Backdraft Essays

  • To Vent or not to Vent

    811 Words  | 2 Pages

    You are a firefighter and upon arrival at the scene of a working fire you have a lot of decisions to make. One of the most key decisions a chief officer, or firefighter following standard operating procedures has to make in the early stages of a building fire is whether to ventilate or not? The strategy of venting fire buildings must be approached from many angles. In the United States it has long been accepted that there are three criteria for making that decision. Vent for life, safety or the fire

  • smoke ventilation

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    Smoke Ventilation Firefighters, lately defined as heroes, have a very exciting job and do some pretty amazing things. My main interests however, is how firefighters ventilate heat and smoke from a structure fire. What pieces of equipment do they use? How do they use those pieces of equipment? Why ventilation is so important and why do they take certain precautions when using their equipment? Growing up in the woods has made my life a lot more different than an average city slicker. You see, I have

  • Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ronils Review of A Raisin in the Sun. This is probably the first play I've ever seen that I REALLY HEATED. A Raisin in the Sun The Madison Repertory Theatre has produced many plays by African American playwrights recently, such as last year's From the Mississippi Delta, but their most recent, Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun is certainly one of the veryWorst. The play starts in a darkened living room. Ruth Younger wakes her family on a Friday morning. Her father-in-law has recently died

  • Reflection Of The Structure Fire

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    As I watch the video of the structure fire you are able to understand from the ignition source how the fire developed into a flashover as the firefighter ventilated the window on the bravo side. When the kerosene was spilled you have the vapor that will burn, therefore, the flammable liquid is vulnerable to ignite easily when the molecules vaporize to form a gaseous fuel-air mixture that would be in the flammability limits as they ventilated the window. (Gann & Friedman, 2015, p.118). “Combustion

  • Comparing Documentaries: 9/11 and September Mourning

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing Documentaries: 9/11 and September Mourning The ways in which the codes and conventions are used the documentaries are that many of them have an interviewer this is sometimes either an invisible interviewer or the interviewer is present and is can be picked out by the audience. Also the camera work differs. The two documentaries I will be concentrating on will be '9/11' by the 'Naudet brothers' (9/11, Naudet Brothers, 2002, Fr/US) '9/11'was released by 21st Century Fox, it was released

  • What you Need to Know to Prepare for the Fire Academy

    1966 Words  | 4 Pages

    are responsible to aid in the protection of lives, property and the environment. Most people do not understand or have any idea about how firemen do their jobs or go about their days. “Ron Howard tried his best to depict firefighting in his movie “Backdraft”. But even he admitted that he had to take liberties with the truth. He sent his actors, crew and himself through training with the Chicago Fire Department. He discovered that firefighting is dark and dangerous. It is not the glorious walk through