Bactrian Camel Essays

  • Essay On Bactrian Camel

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    The Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. Of the two species of camel, it is by far the rarer. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel. Its population of two million exists mainly in the domesticated form. Some authorities, notably the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), use the binomial name Camelus ferus for the wild Bactrian camel and reserve Camelus bactrianus

  • The Historical Importance of Camels in Desert Travel

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    and whom was named Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” This quote is very compatible with the journey of a camel. The journey of a camel can consist of 20 miles at a pace of 3 mph in a desert without water in one day, and it is made up of many steps. What makes these animals so capable of traveling in the desert? Camels were originated in North America, but they later were domesticated in Asia and in the Middle East, all of these places are near deserts, and the

  • Analysis Of Blake Gingold Silk Road Project

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    became apart of the Young family. We haven't been able to afford much at the local farmers markets so I’ve had to hunt myself. On the w... ... middle of paper ... ...y recall what happened. All I remember is my body falling off the back of the camel and hitting my head on a rock. I don’t know how long I’ve been passed out for but I can still see moon; its beauty, shining bright on my face so I presume it is still night. My forehead has an enormous gash on it right now and I’m coughing up blood

  • The Start of Islam

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    desert in order for a roster family to raise him. The young Muhammad was orphaned when he was 6 years old but brought up by his uncle. While Muhammad was young, he worked mostly as a shepherd. Later on in his youth, he was given the job of being a camel driver on the trade routes between Syria and Arabia. Throughout his travel, he meat many people of different religious beliefs. Muhammad was able to observe members of Christianity, Pagan, and Judaism religions. After Muhammad married, there was more

  • Infrastructure and Economic Prosperity

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    fashion over long roads and bridges. The first road vehicles were two-wheeled carts, with stone disks as wheels, used by the Sumerians in 3000 B.C.E.. The Chinese constructed the first road system under the Chou dynasty in 1000 B.C.E.. In Asia, the camel caravan served to transport goods and people. The first system of transportation by sailing was created by the Phoenicians, and was used to ship goods of high value, such as gems, spices, and fine handiwork. This form of transportation is first written

  • Cigarette Ad Essay

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    specifically the R.J. Reynolds and Laramie corporations, spend millions of dollars each and every year, selectively advertising to older audiences in the Camel ad and to people who are socially active like the ones in the Newport ad, by intentionally using popular icons like Joe Camel and American ideals like the red, white, and blue coloring in the Camel ad, and by using human emotions like desire and popularity that everyone can relate to as found in the Newport ad, all in an attempt to sell a specific

  • Childhood Memories of the Mountain

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    Spruce and maple trees wiz by as I look out the backseat window. Beside me is my twin brother, Tim, and up in the front are my dad and sister of six, Charlotte. Our destination is a mountain in northern Vermont, Camel’s Hump. It’s a long drive, the longest I’ve been on in my short three year life. My dad has decided to introduce nature to his children while they are young. We will climb this mountain this weekend, and many times in the future. My dad will take us up this mountain more than a dozen

  • Unit 6 Research In Animals Research Paper

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    machinery. Vaccines for camels could aid the human population in staying alive. Learning about ‘Tachykinin’ can help us fight depression.

  • Free Hamlet Essays: Hamlet the Anti-Hero

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    is talking to Polonius and they get into a little argument over what figure a cloud forms. Polonius: "My lord, the Queen would speak with you and presently." Hamlet: "Do you see yonder cloud that is almost in the shape of a camel?" Polonius: "By th' Mass, and 'tis like a camel indeed." Hamlet: "Me thinks its like a weasel." Polonius: "It is backed like a weasel." Hamlet: "Or like a whale." Polonius: "Very like a whale." (page 161, Act 3, Scene 2, lines: 404-412) I thought Hamlet demonstrated his

  • The Bible as a Historical Document

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    changing the meaning of the lesson, however it illustrates the fact that Mark was trying to author a "readable" story for people, rather than a book of facts. The best example would be in Mark 10:17-31 (Jesus Counsel to the Rich) & (Parable of The Camel and the Eye of a Needle). It is doubtful that these things happened at the same time; however, they are GREY in The Five Gospels anyway ... and probably didn't happen as Mark describes. This brings us to Mark's writing style. Mark seems to "tack-on"

  • The Legendary Camelot

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    Brittannica, the "real" Camelot is to be found at a number of locations: Camelot, in Arthurian legend, was the seat of King Arthur's court. It is variously identified with Caerlon, Monmouthshire, in Wales, and in England, with the following: Queen Camel, Somerset; the little town of Camelford, Cornwall; Winchester, Hampshire, and, especially since archaeological

  • Advertising and Subliminal Messaging

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    tobacco’s” ads stimulate a variety of senses and emotions. One common tactic used by Camel cigarettes (a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.) is to isolate and promote life’s pleasures, and American patriotism. A specific Camel ad found in Elle, a common, upscale women’s magazine is a perfect example of such advertising. “Pleasure To Burn” is the slogan centered upon the advertisement’s page. Above the slogan, “CAMEL” is written, all letters in Camel’s trademark font. A beautiful orange sunset serves

  • Mary Leakey

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    Though technically defined as an archaeologist, Mary chose to follow a route of interesting research relating to physical anthropology. She is known mostly for the excavation of a two million-year-old fossilized human skull in 1959. She has also worked to help the world understand that the evolution of humans follows a principle rather than a theory. The name Leakey is synonymous in most people's minds with the successive dramatic discoveries of fossilized hominid bones and stone artifacts that

  • Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison

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    In the book Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison, the main character, Georgia, is going through things that any teenage girl is likely to go through. Georgia lives in England with her mother, father, three year old sister, Libby, and “pure devil” cat, Angus. She is the girlfriend of a “Sex God,” who is the lead singer of a band, the Stiff Dylans. She has a group of friends, Ellen, Jools, Rosie, Mabs, and her best friend, Jas, who refer to themselves

  • Deception in Advertising: The Worst Tobacco Ad Ever

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    On European and some other non-US. Versions, the desert scenes have been replaced by a health. Camel cigarettes were originally blended to have a milder taste In contrast to brands that, at the time of its introductions, were considered much harsher. They were advance promoted, prior to official release, by a careful advertising campaign that included “teasers” which merely stated that “the Camels are coming.” This marketing style was a prototype for attempts to sway public opinion that coincided

  • Nbc And The Innovation Of Television News, 1945-1953

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    and 20th-Century Fox agreed to a 10-minute newsreel called "Camel Newsreel Theater" that was shown daily on NBC. It only lasted a year because of poor quality, and Reynolds eventually combined with NBC film in 1949 to create the "Camel News Caravan" that was hosted by John Cameron Swayze. This program included newsreel along with a reading of the news. Although NBC was still looking for the most efficient way to broadcast the news, "Camel News Caravan" was the show that led the way to the formats

  • Desert Ecosytem

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    Thorn Acacia, Olive Trees, Citrullus colocynthis (Desert Gourd) B. Three Herbivores: Dromedary Camel, Dama Gazelle, and Desert Beetle C. Two Omnivores: Fennec Fox and Rüppell's fox D. Two Carnivores: Deathstalker Scorpion and Desert Eagle Owl E. Two Decomposers: Bacteria and Fungi F. Two Scavengers: Spotted Hyena and Sahara Desert Ants The first organism is an herbivore and is called the Dromedary Camel. Possible current limiting factors are that there might too much rain in the desert or too little

  • Vintage Camel Cigarette Advertisement

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    advertisement needs to reach the viewer on multiple levels. A vintage Camel cigarette advertisement from 1946 does just that. It is a great representation of the complexity of creating a successful campaign. It was created by a man named R. J. Reynolds, as a part of a larger campaign to make people believe that cigarettes are safe. They ran from 1940 to 1949. Each advertisement in the series stated, "More Doctors smoke Camels." In the 1946 advertisement, Reynolds had the results of a survey that

  • Does Geography control your destiny?

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    lowers transport costs and aids economic growth. Yet this mattered less in earlier centuries. Even in some ancient civilizations, they learned to overcome the problem of not having technology. The original silk route from China to Europe used the camel rather than the ship. Only when ship design became advanced from the 15th century onwards did sea-borne trade gain centre-stage. India and China however, were landlocked and were by far the greatest industrial powers in the world till the Industrial

  • Islamic Religion

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    has well-watered valleys between mountains and the second is arid plains and desert. Grass grows quickly during the showes of the rainy season. In ancient times the Arabs were bedouin (nomads that hersed sheep, goats, and camels. and lived in tents made made of felt from camel or goat hair.) They ate fresh or dried dates and drank milk from their herds. On special occasions they ate mutlon. their tribes were made of related families. They valued family ties becuase because they ensured they ensured