Alhazen Essays

  • Ibn Al-Haytham: Pioneer of Optics and Science

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    Hasan Ibn Al Haytham: the optics scholar In Islamic Golden Age, the time where the Islamic civilization advanced, during this period, Engineers, Scientists, and Merchants of the Islamic world contributed significantly to different fields such as Art, Agriculture, Economy, Literature, Navigation, Philosophy, Science, Technology, and Astronomy. At that time born a brilliant child in 965 AD, south of Iraq, Basra called Abu Ali Muhammad Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham, known as Hasan Ibn Haytham

  • The Characteristics Of Alhazen, The Book Of Optics

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    nuncprimum editi; Eiusdem liber De Crepusculis et nubium ascensionibus (English : Thesaurus of Optics: seven books of the Arab Alhazeni, first edition: concerning twilight and the advancement of clouds).[50] Risner is also the author of the name variant "Alhazen"; before Risner he was known in the west as Alhacen, which is the correct transcription of the Arabic name.[51] This work

  • Ibn al Haytham

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    965 in Basra. He is also known as Alhazen and The First Scientist. In his time, Alhazen was able to invent the first pinhole camera and a camera obscura. Before Alhazen, scientists believed that they did not have to scientifically prove their findings, however, he knew better. Every experiment or hypothesis Alhazen came up with, he submitted it to a physical test and/or proof using mathematic equations. (“Arab Inventors”) During his wide studies of optics, Alhazen was first to challenge the Greek’s

  • Evolution Of The Camera Essay

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    upside down image in the back of the box; this was the beginning of the pinhole camera. It was about 1330 years later in about 1000 AD when someone else would study optic laws, that person was Alhazen. During the middle ages, Alhazen was a master of the optic laws and created the first pinhole camera. Alhazen was able to perfect the optic laws the Aristotle only studied, he was able to create something that Aristotle only dreamed of. Alhazen’s pinhole camera, also known as the camera obscura, was primarily

  • The Milky Way

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    The search for answers regarding the universe starts with ancient societies, which tried to explain astronomical phenomena and features through religious and mythological meanings. Aboriginal culture, for example, calls “Emu in the sky” the dark nebulas (opaque clouds of dust and gas) that are in front of the Milky Way, as they form a shape of the animal, which was depicted in the same position in engravings found in Australia. The symbol comes from these nebulas rather than from stars of Milky Way

  • Al Bentham Research Paper

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    great advances in the areas of mathematics, science, philosophy, physics, geography, and medicine. We've listed some of the most famous Islamic scholars and scientists here: Al-Haytham by Unknown Al-Haytham (945-1040 CE) - Al-Haytham (also known as Alhazen) was one of the world's first theoretical physicists. He made contributions in many areas including optics, astronomy, and mathematics. He also described ways of performing experiments and helped to develop the scientific method. Perhaps his most

  • Rene Descartes Research Paper

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    role in the Thirty Years' War determined the political as well as the religious balance of power in Europe. (Wikipedia) Before he was alive some of the mathematicians that were alive before him were; Isaac Beeckman, Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes, Alhazen, Al-Ghazali, Averroes, Avicenna, Anselm, Augustine, Stoics, Aquinas, Ockham, Suarez, Mersenne, Sextus Empiricus, Montaigne, Golius, Duns Scotus. All these mathematicians helped him become/develop his theories. Current opinion is that Descartes had

  • The Role of Arab Scientists in Perserving Greek Science and Knowledge

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    I would like to discuss the role of Arab scientists in the preservation of Greek sciences and knowledge. Many people living in the 21st century fail to recognize the debt that they owe to these scientists of the Middle Ages. Arab scientists did not just keep alive the fundamentals of Greek science, but enlarged their scope, setting and fortifying their “foundation on which modern science is built.” It started as early as the 9th century when Caliph Ma’mun, who was the ruler of Baghdad from 813 to

  • Flippo Brunelleschi Accomplishments

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    Baptistery of Florence. He ended up losing the commission so that's why he focused more on architecture and made that his professional career. Brunelleschi spent 10 years living in Rome with his friend Donatello, studying the Roman city. Arab scientist Alhazen, in his book of optics, he described his theory about the basics of perspective. During Brunelleschi's career, he rediscovered the principles of linear perspective. A person could paint or draw using a point, which all the lines appear to come forward

  • Renaissance Artists: Lorenzo Ghiberti

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    This paper argues whether or not Lorenzo Ghiberti is a true renaissance artist. Lorenzo di Cione Ghiberti, the son of a goldsmith from Florence, Italy, would become one of the most influential artists of the early Renaissance. As a child prodigy, he received his first commission at the age of 23. Ghiberti multi-tasked a bunch of his work including the doors of the Florence Baptistery and many statues. He was a student of humanism and incorporated much of its philosophy into his work. Ghiberti’s

  • History of photography

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    for “dark room” due to In Greece in the 4th Century B.C., Aristotle used the same principle to view a partial solar eclipse projected onto the ground using a sieve. Later in the 10th Century, Scholar Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (referred to as Alhazen for brevity’s sake) fully described the underlying principles, including multiple experiments involving five lanterns outside a darkened, pinholed room. The technology used further improved in the 16th century, when a convex lens was added to improve

  • The History of Photography

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    (N.D). Retrieved from Stern, K. (2012). Photo 1: An Introduction to the Art of Photography. USA: Cengage Learning University of California, Santa Barbara (N.D). Abu Ali Hasan Ibn Al Haitham: (Alhazen) (965-1040 A.D). Retrieved from University of California, Santa Barbara (N.D). Joseph Nicephore Niepce. Retrieve from:

  • islam

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    While Europe was experiencing the Dark Ages, Islam was experiencing a time of intense philosophical and scientific achievements. The Islamic empire in the eight century preserved and elaborated scientific tradition. They assimilated ancient wisdom and adapted it to their own needs and thinking. Islamic civilization expanded society as a whole and made great contributions in many fields, such as science, math, medicine, theology, and architecture. Without the contributions made by the Islamic culture

  • The Benefits Of Digital Photography

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    "Digital photography has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for photographers" (George. C., 2006). Digital photography can overcome some of the problems in some fields for example; arts field, education field, trade field, economic field, medicine field etc... It can produce better images with colors in arts field, also we can use digital photography in the schools, and colleges etc in education field and it can increase employment for many countries in trade field. So, digital photography

  • Pinhole Cameras

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    beginnings of modern photography were underway. The first accounts of pinhole experimentation were recorded in the tenth century, when recorded Yu Chao-Lung used model pagodas to make pinhole images on a screen. Also, Arabian physicist and mathematician Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haitam) used pinholes to view an eclipse of the sun. He arranged three candles in a row and put a screen with a small hole between the candles and the wall, noting that images were formed only by means of the small holes and that the right-most

  • Differences And Similarities Between Muslims And Islam

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    1. There are many differences and similarities between Muslim, Jews and Christians. One similarity that all three religions share is the belief in one god, although, Muslims refer to God as Allah. (242). All three religions have places where they go to pray and worship their god along with gathering with others of their faith for various other reasons (247). A Mosque is what the Muslims call their house of worship, a church is where Christians worship and a synagogue is where members of the Jewish

  • Monochrome Photography

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    Photography is one of the most creative ways to express yourself. Photography was not only invented but created over and over again as time has passed and it has greatly transformed over time. Not only the processes of the image, but the way that cameras have developed, but also the way the film has been printed. You would not believe the things people can do with photography now. “Photography mediates our experience of the modern world,” (Photography). The word from “Photography” comes from the

  • How Photography Works and Has Evolved

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    Photography What is photography and how has it evolved? Photography has been around since 1000 A.D. The first camera was called a Pinhole Camera, invented by Alhazen in the 1500’s. “The exposure time on taking the photo was fifteen to twenty seconds in a sunny scene.” (Hawshaw 1) Photography was and is used to take family portraits and even for studies. Today with the power of digital photography any one can take one picture or one hundred. It’s only a click of a button away with today's cameras

  • Research of Color Theory

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    Research of Color Theory Color fills our world with beauty. We delight in the colors of a magnificent sunset and in the bright red and golden-yellow leaves of autumn. We are charmed by gorgeous flowering plants and the brilliantly colored arch of a rainbow. We also use color in various ways to add pleasure and interest to our lives. For example, many people choose the colors of their clothes carefully and decorate their homes with colors that create beautiful, restful, or exciting effects. By

  • The Importance Of Islamic Science In Islam

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    We live in a world where science and technology are advancing at every minute of every day. Pervez Hoodbhoy states “Science is like a building always in use but in perpetual repair, continuously growing in size and adding to itself new extensions and sections” (Hoodbhoy 11). Our world has been dramatically transformed by scientific advancements that were achieved in Europe during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. These scientific revolutions began with Arabic culture in Islam