Bexleyheath Essays

  • The Impact on Social Attitudes in Bexley during World War Two

    1320 Words  | 3 Pages

    World War Two, like other great wars, impacted the lives of many people, and although widely remembered in a negative light, World War Two changed the social attitudes of the majority. Especially in the Borough of Bexley. World War Two triggered a significant change in the attitudes that people had towards one another. With all the death and destruction, one would assume that the lives of the citizens of Bexley would be run by fear during this terrible time, especially as Bexley happened to be

  • Architectural Advances During the Industrial Revolution

    1133 Words  | 3 Pages

    `Ornamentation,' says Ruskin, `is the principal part of architecture.' It is that part, he says in another place, which impresses on a building `certain characters venerable or beautiful, but otherwise unnecessary.'' Sir George Gilbert Scott amplified this surprising statement when he recommended to architects the use of the Gothic style, because its `great principle is to decorate construction.' Modern movement has not grown from one root. One of its essential sources, it has been shown, is William