To a Wise one Dying Old

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For a very long time the question has been apparent in humans minds. The question is whether to die young and remembered? Or to die old withering and slowly being forgotten. In our prime when were at our best in life there may have been records set by one single person or even as a team. As we age as all humans do those records are broken over and over again by those generations and generations below us. Slowly those who were once all stars and super stars are being forgotten by those who know them and the generations coming in who never knew them and never will. On the physical side we go from strong and sturdy to old and withering away as our bones deteriorate. Some will answer that they’d rather die young and not have to deal with being forgotten and some believe that it’s better to live longer because there is more to life. To begin, although sports are a large part of some people’s lives there’s more to life than just sports. Once someone sets a record in high school, college or even at the professional level there is still always going to be someone who comes up behind the...

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