Cajun cuisine Essays

  • History Of Cajun Cuisine

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    History of Cajun Cuisine Cajun cuisine is a fusion of food from different regions with very rich histories, such as France, Canada, and the southern U.S. It was originated by peasants of French ancestry. These immigrants settled in the "Acadian" region of the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia from 1604 to 1654. By 1755, the population of these settlers had grown to about 15,000. They survived on cereal crops such as wheat, barley and oats, and garden vegetables including field peas, cabbage, and turnips

  • Cajun Food History

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    What’s spicy, deep fried and crawling with culture? One may think of Cajun food while also hoping nothing is literally crawling from its plate. Cajun food in itself has established its own culture in a way. However, different regions of the United States see Cajun in different ways. Cajun cuisine is not as abundant in all areas of the United States. For example, the most authentic Cajun food is most commonly found in the south. Even though it is popular, one may not be able to find it somewhere

  • Catfish Research Paper

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    Catfish Fridays - Calypso’s Buffet Nothing is better than Southern cooking. From mouthwatering biscuits to fried meats, the food from the south has comforted Americans all around the world. And as every foodie knows, the cornerstone of any southern dish is a great catfish. We, here at Isle of Capri Lula, love our deep fried catfish. So much so that we’ve got a special devoted to it the month of December. More on that later. But first, read on to learn more about how to cook your own delicious catfish

  • The Cajun and Creole Culture of Lousiana

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    predominant elements which make up the culture within the southern region of the state are the cultures of the Creoles and the Cajuns, which have many different influences within them. A complex blend of many different elements including religion, language, music, and food, create the unique culture of the Cajuns and the Creoles in the region of Southern Louisiana. The Cajuns are considered to be descendants of Acadian exiles who live mostly within the state of Louisiana. The French colonized the region

  • A Real Cajun Experience

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    South, crocodiles, Creole, and the flavor of Cajun America. New Orleans, Louisiana, it’s spring, and it’s time for Mardi Gras. If you want the true Cajun experience, then take a trip down to Broussard’s Cajun Cuisine in Cape Girardeau and they’ll show you what it’s like. Broussard’s Cajun Cuisine has been spicing up Cape Girardeau since 1986. Barron T. Broussard and his wife Kathy moved to Cape Girardeau from Crowley, Louisiana with a plan to bring the Cajun style of Louisiana to Missouri. They did

  • The History of Cajuns

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    The History of Cajuns The Cajuns are thrifty, determined, joyful, devoted people who settled in South Louisiana in 1759. The Cajuns had an affectionate nature that would precise itself in the gatherings of the community. The Cajuns enjoyed festivals, dancing, and food that are essential parts of bayou life. The Cajun was people who would make do with what they had. The Cajuns would work and play with equivalent enthusiasm. In Cajun Country, days rarely went by without cheers of praise to crawfish

  • Donald Link And The Culinary Art Of Cochon Restaurants

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    Raised in sSouthern Louisiana, it is not a surprise that Donald Link was engulfed with the culinary art of Cajun food from a young age. As a child he began to cook with his grandfather, which seeded a love for culinary. This later led him into beginning his professional cooking career at age of fifteen, working in little restaurants in Louisiana. He then took his budding enthusiasm and talents to San Francisco, where he further developed his culinary skills at the California Culinary Academy. In

  • Kate Chopin The Storm Analysis

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    Marie Smith EN 201 May 5, 2014 Literary Analysis Kate Chopin, a prolific writer of the late 1800’s, was actually not a native of the culture of which she’s famous for depicting. Born and raised in Missouri, she married a native of Louisiana, Cajun-born Oscar Chopin, who whisked her away to Natchitoches, Louisiana, where she became engrossed in southern life and living. This inspired much of the literature she produced throughout her career, even though she wrote most of it while living is St. Louis

  • The Importance of Dialect and Names in Kate Chopin's The Storm

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    explains her ties to Creole in her story.  She married a wealth New Orleans cotton broker and in 1888 he died.  She was left with no money and six children so she turned to writing as a means to raise them.  The characters in her story depict life in the Cajun area of America and it shows in the nature of their ways.  She does this by giving them real characteristics that can make them seem more real.  Among these characteristics are their names and their dialect. Chopin's use of Creole names in her story

  • Cajun Culture Essay

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    language, and food. Here is a bit of an overview on the history and background of the Cajun culture and language. Cajun culture began with the arrival of French Acadians who migrated to and settled in what is now Louisiana mainly between 1765 and 1785 (Cajuns, 1996). Cajun French is a variety of the French language spoken primarily in Louisiana, specifically in the southern parishes (Cajun French, 2016). The Cajuns spoke French almost exclusively until the 20th century. Many would learn English get

  • Cajun Culture

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    acquired their nickname, ?Cajuns,? from those people who could not pronounce Acadians correctly. Due to the opinion that Cajuns were ?different?, they lived close together and became isolated from others in Louisiana. They have since developed their own distinct characteristics which make them unique and unlike no others in the bayou state. Family, music, housing, food, marriages, and ?traiteurs? were all a part of the simple but challenging lifestyle of the Cajuns. The early Cajuns did not have a social

  • Analysis Of Cajun French Language Loss

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    Scholar Dominique Ryon, best known for her work in linguistics and anthropology at the University of Louisiana, focuses the following article on the topic of Cajun French language loss or rather, language revival in Louisiana. Her article is based on the very concept of language loss and/or death studies. Due to the reasons she mentions later in her article, Ryon prefers to focus on language revival as she has noticed clear holes in the research evidence used in the study of language loss. Ryon uses

  • French Essay

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    French Essay Bonjour! Je m'appelle Gwen et j'habite à Londres avec mes deux sœurs, mon frère et mes parents. J'ai quatorze ans et mes passe-temps sont la lecture, jouer à l'ordinateur et jouer de la musique. Ceci est un journal des vacances de Noël en France pour une semaine. Vendredi 20 décembre Aujourd'hui, c'était la dernière journée de collège. Les cours ont fini à douze heures et j'ai reçu des cadeaux de Noël de mes amies. Le collège était très amusant- voilà qui

  • Cross-cultural Experiences

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    partaker to "walk a mile in someone else's shoes." This old adage is quite relevant when addressed to the experience of learning in another surrounding. One gets to encounter how another person lives his or her life. They get to taste the different cuisine, enjoy music, and interact with citizens who are dissimilar. By doing this, the individual is seeing what life is like in another atmosphere. They are becoming aware of the different plights and jubilant exercises someone across the globe views as

  • Norway Vs. Puerto Rico

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    culture. Local phenomenon such as natural environment and climatic atmosphere has produced two very distinctive cultures. This is reflected in everything from regional cuisine and clothing styles to social events and the dictates of cultural norms. Moreover, the location of each country plays a very important role in its’ national cuisine and typical fashions. In terms of terrain and climate, Norway is a small country, 300,000+ sq. km or about the same size as New Mexico, with over 50,000 small islands

  • Becoming A Professional Chef

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    no matter how well written, can take the place of experience." (1) The formal educational process must begin with the choice of institution, in the United States, the Culinary Institute of America, New York is the leader in traditional culinary cuisine preparation. The curriculum is taught on the Escoffier ideal. The California culinary Academy, San Francisco, also offers culinary education, but along with the New England culinary Institute, Montpelier, Vt, offer an education for occupational demand

  • Sicily

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    region. Sicily is where east meets west. Sicilian cooking is unique in Italy, blending extravagant Arab and northern techniques with simple peasant ingredients. Most meals were based mainly on the catch of the day and the pick of the garden. Today’s cuisine is an amazing mosaic reflecting every foreign invasion that took place: Greek tyrants, Arabs, Norman knights, Byzantine bishops, Holy Roman emperors, Phoenicians. Sicily is Europe, Africa, and Asia on one island. It is believed that Gelato (Ice Cream)

  • Autobiographical Writing on my 5th Birthday

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    hair. I remember her to be very kind, she had a colossal collection of video's that she let me watch every morning and she would always offer drinks, biscuits, cakes and anything you could think of really, her kitchen was the Aladdin's cave of cuisine and provisions. On the morning of my birthday my dad came in my room picked me up to carry me across to next door. I was still asleep not really knowing what was going on around me until the fearsome freeze of the early morning hit me round

  • Comparing Nothings Changed With Vultures

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    talks about blacks as if they are dirty, cheap and poor, but considers whites as fancy and posh. The ways in which the poet has compared the two casts shows how the blacks and whites are still not equal as the whites go to a ‘new, up-market, haute cuisine’ and the blacks are at a ‘working man’s café’ which sells ‘bunny chow’ and they eat on ‘plastic table’s top’ and also ‘wipe your fingers on you jeans, spit a little on the floor: it’s in the bone’. This poem teaches and resembles how everyone

  • Difference Between Fajita And Taco Seasoning

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    Fajita and taco seasoning are two spice blends that both have their origins in Mexican cuisine and are combinations of the most widely used Mexican spices. They serve as an easy way to add traditional flavor notes to popular Mexican dishes and are often viewed as interchangeable. If you are trying to decide which one to use, it is important to understand a few things about them like their differences and whether they will provide the same effects when one is used in place of the other. We will consider