Assassin's Creed II Essays

  • Assassin's Creed Analysis

    930 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Assassin’s Creed is a stealth video game series that was developed by Ubisoft Montreal. The first series was published by Ubisoft and was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on 14 November 2007. The series took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian written by Vladimir. Despite the notorious for its violence and mild sexuality, the recommended age and rating of this game is to be consider as MA15+. The game Setting: The action of the games took place in Jerusalem

  • Assassin's Creed in Popular Video Game Culture

    1967 Words  | 4 Pages

    have risen in popularity in America the past couple decades where popular gaming franchises influence or reflect modern American culture. Many video game franchises are popular but one franchise that has stood out in video game media is Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed is a franchise that consists of video games, spinoffs, comics, graphic novels, animated films, figurines, weapon replicas, clothing, and other merchandise. Only focusing on the video game branch of the franchise, the series began in

  • Three Aspects to Consider when Creating a Video Game

    965 Words  | 2 Pages

    with strippers, rifles, and cocaine in your back seat. All good games have similar qualities, but there a few that stand out more than others. One of these qualities is that the video game takes place in a different time. For example, the game Assassin’s Creed II; by placing the game in a different time period, it makes the game more interesting and engaging. The player is unfamiliar with the surroundings, culture, and society of this time so he is more interested in the game as a whole, instead of just