Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder Essays

  • Exploring the Relationship Between Doctors and Patients

    1364 Words  | 3 Pages

    importance for the patient and doctors symbolizing a significant relationship between two people. In the video clip, “sore shoulder”, a woman visits the doctor for her concern of symptoms for a frozen shoulder, a problem she once had before which required surgery to heal it. The premise of her visit is to see if there are any possible preemptive treatments for a future frozen shoulder and surgery. In the visit, the doctor acts an enabler leading the patient’s visit through asking questions and doing the

  • Bursitis Essay

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    It may also be caused by injury or other infections. In the field of dentistry, a dental operator who hunches his shoulders all day without moving may eventually end up bursitis. A dentist who uses incorrect posture is at high risk of suffering from bursitis. If the operator has been working as a dentist for many years, the tendons in his body will have weakened. When

  • Essay On Rotator Cuff

    1530 Words  | 4 Pages

    The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that connects the upper arm (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). The rotator cuff tendons provide stability to the shoulder while the muscles allow the shoulder to rotate. The muscles in rotator cuff are Teres minor, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, and Subscapularis. The muscles in the rotator cuff inserts at the scapula and has a tendon that attaches to the humerus. The rotator cuff is often a subject to athletic injuries. These

  • STAR-Shoulder Classification

    1287 Words  | 3 Pages

    The patient presented with a shoulder disorder, a common orthopedic condition. To diagnose and treat the patient, the pathoanatomic diagnosis and the treatment based classification scheme called as staged approach for rehabilitation classification (STAR- Shoulder) was used as given by McClure and Michener 1. This classification is a staged classification and has three different levels: Screening, Pathoanatomic diagnosis, and A rehabilitation classification. Level 1: Screening On History- The patient

  • Why I Want To Become A Racist

    1290 Words  | 3 Pages

    There has always been a sort of implied pressure instilled by public education to decide what profession to pursue. Often individuals set goals, which are driven by personal interests and desires. Education is built on the foundation of instilling core knowledge requisites for independent life, requiring students to realize and develop strengths while improving upon their weaknesses. Yet, if I were to survey a classroom, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” amongst the most common responses

  • The Bicep Tendon in Rotator Cuff Repair Procedures

    1616 Words  | 4 Pages

    The all too familiar "pop!" immediately followed by weakness, pain, and immobility; the classic signs of a shoulder injury. Many shoulder injuries affect the rotator cuff. "Each year approximately 200,000 American require surgery related to the repair of the rotator cuff" (Yamaguchi). This vast number of surgeries makes shoulder injuries a popular topic in the medical field. Physicians have been researching ways to improve patients' recovery and return their range of motion back to normal. One such