Baburam Bhattarai Essays

  • How Undemocratic Parties May Win the Nepal Election

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kamal Thapa, President of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal), is taking his party to the second Constituent Assembly election on 19 November 2013 on two principal planks: Restoration of monarchy and Hindu state. The first CA had abolished them in 2008. In the election for the first CA, other parties had prevented his pro-palace and pro-Hinduism party from organizing mass meetings. Thanks to the mismanagement and corruption of ruling parties, Mr. Thapa, a minister for several times under the

  • The Importance Of Optimism

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    Just as I always think of having an optimism positively, which make me feel pleasant and hope that I will be better in future, in the same way, people also have different hopes in life from their distinct perspectives. Unlike, predicting brings success in persons’ life; rather, it is an unclear terms that people have. Optimism actually derived from French word optimisme (1737) and from Modern Latin optimus “the best.” Optimism is also like expressing a hopefulness which a person belief that something