Arthropod leg Essays

  • Millipede Research Paper

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    While a millipede is not harmful, it ca be annoying for homeowners. These long, black bugs look like they have a million legs when they crawl along your bedroom window. When threatened, they curl into a ball for protection. While millipedes will not bite you, they will release a foul smell that can irritate your skin or eyes. Since millipedes can be a nuisance, homeowners can use specific pesticides and deterrent techniques to get rid of them. Millipede Facts Interestingly, millipedes are one

  • Arthropoda

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    Arthropoda Arthropods are animals belonging to the phylum Arthropoda, which is the largest of all phyla in the Animal Kingdom, with more than one million species, making them almost 80% of the whole kingdom. These include insects, arachnids, crustaceans and many more, most of which are quite small, the biggest being the Japanese Spider Crab with a leg span of 3.5 meters and the smallest being the microscopic Plankton. *Characteristics: - Segmented Body. - Exoskeleton. This is a hard

  • Zoology Biology Quiz: Arthropods and Worms

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    Annelids: I learned that the phylum Annelids can consist of many creatures such as earthworms, leeches, and scale worms can adapt to a variety of environments. Annelids’ bodies are divided into segments which are seen as rings by the naked eye. They have muscles which help them move by contracting their longitudinal and circular muscles. When Annelids take in food, the food particles travel through one end of the body and are excreted out the other side. The video enhanced my understanding about

  • Hormonal Arthropods: A Brief Overview of Moulting

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    There is no doubt that arthropods are an extremely successful group of animals, with an estimated 5-10 million species worldwide[1], and this can be attributed to having an exoskeleton; it provides many benefits, such as protection from parasitism and other threats. However, one major disadvantage of having an exoskeleton is the limitations that an inelastic cuticle can place on growth. The exoskeleton provides protection, but when freshly moulted the animal is soft and vulnerable, as well as having

  • Marine Mammal: The Nawhal Monoceros

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    The Narwhal, Monodon monoceros, is a social, specialized deep-water marine mammal characterized by a unique tooth growth protruding from the upper jaw. Narwhals lives along the coasts and rivers throughout the Arctic,characterized by icy ocean temperatures. Narwhals are usually found in groups of 15 to 20, but herds of several thousand have been seen in the Arctic waters since 1871. Regularly found eastwards from the Canadian Arctic to central Russia they have also been distributed throughout the

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Consider The Lobster

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    “Taxonomically speaking, a lobster is a marine crustacean of the family Homaridae, characterized by five pairs of jointed legs, the first pair terminating in large pincerish claws used for subduing prey…. Moreover, a crustacean is an aquatic arthropod of the class Crustacea, which comprises of crabs, shrimp, barnacles, lobsters, and freshwater crayfish” (Wallace, 55). This is an example of Logos since the author uses scientific facts

  • Sand Crab Essay

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    Species Profile of the Sand Crab (Emerita analoga). Camouflaged communities of Emerita analoga exist along the Pacific coast from the Alaska to California. Sand crabs is crustacean arthropods belonging to the Hippidae family to the genus Emerita. The unique ecological factors of the intertidal biome provide the basic conditions necessary for sand crabs. The most established populations of Emerita analoga inhibit the California coast (C. Sorte et al., 2001). The Pacific Intertidal zone Vandenberg

  • Behaviour of Wood Lice Experiment

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    in this class are aquatic, and though the terrestrial species can breathe with the aid of primitive ‘lungs’ they lack the features found in most other land-dwelling arthropods. They have no waterproof waxy cuticle on their exo-skeleton and are therefore more likely to suffer from dessication compared with other arthropods such as insects which have a well developed waxy layer. These animals excrete their nitrogenous waste as ammonia gas directly thorough their exo-skeleton (rather than

  • measuring brain activity

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    Measuring Brain Activity Most of the noninvasive imaging methods estimate brain activity by changes in blood flow, oxygen consumption, glucose utilization, etc. Discuss the potential problems with using this type of indirect measure. The brain is the control center of the human body. It sends and receives millions of signals every second, day and night, in the form of hormones, nerve impulses, and chemical messengers. This exchange of information makes us move, eat, sleep, and think. Obstructions

  • Essay On Horseshoe Crabs

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    believe. This weird-looking marine animal survived two mass extinctions and lived in the Ordovician Period. To begin with, the horseshoe crab, one the world’s oldest living creatures, are quite active. This fascinating crab has ten small walking legs under a strong, sturdy exoskeleton, a long spine in the abdomen, and a long pointy tail in the back used to push itself back up after being flipped on its back (Swinton, 99). Furthermore, horseshoe crabs got their name in an interesting way. The crab’s

  • Brine Shrimp Research Paper

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    A mesocosm is a controlled environment which can be used to study impacts on an ecosystem under realistic conditions. They can be applied to aquatic environments to look at the impact of substances or other disturbances such as chemicals, temperature and nutrients on the ecosystem. Brine shrimps are crustaceans, relatives of fairy shrimps and water fleas. They are also related to lobsters, shrimp and crabs. There are several species of Brine Shrimp including San Francisco, New England and Mono brine

  • Bearded Scorpionfish Essay

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    Scorpionfish – scorpion fish Introduction: Scorpionfish are marine fish that belong to the family scorpaenidae that includes many of the world's most venomous species. The family has several genus and more than 200 identified species. As the name tells, scorpionfish have a type of "sting" in the form of sharp spines coated with venomous mucus. The Bearded Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis barbata) is most likely the species shown here. Distribution and habitats: Scorpion fish are found in the Western Indian

  • Arthropod Head Debate

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    great debate over how the head segments of existing arthropods are aligned was largely dispelled in the late 1990s when the expression domains of Hox genes were first applied to the study of Arthropod evolution. The traditional concept that chelicerates had lost a deuto cerebral segment and that the chelicerae was innervated by the tritocerebrum was overturned when the anterior expression domain of labial, the anteriormost gene of the arthropod Hox cluster, was found to align the chelicerae with

  • Phylum Cnidari Environmental Analysis

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    Jellyfish, of the Phylum Cnidaria, are an interesting and well developed species. Although they are invertebrates, they are similar to human beings in that they contain an intricate central nervous system that enables them a common perception of their environment. It is understood that several species of jellyfish utilize their nerve net in order to respond to common features of their aquatic habitat, such as: depth of water, light, sound and temperature. They use utilize information from these environmental

  • Insect Lab Report Ap Bio

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    Insect Lab Report The class insect has the same body structures and functions. They have a segmented body divided into three parts, head, abdomen and thorax. They also have an antenna, segmented legs, and wings. The functions of the body parts, however differ from the different orders of insects. For instance the mouth parts for an adult ladybird beetle is chewing, but on a Hemiptera the mouth form is a beak called the stylets as is the case with an aphid. Palps are on the ends of beetle’s mouth

  • Comparing Two Seafood Restaurants

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    Comparing Two Seafood Restaurants From a succulent fresh lobster tail to a mouth-watering red snapper filet, everyone loves some type of seafood. The residents of our city are lucky, restaurants specializing in seafood are plentiful. Many locals consider Pappadeux and Joe's Crab Shack to be the best. Although they both serve wonderful, fresh seafood, the differences in the menu, the service, and the overall atmosphere set them apart from one another. Pappadeux offers elegant, elaborate

  • Tardigrades

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    The protozoan commonly known as the “water bear” is an extremophile that has engaged many in the scientific community. The Tardigrade is an invertebrate that has eight legs and comes in many shapes and sizes. This group has many adaptations such as cryptobiosis that allows it to survive in extreme environments. The Tardigrade can be found from land, to water, to sulfur springs, and to over 25 species found in the frozen tundra of Antarctica (Miller et al, 2001). To understand these creatures this

  • Nematode and Bacteria Symbiosis

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    "Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus bacteria colonize the intestines of the infective soil-dwelling stage of entomophagous nematodes, Heterorhabditis and Steinernema, respectively. These nematodes infect susceptible insect larvae and release the bacteria into the insect blood. The bacteria kill the insect larvae and convert the cadaver into a food source suitable for nematode growth and development. After several rounds of reproduction the nematodes are recolonized by the bacteria before emerging from

  • The Class Insecta Of The Kingdom Animalia

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    species that have the certain characteristics required to be classified into the class of Insecta. By basic entomology standards, classifying a species in the class of Insecta requires that the species have three body segments and have three pairs of legs. Species included in the class Insecta are beetles, butterflies, ants, and mosquitos. Insects are everywhere and are vital to an ecosystem, even those considered to be pests have a certain role that can only be carried out by that one species. “An

  • Osmoregulation of Brine Shrimps

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    Osmoregulation is an example of an organism maintaining homeostasis. More specifically, osmoregulation involves an animal regulating osmotic pressure, or its fluid content. Brine shrimp, Artemia, use osmoregulation to regulate the saline levels of fluid within their body. Because brine shrimps live in seawater, an environment with a high saline concentration, they must actively excrete excess salt. Brine Shrimps use metepipodites as the location of the ion pump which secretes sodium. This is an