Arturo Toscanini Essays

  • Pachelbel's Canon in D and Barber's Adagio for Strings

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    The two pieces chosen for this paper are particularly famous and are recognizable audibly, if not by name, by the majority of western populations. Pachelbel’s Canon in D was virtually forgotten from the 1700’s until it was rediscovered in 1919 by Gustav Beckmann. It gradually gained publicity, and burst into the popular culture after being used as the score for a movie, it is now by far the most famous canon and of the most well known pieces of baroque music. The canon is a musical form popular

  • Defintion Essay - Is it Possible to Define Art?

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    Defintion Essay - Is it Possible to Define Art? Art is the intentional use of some medium to communicate emotions or ideas between minds. Some combination of the five senses is used to conduct information, so art may take the form of music, painting, sculpture, dance, and others. Art may be collaborative, as with the presentation of a symphony, which may involve a composer, a conductor, players, and a lighting crew all working to create the art of the presentation. Also, art occurs in at

  • juan peron

    557 Words  | 2 Pages

    Juan Domingo Perón is known as the greatest Argentinean politician of all time. However, he is also one of he most controversial. His tactics and alliances are often criticized as are the changes and developments he brought about in Argentina. The one thing that can be concluded by all is that this man led a very complex and important life. Perón was born on October 8, 1895, in a province of Buenos Aires. He was the second son of Mario and Juana Perón. His father was an employee of the local court

  • Dizzy Gelespie (John Birks Gillespie)

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    The people of today, raised by the sounds of The Beatles and Pearl Jam have forgotten all about the musicians that paved the way for these artists, and the musical styles that evolved into rock and roll, rhythm and blues and rap or hip hop. Unfortunately the music that once dominated the night clubs, restaurants, and radio stations is now heard only in elevators or when we go to a grandparents house to visit. What is left of jazz are small portions of the music that people take and sample with in

  • Nando's Flawed My Intellectual Property-Artist

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    Nando’s stole my intellectual property - artist (Article 1) Summary of the article: Nando’s is accused of supposedly using an artist’s image without permission. Anthony Bila (photographer) posted on Facebook that Nando’s used his image, although he wasn’t sure if it was a copy right violation as Nando’s changed the original photo, he tried contacting Nando's but got no response. An attorney has stated that if the artist’s image has been used, they must pay him or it is illegal. Nando’s response about

  • Identity Formation in Mansfield’s The Garden Party

    3813 Words  | 8 Pages

    "The budding rose above the rose full blown," writes William Henry Wordsworth, elevating the process of emerging, changing and evolving over those already developed, established and matured. While Wordsworth’s remark regards a rose, the statement also accurately describes Katherine Mansfield’s protagonist in The Garden Party. The narrative focuses on a wealthy family from New Zealand, jaded by elite lifestyle and prominent social standing. The youngest daughter, Laura, "the budding rose" of the story

  • Oscar Romero

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    Remembering a Hero You can only describe him as a man of determination. Someone who demonstrates extraordinary courage in the face of injustice and inhumanity. He had a resolute intent to do what is right, true, and just, which made him the Archbishop that people remember and make movies about. Because of him, the world was informed about basic human rights and dignities and how this was being ignored in his country of El Salvador. He took it upon himself to use the church as a light

  • Justice in Romero

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    Justice in "Romero" The influential and gripping film, " Romero", directed by John Duigan, portrays the life and death of Archbishop Oscar Romero. The movie shows the world through the eyes of the El Salvadorian people during the 1980's, when poverty and military rule flourished over the people. The country of El Salvador was run by an elite group of few who controlled most of the power and money, leaving the majority of the people deprived and powerless. This imbalance in the social system left

  • Music: Samuel Osborne Barber

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    Samuel Osborne Barber II was an American composer of orchestral, opera, choral, and piano music. Samuel Barber expressed his passion for music from childhood and even at a very young age he decided to become a music composer. Barber was born in a family of musicians, it was quite natural that he went along with music all his life. Barber’s works acknowledge his love for poetry and his deep knowledge of music in all aspects. Barber had a very amazing skill in packing dense emotions into small segments

  • Recording Industry History

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    The recording industry today is made possible because of the contributions inventors like Thomas Edison, who invented the phonograph and Emile Berliner, who developed the gramophone. In the late 19th century early disc players required large horns to amplify their sound. IN 1925 Joseph Maxfield perfected the music playing equipment to eliminate the tinny sound of the recordings. Two years later jukeboxes were manufactured and brought music to restaurants and night clubs. By the 1940’s albums came

  • Marian Anderson: The Famous Firsts Of The World

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    Many people of the past and present make important changes to our society. These changes go down in history and are remembered for generations. These people are commemorated with the title of famous Firsts. For instance, Marian Anderson was the first African American singer ever to perform at the Metropolitan Opera House. Marian was a strong woman who fought for her dreams of performing and persevered through the harsh racial discrimination that many African Americans had to face. Marian devoted

  • Greta Kraus' Contribution To Canadian Music

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    In Canada, Greta Kraus is the uncontested doyenne of the early-music revival in general, and harpsichord playing in particular, but her accomplishments go far beyond the baroque repertoire. She has coached Canadian singers not only in baroque oratorios but in romantic German opera and lieder, and twentieth-century works. The composer R. Murray Schafer studied with her, and so did the keyboard artists Douglas Bodle, Elizabeth Keenan, Patrick Wedd, and Valerie Weeks and the singers Elizabeth Benson

  • Music, Violence, and Identity in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange

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    references in Burgess’ work reveal the annihilation of self as the ultimate end of violence. Works Cited 1. Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1986). 2. Ludwig Van Beethoven, "Libretto," Symphony #9, Arturo Toscanini dir., Louis Untermeyer trans., NBC Symphony Orchestra, BGM 1990.