1947 Essays

  • National Security Act of 1947

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    The advent of the interagency process coincided with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. This landmark legislation dramatically altered the landscape of the federal government at the dawn of the Cold War. Although various presidential administrations adjusted their foreign policy methods to meet their own requirements, this act established the basic framework of coordination necessary for America’s position as a global superpower. Why have the national security advisor and the NSC

  • The 1947 Studbaker

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    city street heads are turning and staring. The 1947 Studebaker was not just simply a new toy for the rich and famous -- its sleek design and pepy advertisement alludes to something much more: hope. Hope for the changing country, hope for a recovering economy, and believing that people could still have nice things. Studebaker advertises not only to the ritzy and famous but also to the blue-collar worker. This was pulled off by strategically placing the 1947 Studebaker in the center of the advertisement

  • Texas City Disaster Essay

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    The Texas City Disaster of 1947 was a disaster that really left a impact to the world. The Texas City Disaster of 1947 was one of the world's worst industrial disasters. Two days before the disaster a fire had occurred at the dock where the boat was stationed. The fire that happened two days before the disaster was started by a cigarette. And their is a law stating that their is no smoking on or around the dock. The grandcamp boat was a recently re-activated boat that measured 437 feet in length

  • Personal Narrative: My Interview With A Rutherford County Elections Operator

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    When I first contacted the Rutherford County Elections Coordinator, I talked to her boss, Alan Farley. I have known Alan since I started here at Middle Tennessee State University. He is the Elections Administrator. At the beginning, I believed that I was to interview him. He thought that it was odd because he is not employed by Rutherford County. He is employed by a board, and his job description is in a Tennessee State Handbook. When I arrived to my interview with him, he realized that I was to

  • Political And Economic Changes In Bulgaria

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    Political and Economic Changes In Bulgaria Over the course of the past two months, January and February 1997, Bulgaria has undergone some sweeping political changes and its economy has deteriorated into further collapse. The following is an attempt to describe the events which took place in Bulgaria in January and February of 1997. This is somewhat of a difficult task given the current rate of political, economical and social changes which are occurring in Bulgaria. What follows is an account of

  • The 1947 Roswell Crash

    2062 Words  | 5 Pages

    In 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed into the small town of Roswell, New Mexico. The United States Air Force published a report in 1994. So why do conspiracists still believe an alien crashed into Roswell? After a hot humid day in July 1947, severe and violent thunderstorms filled the night sky. Long time farmer, Mac Brazel was used to thunder, and storms out in the country. Although something about this night was different. He heard an extremely loud crash, though didn’t think much of

  • India Before 1947

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    India, before 1947, was a country divided by many regions, languages, religions and cultures. On August 14th, 1947, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan became independent. On August 15th, 1947, the jewel of the British Empire, India, was granted independence. India had been divided, primarily along a religious line, into two pieces. There are many different reasons why partition occurred. When the British oppressed India, they had a divide and conquer policy that exacerbated the religious and cultural

  • Anglican Adherence From 1947 to 2011

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    changed from 1947 to 2011? Anglican adherence has seen a dramatic decrease from 39% in 1947 to 17.1% in 2011. Which Christian denomination had the highest percentage of adherents in 2011? In the 2011 Religious Affiliation in Australia census data, ‘Catholic’ recorded the highest percentage of adherents, at 25.3%. The 1971 Census included the option of describing yourself as having ‘no religion’ if this applied to you. Why and how has this category changed since 1947? Between 1947 and 1971, even

  • The Truman Commission Report (1947)

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    hand (The Truman Commission Report, 1947). The Truman Commission Report of 1947 (1947) was a collective response to this discussion that was created to address the changing needs for students and simultaneously provide a blueprint for the future. In 1946, institutions of higher education were experiencing a great upsurge in enrollment

  • The Search For Longitude Book Report

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    The Search for Longitude The book Longitude, written by Dava Sobel, discussed the issue of finding longitude. According to the author, determining longitude was a very difficult task to overcome. Several captains during the Age of Exploration were misplaced due to the issue of finding longitude, even though they possessed the most advanced charts and compasses of their time (Sobel, pg. 6). The book described that the main focus of this time was to discover a solution to the longitude problem. The

  • The Causes of Indian Independence in 1947

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Causes of Indian Independence in 1947 In 1947 India was declared an independent country from Britain, after years of peaceful and violent protests, pressure from all sides, and numerous promises. Not only this, but Pakistan was also formed by partitioning the country into two, providing a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. Although independence was greeting with relief from all, partition came with riots, millions of murders and a hatred between countries that has not healed

  • Social Commentary in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

    1241 Words  | 3 Pages

    Social Commentary in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell The play, Blood Brothers by Willy Russell, is a twisted tale of two brothers born on the same day and from the same womb, yet they live in two entirely different worlds. In the scene with Russell Eddie and Mickey meeting for the first time. At first Mickey is suspicious of Eddie, (Mickey – “hello” suspiciously), but at that innocent age they talking and quickly bond. Eddie is well-mannered in all his ways – “ill look it up in the dictionary”

  • Isolation In Minnie Wright's Isolation

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    Minnie Wright was isolated from almost everyone throughout the course of her marriage. The main time Minnie was isolated is during the day while her husband was working. “‘Not having children makes less work,’ mused Mrs. Hale, after a silence, ‘but it makes a quiet house-and Wright out to work all day’” (Glaspell 511). Being the only person ever inside of a house is very lonely, and it was rare for a woman to ever even leave the house. “Furthermore, [John] refuses to have a telephone; and, as we

  • Johnny In The Short Story The Father

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    However, the father’s satisfactory efforts at reconciling his relationship with his son fails and creates more distance between the two. The Father’s first attempt to reconciliate with Johnny is by purchasing him a new scout uniform to replace Johnny’s existing uniform. As John says “I don't want those goon’s down at the church thinking i'm too cheap to buy him one.” (68) Johnny quickly realizes he was not buying the scout uniform for him but for his own reputation. Johnny felt that John was being

  • Bernhard Goetz Trial

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    The Bernhard Goetz Trial 1987 Throughout history there has been considerable tension between race and crimes committed. The court trial of Bernhard Goetz initiated debate on race and crime in the major cities, and the limitations of self-defense. Bernhard Goetz in 1984 shot five bullets in a New York City subway, seriously wounding four young black men. After turning himself into the police nine days later, the public now knew who was the shooter. Bernhard Goetz was entitled the “Subway Vigilante”

  • Who Is Dava Sobel Solve The Miscalculation Of Longitude?

    1572 Words  | 4 Pages

    Daniel Mullins Dr. Chakars His 154 23 April 2018 Book Review: Longitude by Dava Sobel Longitude is a nonfiction book written by Dava Sobel. As the title of the book suggests, the main focus of this book is on the problem of longitude. Prior to the 18th century, world travelers and navigators were not able to determine their longitude at sea. This was a huge problem for shipmen at the time and caused many ships to be lost at sea as well as many shipwrecks. The problem of not being able to calculate

  • The Comparing And Contrasting Of Hotel Rwanda And 1947 Earth

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    The comparing and contrasting of Hotel Rwanda and 1947 Earth In the film Hotel Rwanda and 1947 Earth you see many similar features such as tensions between 2 or more parties, friends betraying one another, rioting and military coups. Though rooted in different times and nations the two share very common attributes. And with respect to the viewer each story is told through the eyes of neutral parties such as Paul and his Hutu heritage and his wife’s Tutsi heritage, and Lenny-baby and her neutral

  • The Holy Cross 1947 National Basketball Championship

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Holy Cross 1947 National Basketball Championship The school was small. The program was an afterthought. The gymnasium was non-existent. That a team from the College of the Holy Cross should find itself in the championship game of the NCAA Tournament was a preposterous notion. But there was Holy Cross, the product of a happy accident rather than a well-conceived plan, preparing to meet Oklahoma for the national title in New York. In March 1947, the team without a home court had appropriated

  • Essay

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    to prevent any future attacks like Pearl Harbor, led to President Truman signing the National Security Act of 1947. The National Security Act of 1947 created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). President Truman’s vision of the CIA was a peacetime intelligence agency that provided early warnings in the event of an attack. After President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947, a loophole was found. The National Security Act “instructed the CIA to correlate, evaluate, and disseminate intelligence

  • Partition Of Pakistan Essay

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Prior to August 14, 1947, India was part of the British Empire who thought that the Hindus and Muslims could live together as one nation. However, he Muslims who lived in the area which today is known as Pakistan were becoming increasingly displeased with the religious differences between themselves and the Hindus who lived in their area. Pakistan was created at midnight on August 14, 1947. India won its independence from British rule the next day. The partition was a major event because it was the