement of the gallery highlighted the differences between them. Coming from a family

  • Shiho Kanzaki Ceramics Analysis

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    Shiho Kanzaki had an influence on the history and development of Ceramics. Shiho’s work shows the purpose of what it means for a pottery to be really appealing to people. He got a hold of all details of the use of the completed product into account in the foundation of his pieces. His jars, bowls, urns, and teapots have a simple beauty where the form meets the purpose of the mission, featured by a beautiful glazing. These works of his continue an unharmed line of tradition culture that is as important

  • Vyse-Waller: The Artistry and Collaboration in Ceramics

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    modelled. For instance, a stoneware edition of Cockerels was Celadon glazed, the iron oxide highlights becoming evident after firing to stoneware temperatures. The tin-glazed edition, modelled in terra cotta, has important details picked out in coloured glazes. The realistically coloured, hand painted edition was modelled in earthenware (Fig. 185). According to records, in 1976 Barbara Waller bequeathed the avian studies to the Victoria &Albert

  • Shaping A Life

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    Shaping A Life Is it possible to craft a personality using only hands, water, and a few small tools? Wheel throwing is much like raising a child; small mistakes can grow into larger ones, it is easy to become frustrated, and yet each pot is uniquely special. Unlike childrearing, however, throwing a pot is done with a specific set of instructions that guarantee an enjoyable outcome when followed exactly. The first step to making or throwing a pot is wedging. Wedging the lump of clay properly

  • Clock Rinsing Essay

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    Like all objects, clocks inevitably get dust and dirt on them. The type of cleaning solution used to clean clocks depends on the material the clock is made out of. Usually, liquid cleaning solutions are used because they are cheap, easy to store, and are easier to get into a clock's many nooks and crannies. Hydrocarbon A high-purity-hydrocarbon cleaner is a rinsing agent used after the clock and its internal parts have been cleaned. Hydrocarbons are organic compounds made out of hydrogen and carbon

  • Richard Fairbanks' and Takeshi Yasuda's Ceramics

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    Richard Fairbanks' and Takeshi Yasuda's Ceramics Richard Fairbanks, although many times overlooked, was an important American ceramist. He was known as a "loner" and because of this he was never really appreciated for his talent. Fairbanks was greatly influence by his professors. Professor Paul Bonifas, who taught at the University of Washington, was one who left a huge impact on Fairbanks work. Fairbanks created a system of sketching pottery profiles, which stemmed from Bonifas’ teachings

  • Educatio Jean Burnett Ceramics

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    Ceramics. It is one of the most moving and appealing subject matters the world has ever established. Not only can it be created by anyone or anything, but also it portrays stories, hold messages and hidden meanings, carries mystery, mirrors history, and contains the essence of the creator’s truth. It is a subject matter that can be analyzed, admired, critiqued, and cherished simultaneously. Ceramics is one of the most influential subject matters the world has ever been able to express. One of the

  • Personal Narrative: My First Ceramics In College

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    The first time I experienced clay in depth was in my first ceramics class in college. This is where I spent hours of my time in the studio exploring. After my first soda firing, I knew that I wanted to start a career in clay. I am applying to the master’s program in ceramics to extend my knowledge of clay and to further develop my conceptual thought. Much of my time was spent in the studio during my time in college. My professor, Nick Roudebush, saw this drive and hired me as the head studio assistant

  • Japanese Tea Ceremony Ceramics

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    Japanese Tea Ceremony Ceramics There are various objects needed to conduct a tea ceremony. Most important among them are ceramics: the tea-caddy, the tea bowl, the flower vase, the incense burner, the incense container, the water jar, the ladle rest, the rest for the cover of the jar, the ash container, the cake bowl, the plate to place charcoal brazier, and candle-holders and other paraphernalia for decoration and atmosphere. Furthermore, such utensils used in the light dinner served before

  • Love For Ceramics Research Paper

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    Love for Ceramics As a young child, my parents founded Mystic Acres Kennels, a kennel that resides on our property and is run by my family. My earliest memories are playing at the desk in the kennel, waiting to greet dogs as they entered. To distract me when large dogs came in, my mom had a constant supply of playdough, a toy which provided endless entertainment. I found myself, building and creating anything that I could get my hands on. The ideas would flow endlessly. My journey into the magnificent

  • Chinese Vase Essay

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    Formal Analysis on Chinese Vase Chinese ceramics is one of the most important forms of Chinese art in regards to its continuous development throughout the years since the imperial times, and the impact that it has had on the country’s culture. According to historians’ research, the first ceramics were made during the Paleolithic era, in which the pieces varied from brick made materials to handmade, glossed pottery to sophisticated porcelain that were initially produced only for the Chinese Imperial

  • Progression Of Islamic Art

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    prevented the representation of figures because any imitation was deemed idolatrous. Also, art is considered to be decorative and imitative. Script and patterns are used to decorate objects, whether they be architectural structures, prayer rugs, ceramics, and books. The geometric objects naturally led to artistic patterning and repetition. Although the Islamic community prohibited figural imagery, the community’s rapid expansion during the centuries after its inception diluted the rigidity of traditional

  • Nickel

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    the periodic table. It has plenty of history, as well as a huge importance to society. Its has unique chemical, physical, and geological properties. Nickel is used commercially in abundance, as it is used anywhere from simple art products such as ceramics to complex structures such as tubing for desalination plants. It is even used in the American five-cent coin, the "nickel".Nickel was discovered by Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, in Sweden, during the year 1751. Mr. Cronstedt discovered nickel in a mineral

  • Pompeii

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    became a place for trading towards the inland. Up until the middle of the 5th century B.C., the city was dominated politically by the Etruscans. In the course of the 6th century B.C., the influence of Greek culture is also documented by terracottas, ceramics and architecture. A group of warriors from Samnium, called Samnite, invaded the region in the 400’s B.C. Pompeii remained a relatively unimportant village until the 200’s B.C., when the town entered a prosperous period of building and expansion.

  • Clays and Pottery

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    classes based on more general properties of the entire clay body, such as texture and color. One distinction potters make is between primary or residual clays, and secondary or sedimentary clays. Kaolin is the major primary clay which is used in ceramics. The use of the name "kaolin" for a clay body encompasses more than a body composed of pure kaolinite crystals, however, according to Rhodes, the composition of kaolin clays generally fall with in the bounds of kaolinite's composition: 46%silica

  • Free Essays on A Doll's House: An Essay

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    movement. For the first time in decorative arts history there was a simultaneous movement throughout Europe and America. Art Nouveau brought the finest designers and craftsmen together in order to design buildings, furniture, wallpaper, fabrics, ceramics, metalwork and glasswork. Art Nouveau was considered more than a style, it was a philosophy. From this philosophy carefully designed articles for the home were designed intended to fit into the scheme of the whole Art Nouveau style. Line was the

  • Single Occupant Studio

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    When considering a career as a ceramic artist one should consider the history of the career. The use of clay to create products can be traced back to ancient times. When clay is used to create products it is known by the broad term of ceramics. According to an article by Eileen De Guire, the first use of clay was to create ceramic figurines around 24,000 BC. Moreover, as far back as 10,000 BC ceramic vessels were used to carry and store food and water. Meaning ceramics is one of the oldest professions

  • Ceramics - Incredible Refractory Materials

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    Ceramics - Incredible Refractory Materials Introduction First we will start with the definition of refractories and ceramics. Refractories and ceramics are non-metallic materials capable of maintaining physical and chemical stability at high temperatures. Refractories in modern practice are usually ceramic in nature, and are used in a wide variety of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Wherever an industrial process involves heat in excess of 700 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly), one

  • Philosophy

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    Searching the Internet is a great tool for finding examples and ideas. Even showing different cultures from all over the world. For example, how we create pottery could be totally different than the America Native Indians, who are famous for their ceramics. I would also like to know what my student’s interests are and see how I can convert it into my classroom. Communication between a teacher and a parent is very important. Both should work together because of the greater influence in the shaping