Bilbao Essays

  • Frank Gehry

    1117 Words  | 3 Pages

    Frank Gehry was born on February 28, 1929 in Toronto, Canada. His parents, Irving and Thelma Caplan Goldberg were both very creative people and Gehry was exposed to an artistic and inventive environment from a very young age. His social life however, was clouded by anti- Semitism and teasing throughout most of his teen years and affected him greatly throughout the rest of his life. He was teased as “fish” by many of his peers and developed a sort of obsession for the creatures which would only wear

  • Architecture and Construction: Frank Gehry

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    architects of the 20th century. He is famous for his strange twisted shapes and the use of unconventional materials on his buildings. In this research paper, I will discuss the two most popular works of Gehry’s, which are the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and the Walt Disney Concert Hall. I’m interested in exploring the design of each museum and the way both building responds to the challenge that Gehry was presented with while building both masterpieces and also the way each building interacts to

  • Zaha Hadid: Making Utopia a Reality in Architecture

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    "Utopia: n .an impractical idealistic scheme for social and political reform" - The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition For over twenty years the Iraqi-born, English educated architect Zaha Hadid has symbolized the vanguard of contemporary architecture. She has pushed back the boundaries of built form to forge a highly individualist architectonic language that is at once thrillingly dynamic and intensely thoughtful, and as a result now has an enormous following

  • The Effects of Architecture on Society

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

    when the ‘liberating intentio... ... middle of paper ... ...ccessed April 26, 2014. Nero, Irene, "Computers, Cladding, and Curves: The Techno-Morphism of Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain" PhD diss., Florida State University, 2004. Accessed April 26, 2014. Schwartz, Frederic, ed. Mother’s House: the evolution of vanna venturi’s house in chestnut hill.

  • The Two Franks and Their Architecture

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    twentieth century, one from each side, the early part and the later part up until today each designed a museum with money donated by the Guggenheim foundation. One of these is in New York City, it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The other is in bilbao, Spain, and it was designed by Frank Geary. My purpose of this paper is to interrogate each of these buildings, glorious for different reasons, to show how each architect was expressing their own style. The Guggenheim Museum in NewYork City directly

  • Frank Gehry

    3158 Words  | 7 Pages

    Frank Gehry Quote “When everybody else is ready for the ending, I’m just ready to begin,” Frank Gehry once wrote. “It’s been the story of my life” (qtd. in Templer, 1999, pp.1) Laying the Foundation Born on 28 February 1929 in Toronto, Canada, Frank O. Goldberg entered a household with a strong Polish and Jewish heritage. Twenty years earlier, Thelma Caplanski left Poland with her parents, a couple with deep religious morals. Once they settled in Toronto, the two decided to change

  • Examining Frank Gerhy's Opus Hong Kong

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    The year of 2012 marked the completion of Frank Gehry’s very first residential project in Asia, the Opus Hong Kong. Coming from a Pritzker prize-winning architect, this residential complex cannot be labeled as just another building. Frank Gehry engraved his distinctive and whimsical style on the building, making it beautifully unique. However, the appeal of this building does not stop on its exterior. Serving its purpose as a residential unit, the building was meticulously designed to fit into the

  • The Guggenheim Museum

    1750 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Guggenheim Museum I first visited the Guggenheim Museum two weeks ago with Claus, my friend from Germany. We had the MOMA in mind but I guess talking, talking we must have passed it by. Half an hour from the MOMA we found ourselves in front of the Guggenheim, the astonishing white building that was Frank Lloyd Wright's last project. Why not? We said to ourselves. And so we walked right in. According to the pamphlet: "The Guggenheim Museum is an embodiment of Wright's attempts to render

  • Museum Debt Policy Report

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    This proposed debt policy is developed for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and endeavors to reflect its philosophy and possible priorities. The Guggenheim Museum is located in the heart of New York city. Its architectural design and powerful ability to create a reciprocal relationship with its audience makes it unique and unforgettable in the memory of its visitors. Furthermore, the Museum has developed a multicultural ambience that attracts people from all over the world by presenting significant

  • Genetically Modified Organisms Rhetorical Analysis

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    audience can understand. To propose her writing, Thersea Bilbao uses the rhetorical structure to guide the reader

  • The Separation Of Church And State In Mexico

    1261 Words  | 3 Pages

    Thomas Paine, famous author of Common Sense, once wrote that “One good schoolmaster is of more use than a hundred priests”. In Mexico in the early 1800’s the caudillos ruled the country with an iron fist. Benito Juarez comes to help free Mexico of these ruthless leaders and their conservative views this would spread to other Latin countries. Separation of church and state was a main view of the new liberal movement of the 1850’s. Liberals asked for many for things when fighting for liberty but all

  • Comprehensive Plans

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    groups on the same platform especially when it comes to medium to larger cities where there are many pressing problems in wide variety of sectors. Works Cited Gomez, Maria V. "Reflective Images: The Case of Urban Regeneratiokn in Glasgow and Bilbao." Internationa Urban Research, 1998: 106-121. Neuman, Michael. "Do plans and zoning matter?" Planning, 2003: 28-31. Neuman, Michael. "Does Planning Need the Plan?" Planning, 1998: 208-220. "Review Forum." AIP Journal, 1970: 47-60.

  • My Tia Monologue

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    an aunt. One moment with her seems as if it happened yesterday. We were playing on a play structure together in Bilbao, Spain, as she pushed me on the swings I asked her if she would ever have kids because I wanted a baby cousin. She told me she hoped someday she could give me the baby cousin I wanted or two or three. What my TIA didn’t tell me that day on the play structure in Bilbao was that she had already been trying

  • Analysis Of Michel Gobat's The Invention Of Latin America

    957 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nineteenth Century ‘Latin America’ In Michel Gobat’s The Invention of the Latin America: A Transnational History of Anti-Imperialism, Democracy, and Race, he discusses the social construction of the term Latin America in the 19th century. The term Latin America was used to push against United States expansionism and European imperialism. The emergence of ‘Latin America’ is tied to a race, a democratic-republican government and linked to the idea of modernity, and the pushback against the United

  • Spain

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    255,000 tons of zinc concentrates, 58,400 tons of lead, 5 million tons of gypsum, and 795,000 tons of crude petroleum. The principal coal mines are in the northwest, near Oviedo; the chief iron-ore deposits are in the same area, around Santander and Bilbao; large mercury reserves are located in Almadén, in southwestern Spain, and copper and lead are mined in Andalusia. Other minerals produced are potash, manganese, fluorite, tin, tungsten, wolfram, bismuth, antimony, cobalt, and rock salt. Manufacturing

  • Takashi Murakami Research Paper

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    in the strange forest (blue DOB),” Murakami states that he was “influenced by Walt Disney film of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’”(Museo Guggenheim Bilbao). He goes on to say that “there was a scene with a cat sleeping on a big mushroom…. and I just put DOB there in the Forest.” Additionally, he says that the film made a “big impact on [him]” (Museo Guggenheim Bilbao). According to, Widewalls bibliography of Takashi Murakami, “Murakami created an alter ego under the name of Mr. DOB, serving as a sort of a

  • Basque Country Research Paper

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Basque Country is a region located around the west end of the Pyrenees mountain range on the coast of the Bay of Biscay . The Basque Country is comprised of the Autonomous Communities of the Basque Country(Spain), Navarre(Spain), and the Northern Basque Country(France) . The Basque people largely consider themselves to have a separate identity from the rest of Spain; they have their own language, culture, history, territory, industry, and ancestry. From their perspective, they aren't really Spanish

  • Comparing The Chemistry Of Fepo4 And Α-Fepo4

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    Paragraph 1: Compare and Contrast the crystal structures and crystal chemistry of Quartz α-FePO4 and β-FePO4. The research paper discusses the inversion of quartz type FePO4 from α-FePO4 to β-FePO4 along the temperature range 294K to 1073K. We first take a look at the difference in lattice and space symmetry between the 2 polymorphs, α-FePO4 and β-FePO4. α-FePO4 is of the space group P3121, with a space group number 152. It has a trigonal lattice symmetry. β-FePO4 is of the space group P6422

  • Materiality In Zumthor's Building

    1211 Words  | 3 Pages

    When considering the “delight” factor in Zumthor’s building, the first thing that comes to our mind is the apparent. Delight, in terms of beauty and leisure. Those are the main characteristics of any spa facility. The aspect of Delight that really is appealing to me on the specific building, is the one associated with quality . Within the vision of the Architect, was the intention to create something “timeless” . The term timeless, in my point of view, is something that is established for its quality

  • Modern Day Germany

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    evokes responses from the intended audience. There are many styles and eras of art dating back from global prehistory, an example being the famous stone arrangement known as Stonehenge, to the now modern contemporary, such as the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Although it may seem that not all art compositions have a significant connection to one another, they each bring an enthralling variety of people together to mend and educate them in what art has to provide, such as what modern-day Germany is doing