Autoimmune disease Essays

  • Autoimmune Diseases

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    Autoimmune diseases afflict roughly 5% of the population of developed countries.1 That is to say, one in 20 people in Europe and North America already have a particular kind of autoimmune disease. By definition, an autoimmune disease is a malfunction of the immune system in which the body targets itself. The world has seen an increased frequency of many different kinds of autoimmune diseases in the recent past, and occurrences are steadily on the rise. The incidence of type 1 diabetes increased by

  • Essay On Autoimmune Disease

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    problems with your immune system cause it to mistake your body’s own healthy cells as invaders and then repeatedly attack them. This is called an autoimmune disease. Polymyositis It has been documented that the exact cause of this disease is unknown but could be caused by environmental factors. 1 The Mayo clinic further stated that an autoimmune disease is when auto antibodies attack your body’s own tissue. Their assumption is that an unknown occurrence in the body triggers the onset of Polymyositis

  • Autoimmune Disease Essay

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    Autoimmune disease arises when a bodies own immune system inability to distinguish between the bodies one cells and foreign antigens. An individuals own body own immune system will attack against its own organs and tissues. The term autoimmunity was given to this inappropriate response. At first the thought that it was a result of the elemiation of self reactive lymphocytes during the development of bone marrow and the thymus. But then it was found that normal healthy individuals that had mature

  • Autoimmune Disease Essay

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    of the most common mysteries in the world is the development of autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system, which usually keeps your body healthy thinks that your healthy cells are antigens and attacks them. This is irony right? It is against properties of evolution for an immune system to attack itself causing sickness and possibly death if untreated. There are about 80 different types of autoimmune diseases, which usually have periods of little to no symptoms and worsening

  • Lupus

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    people are affected by Lupus and of every 170 people 9 out of 10 of them are women. Even though that Lupus can be dated back to the Greek physician Hippocrates many people are still blind to this disease. Lupus can affect you, your love ones and the people around you because, like many other autoimmune diseases Lupus does not discriminate. I’m surprised that not many people know what Lupus is, especially when someone is diagnosed with lupus every 30 minutes. When I was diagnosed I was relieved to finally

  • Berkeley Admissions Essay

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    between Gore and Bush, but because I had an IV in my arm which made it impossible to be comfortable. Earlier that evening, I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes, a disease affecting 1 of 800 people in America. This was an especially crucial time in my life, considering I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis—an autoimmune disease that attacks the GI track in 1 of 1400 Americans—the June before, and I had my Bar-Mitzvah in September. According to the Jewish religion, I had become an adult, and

  • Autoimmune Diseases: A Short Story

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    what was going on. I seemed too young get diagnosed with anything so he was concerned about my pain especially with playing a sport. He ordered many blood tests to make sure everything was ok. He asked my mom; “Do you have a family history of autoimmune diseases?” “Actually we do, both of her grandmas have one,” my mom said. “Ok then, we better keep an eye out for that,” Dr. Groh said, as we walked down the hall and into the lab work room. Once I got into the room, I took a number from the ticket thing

  • Lupus Research Paper

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    the autoimmune disease known as lupus on tv and how other people talk about the disease. It puts thoughts into your head about that it is a bad disease and that people who have it are contagious and are dangerous to be around; however, people with the autoimmune disease known as lupus is not contagious and some patients diagnosed with the disease are not dangerous. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that is chronic and can damage parts of your body anywhere. What is lupus, you ask? It is a disease causes

  • Approach To Diabetes

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    The Approach to Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus (DM) was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2012. It is a global epidemic with the number of people with the disease exceeding 170 million. Nearly 35,000 people worldwide die from this disease each year. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, the number will exceed 300 million, and the nations with the most cases include India, China, the United States, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Italy, and

  • Arthritis Research Paper

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    Symptoms? Arthritis has a way of not being understood, but, according to the National Arthritis Foundation website, it affects over 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States. While not being a single disease, 'arthritis' is the informal way of referring to joint disease and pains. With more than 100 different types of arthritis, it is often hard to determine whether one is dealing with a simple pain or something more. Most Common Types of Arthritis Let's take a look at just four

  • Celiac Disease Research Paper

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    University of Chicago Medicine Celiac Disease Center “Celiac disease affects 1% of healthy, average Americans. That means at least 3 million people in our country are living with celiac disease—97% of them are undiagnosed.” This can be alarming to some people who are not aware of the diseases presence in America. Celiac disease is a rapidly growing disease that more people are being diagnosed with, and a larger amount of people are aware of it. Celiac disease should have more recognition because it

  • Biomedical Science: Personal Statement

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    but also to potentially play a role in improving the lives of others; as well as answering some of the complex questions life presents. My interest in the field, specifically the discipline of haematology, came in the diagnosis of my father’s autoimmune disease which causes a depletion of platelets and thus affecting the ability of the blood to clot. Through my studies I was able to gain some basis as to

  • Psoriasis Informative Speech

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    Diseases are all around the world, there are about 30,000 different diseases and I’m here to inform you about one. Psoriasis. The disease Psoriasis isn’t a deadly disease, but like most you still have to watch for symptoms and other problems with it. Psoriasis is common between ages 15 and 30 years of age. About 7.5 million people are affected by Psoriasis, in the United States. Psoriasis isn’t contagious, because it's primarily an autoimmune disease it can’t spread from one person to another. Psoriasis

  • Exercise and Disease Prevention

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    Exercise and Disease Prevention Over the past century we have become increasingly sedentary due to the technical advancements of today's world. Ironically, while machines and improvements in transportation and communication have made our lives easier, studies show that the decline in our physical activity associated with these advancements plays a large role in the decline of our health. A Surgeon General's report (Anonymous,1996) addresses the finding that continuous and consistent physical

  • Gene Therapy Essay

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    many kinds of treatments and therapies for certain diseases and disorders. For example, cancer patients might receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Although these treatments may work or help some patients, there is another option that is evolving. Research and experimental testing have helped scientists discover a new way of treating and possibly curing various diseases and disorders such as influenza, HIV, hepatitis, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.Gene Therapy was first discovered

  • Creative Writing: City Virus

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    As I walk down the cold, marble, soulless streets of Blackdale, I hear the birds chirping an almost programmed sound which reverberates across the tall, white buildings. I see a plain blue sky with cartoon clouds. Health agents are watching all of us. Why are they watching us? We’re not the problem, the virus is. The whole town is made to look wonderful; televisions line every blank, white wall, spoon-feeding us information. “The Health Organisation is great. Trust them.” Why do we have to be told

  • Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Research Paper

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    Caprine arthritis encephalitis is a viral disease of goats. Caprine arthritis encephalitis, also known as CAE, is a lentivirus that is part of the retrovirus family. Another type of retrovirus is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. CAE is normally spread orally through goats. It has been linked to being spread through semen of an infected buck. CAE is a virus that can attack the nervous system. All potential buyers need to have their animals tested before purchasing. Bringing just

  • Benchmark Essay On Childhood Cancer

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    Alejandra Gonzales December 7, 2014 Benchmark Essay English 105 Final Draft Childhood Cancer There are many different illnesses out right now that are affecting a lot of children around the world, ranging from diabetes to pneumonia, but the one making the biggest impact would have to be cancer. There are many different types of cancers and anyone can get it not just kids or adults. It is a serious illness that they have been trying to find the cause of it and most importantly a cure. There is new

  • Lung Cancer Case Studies

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    Introduction Research indicates that when people are diagnosed with cancer, they inherit a variety of financial issues associated with time spent receiving medical care, time is also taken off from work and other activities. Not only do the patients' inherit the financial cost their caregivers and family member also do. (Yabroff, Lund, Kepka, Mariotto, 2011) For instance, the cost of patients that receive cancer treatment will experience a variety of symptoms that may affect one's diet and dietary

  • Argumentative Essay On Cancer

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    As can be seen, cancer is a disease human kind has yet to find a cure to. Cancer is a very serious disease that can lead to the news that can change someone’s life forever. Cancer does not involve one specific location of the human body. Instead it involves multiple organs and tissues that leads to over one hundred types of cancer. History of cancer is a very interesting topic, the first case of cancer dates back to 3000 BC back when the Egyptians were alive. Humans did not know where to really begin