Brazzaville Essays

  • Urbanization and Ethnic Diversity in Congo

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    What is the Congo Congo’s population is estimated at 4.04 million, over half of which live in the two major cities of Brazzaville and Pointe- Noire. In this area since the 20th century three fourth of the population lives in urban areas, making the Congo one of Africa’s most urbanized countries. Almost all Congolese are Bantu, a name that refers to the people living in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa. The Bantu originated from Nigeria and Cameroon and migrated to Southern Africa 2,000 years

  • The SAPE

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    The SAPE of Brazzaville. It was on a February 11. My father and I were driving home when we got stopped in the traffic. Apparently, there was a parade. I was told that this was common in that period of the year in Kinshasa the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, when I saw the participants of the show, I was blown away. This was a very colorful parade rich in haut couture brands: Gaultier, Vuitton, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Yamamoto, and other brands. When I asked my

  • Essay for National Peace Essay Contest

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    The fall of the Soviet Union ushered in the era democracy. The world has seen, since then, many countries overthrow their old governmental structures in favor of democracy. However, for some countries this is only a dream, because sustainable peace requires not just a reform of government but a reform of all agencies in any way connected to the government. One major area that must be reformed in order for a democracy to thrive is the Security Sector. The best way to affect sustainable peace through

  • Growing Up As A Refugee In Congo

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    to provide for all of us. She passionately believed in the power of education. She would try to scrape together enough money to send us to school. There were many times when me and my brothers would help sell jugs of water in the streets of Brazzaville to make enough money for school fees and lunches. School in Congo was not an easy experience. I suffered from Asthma, which often caused me to miss several days of school because we did not have access to adequate medical care. I would work twice

  • Compare And Contrast British And French Imperialism

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    In essence imperialism was all about the stronger countries dominating weaker countries and ruling them under their own political power thus colonizing them. This would also include possessing their land and taking control of their natural resources. This became a major trend in global politics during the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. This trend was also the source of many major historical events that occurred within that timeframe. Britain and France are both typical examples

  • Geography Of Congo Essay

    1942 Words  | 4 Pages

    to the southeast, and also the equatorial climate following its position at the equator. Democratic Republic of the Congo in the acronym DRC, with Kinshasa as its political capital, can also be called Congo Kinshasa to distinguish it from Congo Brazzaville one of the neighboring countries of the nine that are:

  • Geography Of Congo Essay

    1139 Words  | 3 Pages

    Geography and Climate The Democratic Republic of the Congo lies in central Africa bordering nine countries. To the north lies the Central African Republic and South Sudan. In the east are Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania. In the west is the Republic of the Congo and the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, in the south, are Zambia and Angola. It is the second largest country in Africa and the eleventh largest country in the world with 905,567 sq mi. With French being the country’s official language, it

  • Patrice Lumumba Research Paper

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    Patrice Lumumba, the first legally elected prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was assassinated 50 years ago today, on 17 January, 1961. This heinous crime was a culmination of two inter-related assassination plots by American and Belgian governments, which used Congolese accomplices and a Belgian execution squad to carry out the deed. Ludo De Witte, the Belgian author of the best book on this crime, qualifies it as "the most important assassination of the 20th century"

  • Little Boys Come From The Stars By Emmanuel Dongala

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    Little Boys Come From the Stars by Emmanuel Dongala is an insightful story about the struggle for liberation in post-colonial Africa (possibly Congo Brazzaville), told through the eyes of a young boy named Michel (“Matapari”). However throughout the novel, there are four profound developmental themes which strike the reader: liberalisation, agriculture, education and colonialism. This piece will discuss how the afore mentioned themes play a role in highlighting the post-colonial struggle for liberation

  • Che Guevara Timeline

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    SHORT CHRONICLE OF A REVOLUTIONARY 1928 June 14, Ernesto Guevara was born in the city of Rosario, Argentina. 1932 Guevara's family moved to Alta Gracia, province of Cordoba, Argentina 1948 Ernesto Guevara traveled around the Argentinian provinces. 1951 December; he left for Chile and Peru with his friend Granado. Guevara lived for a short time in the leper colony of Huambo. Then he continued his journey to Bogata and later to Caracas. 1953 Back in Buenos Aires, he finished his studies in medicines

  • Colonization Of Congo Essay

    1181 Words  | 3 Pages

    largest country in Africa beside Sudan and Algeria with its superficial land of 2,344,885 square kilometers. Congo is surrounding by nine different countries from North to South, and West to East; Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Central African Republic, and Sudan. The dense climate, geographical position location, and resources such as cobalt, diamonds, tin, tungsten, zinc, silver, copper, gold and so more make Congo an attractive place by many international countries

  • Guinness Storehouse Case Study

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    Guinness, a very well-known beer that has been around for many many years and till this day it is one of the most popular brand of beers around the globe. With its great taste and distinction, this beer is produced at the Guinness Storehouse which is located in Dublin, Ireland in the heart of the St. James Gate Brewery. This Storehouse is the central attraction for every tourist that stops in the city of Dublin, to its employees, and to bartenders from all over Ireland who go to receive training

  • Examples Of Power In 1984 By George Orwell

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    Power is everything to people, with power people are able to do whatever they desire with no repercussions. 1984 takes place in a dystopian future were the Party controls every aspect of their citizen’s life and make their lives miserable all in the name of keeping their power. The Party exerts their power in many different ways throughout Orwell’s book. The way the Party wields their power in 1984 leads to the conclusion that the Party is unable to be overthrown because of the amount of power and

  • Casablanca Film Analysis

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    Casablanca is one of the most iconic and interesting early American films, and for good reason. The movie represents the involvement of the United States of America in World War II. As the film begins, a map of Africa is shown with thundering patriotic music. Refugees from the German occupied areas in World War II have streamed into Casablanca, Morocco, still part of unoccupied France. After Paris was lost in June, 1940, people wanted to escape through cities like Casablanca. From there they could

  • Free the Children

    1898 Words  | 4 Pages

    FREE THE CHILDREN Mission Statement "We are an international charity and educational partner, working both domestically and internationally to empower and enable youth to be agents of change". Goals and Principles Free the Children works domestic and international. They work through We Day and We Act for domestic and involve, empower and educate youth to become locally active and global citizens. Through their development model of “Adopt a Village”, they work for children’s education and enable the

  • The Cell that Started a Pandemic

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    The Cell that Started a Pandemic This Radiolab podcast talks about how the HIV/AIDS epidemic started: the ultimate patient zero story, a very recent event that still hurts and still bleeds. Carl Zimmer the guest speaker of this broadcast states that in 1981 doctors described for the first time a new disease, a new syndrome which affected mostly homosexual men. The young men in Los Angeles were dying and the number of cases was growing faster and faster. The number of deaths was increasing from

  • The Congo Crisis

    2492 Words  | 5 Pages

    Over a period from 1960-1965, the first Republic of the Congo experienced a period of serious crisis. There was a terrible war for power that displayed senseless violence and the desperation to rule. There were many internal conflicts among the people. The country eventually gained independence from Belgium. For many countries this would be a time for celebration. Unfortunately for the people of the Congo this became a time to forget. Almost immediately after independence and the general elections