Auckland Essays

  • Auckland, New Zealand Transportation System

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    Introduction Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has the most population. The population in Auckland city is over 1.5 million. As we know, cities with large population mean high traffic congestion. Traffic congestion, is one of the major problems faced in the capitals and major cities in most countries. As with the increase in the growth rate, comes the growing demand for the use of transportation. This works with the response to the needs of the community. Auckland Council established

  • Kānuka and Gorse as Ecosytem Engineers: A Study on Motutapu

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    have been due to unavoidable influences on the experiment posed by the flora of Motutapu. The results do give a clear enough picture for some recommendations on further study on Motutapu. Introduction Motutapu is an island in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland region, and is half of the Rangitoto-Motutapu complex of ecosystems. It is the site of an ongoing restoration effort, the largest in New Zealand, which aims to reforest a large portion of the island by 2050. The main method employed thus far is planting

  • Air Pollution in New Zealand

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    Introduction In Auckland, private cars are hugely important to individuals as a means of transport around the city. However the use of personal vehicles has a negative impact on the environment in the form of air pollution (Auckland Regional Council, 2014). Air pollution can be measured by the level of particulate matter found in the air. Particulate matter is made up of very fine particles in the air which may be visible but are not always seen (Ministry of Transport, 2002). Air pollution due to

  • Mosman Essay

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    Mosman Mosman is has a 8.700 sq km area holding some of the best features. From the wonderful beaches, to the restaurants Mosman is a wonderful place for tourist and overseas movers. Mosman has a population of 27,450 making it a place to call home for many of us. So of the popular destinations are, Balmoral: a fun place to have family fun Beauty Point: beautiful views Clifton Gardens: to walk your dog Georges Heights: wonderful walks Spit Junction The Spit Transport Mosman holds many transport

  • essay

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    Water quality is an issue the public of Auckland city reflect on during the summer time. Human and natural factors can contribute to creating a potential health risk for people who are considered to be in primary contact with the water. Primary contact is when an individual has direct contact with the water and can submerge themselves; examples include, swimming, surfing or water sports. Human activity such as agriculture run-off, storm water or sewage discharge can result in a rise in microbiological

  • Starship Case Study

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    to children and young people throughout New Zealand. (Reference It is located in the Auckland city, New Zealand working (Reference Exceptional Services Provided by Starship: Along with Starship Child Healthcare, there are many other organisations working for the same cause like White Cross, Southern Cross, Auckland city hospital etc.As we all know that in New Zealand consultation fee charged by most of hospitals is high during

  • Counselling Case Study: A Gay Student at Auckland University

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    James is a 20 year old university student who moved to Auckland University in an attempt to gain recognition from his parents after coming out as homosexual. After moving to Auckland University, James reported experiencing chronic low moods, and as a result of this was then referred to his GP by the University Counselling service. James’ symptoms of chronic low moods and decreased ability to function are characteristic of depressive disorders, and not caused by medications or another mental

  • Essay On Ambient Air Pollution

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    and unitary authorities to manage the ambient air in their region. Therefore, the Auckland Council is in charge of ensuring that the ambient air in Auckland is clean and healthy and doesn’t contain excessive levels of pollutants by undertaking stringent monitoring of the air, creating and implementing policies and plans, developing awareness of air quality issues and writing regulations to reduce air pollution. Auckland Council’s monitoring of ambient air pollution levels is to ensure that concentrations

  • The Role of Politics in Public Transportation

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    as it shapes decision-making and the degrees of financial support that is given to each project. Because politics brings both positive and negative effects to public transport planning it can both promote and obstruct development. In the case of Auckland, New Zealand, politics plays a negative role, obstructing the development of a better public transport system for the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Although there are various different ways that politics can contribute to public transport planning

  • Sustainable Housing Essay

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    of housing options in a neighbourhood should allow for people to choose the best suited home within the same community as they move through their life stages. Two-thirds of Auckland’s housing market are 3 bedroom houses, although half the house in Auckland are owned by people with only two people at most. Changing trends also play part, which tends to show that people want to follow the new thing which seems to

  • Ash Fall Case Study

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    other rotating machinery jammed. Therefore, it is common for flights to be cancelled and airports are often forced to close following a volcanic eruption. As stated by Johnston et al. (2000, as cited by Auckland City Council, 2009) the 1996 Ruapehu eruption caused the overnight closure of Auckland Airport for several days. These hazards highlight how ash produced by volcanism has environmental, social and even economic impacts on New Zealand and

  • Hepatitis A Case Study

    773 Words  | 2 Pages Hepatitis This is the inflammation of the liver. The hepatitis virus is a major cause of hepatitis in humans. However, the condition can be induced by various infections and medical conditions, such as excess intake of alcohol, medications, toxins, and autoimmune disease. There are five types of hepatitis virus which include: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E. (“Hepatitis | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,” 2015) Causes

  • Role of politics in public transport planning and investment.

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    politics in public transport planning and investment. This will include decision making and processes regarding the public and government decision making; funding and public support with the use of the cost-benefit analysis. The last part will look at Auckland to determine whether the role of politics promotes or obstructs public transport planning. Western cities have several complex issues with public transport planning, investment and implementation. Prior to the establishment of the automobile people

  • Government Deregulation on The Taxi Industry

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    INTRODUCTION Recently in Auckland there has been outrage at the high prices of taxi fares. The last significant change to the taxi industry was caused by government deregulation, in 1989. This economic inquiry report is going to investigate the impact of this government policy, and the unintended consequences for both consumers and taxi drivers. SUPPLY AND DEMAND Deregulation decreased the barriers to entry for people wanting to become taxi drivers. This is due to a removal of a restriction on the

  • Nosh Food Market Analysis Essay

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    produce at the best fair price to the customers and also to acquire 5% of New Zealand’s grocery market. BACKGROUND: Nosh opened its first store in the year 2006 located at Auckland. Nosh extended its business by opening four more stores at various locations in Auckland. Nosh totally has seven stores, out of which, five located in Auckland; one in Matakana; one in Mt Maunganui. Supermarkets generally attract customers to buy groceries in bulk once in two weeks or forth nights but Nosh has followed another

  • The ! Kung Tribe Summary

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    It is hard to believe that tribal societies can have a better life than the luxurious modern wealthy societies. In the book Tribe, Sebastian Junger stresses on the deterioration of mental health in modern wealthy societies, which is caused from the loss of people interacting with each other as a community. Unlike the modern wealthy societies, Junger utilizes tribal communities to show how being active within the community can promote mental stability. The author uses the !Kung tribe as evidence to

  • Qantas Essay

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    This leaves enough time for breakfast beforehand and another plane meal. Another Qantas plane departs at 18:45 and arrives in Auckland at 23:50. Once we arrive at the hotel, it would be the next day, therefore wasting a day. Plus, with everyone tired, it is very dangerous to drive while feeling fatigued. The Air New Zealand plane departs at 6:30 and arrives at Auckland at 12:35. The plan does not provide meals so we would not receive

  • The Positive And Negative Impact Of Cruise Ship Tourism In Tauranga

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    In Auckland, they have many spaces for cruise ships to park, on one occasion I saw two large ships a comfortable space apart with three smaller cruise ships nearby. One of the spaces was next to the Hilton in Auckland, any ship parked in that space had direct entry from passengers to the hotel without walking outside which would be helpful and less stressful

  • Emerging Themes in New Zealand Popular Music in the 1950s

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    and especially Maori listeners who can identify with what is being sung about, this could have influenced them to include these themes as a good marketing strategy. As Bourke (2010) talks about in Blue Smoke there was a Maori Community Centre in Auckland in the 1950s that helped create “Maori Pop Mu... ... middle of paper ... ...ry was dominated by three American genres” (p. 189). By the end of the 1950s, popular music in New Zealand had seen many an inclusion of distinctly New Zealand themes

  • Essay On ECE

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    performance, educational participation, community involvement, cultural factors among others and motivational theory. While this study’s focus is South Auckland ECE, much of the literature, reports and views of Tongan are classified into one category. Note that this is an ethnic study specific to the perceptive of parents of ECE children in Auckland. Early Childhood Education level, data disaggregated by Pacific ethnic group are only just starting to happen and this study contributes to that body